June 05, 2019

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2019.06.05

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: Latest political bullshit 

(First half hour missing. I did not get the memo about Fetzer switching from studio B to studio A.)

@ Jim. Pozner is not hiding under your desk fucking with your WiFi or Ethernet cable.  This is beyond silly. Fetcho actually has to look at a clock to make sure he doesn't talk over commercials. As Davis Lurmann would say: SKYPE SUCKS DONKEY BALLS!

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  1. does NOT open.comes up ERROR

  2. Well that's unusual "9500 internal server error" It means can't play. Page completely blank except at top where it says the above.

    I was going to post this, and I still am but thought I would do Fetzer the courtesy of listening while I post something that is not related but might be a good idea to have him on one day.

    Segment from latest Linh Dinh essay.

    "It’s no mystery, really. I’ve become a pariah because I’ve repeatedly attacked Jewish power. That’s the one unforgivable cardinal sin in that Jew-dominated nation, where every public intellectual, academic, politician and even the president must prostrate himself endlessly before this mendacious, blood thirsty and vindictive Moloch.

    How can they forgive me for calling their sacred Holocaust an elaborate myth that’s “propped up by a shoahload of bogus scholarship and hundreds of tear jerking movies”? And I’ve added, “The Holocaust does not explain genocide but enables it, but few dare to say so, for fear of Jewish power.”

    Jewish power has only inconvenienced my life a bit, not humiliated me daily, bulldozed my house, arrested me, tortured me, shot me or destroyed my entire society, so I’m the slightest casualty among its millions of victims. Americans, though, are both victims and mercenaries of Jewish power, for even as they help Jewish power to destroy other societies, their own is being deformed and wrecked by Jewish power. America is Jewish power’s war horse, galloping towards the glue factory.

    Wars fought for Israel are added to the list of American war crimes, to be condemned by Jews as evidence of the innate evilness of the white race.

  3. That's weird. I got the same "9500 internal server error" went to the Sync tab where I was still logged in, refreshed the page and now it works.

  4. Correction: Skype gargles donkey balls, hairy donkey balls.
    Skype forces both donkey balls in your mouth, and while your choking on their ineptitude, Skype then crams the donkey-cock of H1B-visa code-monkeys down your throat.
    The conclusion of this enriching multi-jurisdictional, multi-national, mystery-meat fiasco, catastrophe, disaster, and failure climaxes in an update that revokes all previous settings and inexplicably moves commonly used buttons and toggles to the most esoteric of all locations deep in the Skype menu options...
    Like I said, Skype gargles huge, massive, throbbing donkey-balls.

    Davis Lurmann outie'

    (still lovin' Jess Southern's hind-parts... just saying)


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