July 26, 2019

ICE Officers Terrorize Father In Front Of Children (Antifa loves this bullshit)

The audio and video seem to have been edited in at least four places. Does the father sound terrorized? Do you hear children crying? Are there even any children in that car?


  1. Screw this commie clown. He repeats the MSM lies and talking points regarding the border. Those children that died should be blamed on their parents or the smugglers that brought them. By attempting to compare the border with 1930's Germany outs who runs the Majority report, JEWS!

  2. This jew equates illegal border crossing with"jay walking".Now let's look at jew/Israeli atrocities. Or how about the jewish run Soviet "Gulags"? Such shameless, lying, hypocrites! I'd like to know what % of the jews "work" for Marxist, ant-White NGO's, aiding & abetting the illegal invasions, jew propaganda mills, etc., versus holding any job which remotely benefits society (and Re: "benefits", I can't, in good conscience, count bankers, insurers, investors, media pundits, academics, or even many, if not most, in the "healthcare" industry).

  3. What’s going on here? Lessons on what’s acceptable from a fuckin Jew who creams his Seder pants every time he gets the chance to say “fascist “ or “nazi”


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