August 05, 2019

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2019.08.04

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: Guest Lori Price
The Real Deal Archives

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  1. The witnesses are more calm because the chances are that they are in shock.
    People lose their best friends and family members, and out of the box you think their all faked. How terrible for family members that are so severely suffering from these tragic losses and right out of the box, people like this say that it's all been faked. !@#$%^&*()
    There are plenty plenty plenty of people on psychotropic drugs with sever depression that have no problem killing people. Take Adam Lanza for instance. The kid was loaded up to the gills on psycho drugs. He even murdered his mother with her gun. Here's a link to the best book ever written on the Sandy Hook murders.

    PS: Mass shootings make law abiding citizens buy more guns. Stop living with your dreamed up assumptions. They hurt the innocent victims very much. Don't they Jim?

  2. "The witnesses are more calm because the chances are that they are in shock."
    In this case that is plausible and I am cautious towards jumping into the nobody died conclusion until enough evidence arises AS IT HAS IN SANDY HOAX.

    Dr. Fetzer will speak for himself but I don't recall him stating the entire El Paso situation was fabricated. What was discussed is the lack of video surveillence evidence, EMS response, and most importantly the witnesses and statements indicating multiple shooters in black. These reports, which are are discarded once the FBI et al parade around their lone nut of the week, are identical to past events such as the Aurora theatre and Sikh Temple shooting. 9/11 and OKC are examples of real events with massive death tolls perpetrated to advance political objectives. Go back to the Argentine bombings of 1992/1994, Beirut bombing, and the Lavon Affair for more examples. The people who orchistrate these events will kill. Sandy Hook had a large Jewish representation which may be why they skipped the bloodbath.

  3. They lie all the time, they have killed millions of people in the Middle East, based on the lies of 911. They killed Bill Cooper. They killed Barry Jennings. They Killed JFK. They killed Lady Dianna. It is easier to fake it in USA.

  4. They lied about going to the moon, they celebrate the fiftieth year of the lie of the moon landing.
    They lie that the Titanic sunk, it was the Olympic and it was deliberate for insurance fraud.
    They lie about CO2. The climate changes all the time, but it is not CO2, there is a lack of CO2 which gives life, see Partick Moore.
    They lie all the time, they are sick in the head, they will see their maker one day.

  5. They want to take away the guns to stop violence, but they are killing people all over the world, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lybia etc, they love guns.

  6. Sometimes they kill, sometimes they fake, so what. They should be locked up for murder or fraud. Take your pick!

  7. All so very true Bill. So very true. The strong fact that can't be hidden much longer is that the Bolshevik Jews first disarmed the population to make murdering so many of them possible. Funny that the Jews in America are now demanding gun confiscations. Hmmmm. The end game is very near, if it already hasn't started.

  8. I just call the bad guys "they". They can be any religion or race. I know what you are saying. But it can be argued that there has been identity fraud with the Khazars etc, mixed marriages where the mother is now the the determinating person whereas in (if real) the Old Testament said the father determines the race, dilution etc. Surely any person can become any religion they want, and not be any religion they want. They do not need the approval of people who set themselves up as the determinators of fact, when their own justification is self determined. So forget the religion or race, the crooks are crooks, you may well be trciked into calling them a label that may not be real. I would say a Jew is someone who does the ten commandments, not a gangster who kills robs and lies.

  9. The Romans and English took over the following of a Jew called Jesus the Christ, so the story goes. The Khazars adopted the Jewish religion, so the story goes. They changed the rule on which parent determines the religion of the child, it was the father now it is the mother, why can't the child decide, it is their religion if they want it?. The Muslims argue which is the correct version of their religion.


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