August 19, 2019

The David Duke Show 2019.08.19

Dr. David Ernest Duke (born 1 July 1950) is a European American best known as an advocate for the rights of Europeans in the United States and around the world as well as criticisms of Jewish supremacism. Duke has been a prolific author, politician and media personality whose works have reached very large audiences. Consequently he has often been attacked and misrepresented in various ways.

Today: Dr Duke and Augustus Sol Invictus
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  1. "Epstein is dead"
    Did you see the stretcher pics? Has the thought ever entered your self-aggrandizing mind that he was let off the hook and you're being played? Why don't you ever debate someone on 9/12 or anything?
    Just retire Duke you're past your sell-by date.

  2. sat night's renegade show is kyle/sinead ragging on DD on his most recent $$$ campaign (claims he needs $25-50K for attorney) & the 1,534 ways you can get ur $$$ to him (don't forget your Life Insurance, & Last Will!); and granted, DD is a black-hole re donations.

  3. Duke would sell his his own brother a rat's arsehole for a wedding ring.

  4. I'll donate $50 if he'll debate Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson on the Karazian conversion question or Dr. Jim Fetzer on 9/11. Maybe I should pledge $500 because it'll never happen.

  5. Duke is a has been. Never trusted him. But, he bashed the viper parasites and Jones pretty well for two hours, once. - Never talks about the hoax or 911 and that's the big red flag for me. He seems to be a little bitch in a mans body and I have a feeling he gets on his knees at his "gym workouts" if Bubu offers to donate 10.00 to him. IYKWIM.
    Great to see him exposed on this platform for sure. Go Panzer!

  6. Lol Renegade was beating up on Duke too.

  7. It's not only 9/11 & the h'hoax; I don't think he's ever taken a full "FF/psyop/hoax" view of any of the dozens of Gladio deception-events we've had in recent years -- he just presents a slightly joo wize spin on why... the official kosher story/patsy did as they did. /rolleyes

    & then there's how he keeps himself cocooned from outside criticism on his 2 main venues: his show has never taken live random callers, & his site's articles don't allow comments.

    He keeps details of this supposed civil case against him now, totally vague. Only says "coz he was AT Charlottesville" -- and that's it! He could at least spell out details of the complaint against him, but NO - just trust he's in legal jeopardy, & send him some coin!

  8. Ya ALAN BUTTLE pointed this out months back. I gotta admit i had a blind spot there. I know there was people on this site that didnt pick up what he was puttin down. Unfortunatly as they say world views hardin at the same rate as arteries even if you have so called "alternative views".


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