September 02, 2019

A Clown World Parade To Stifle Dissent

Walsh focused on ‘police misconduct’ after protestor violence

Mayor Martin Walsh is focusing on accusations of “police misconduct” — even as nine people face charges of assault and battery on police officers at the scene of this weekend’s Straight Pride Parade, where four cops were injured.

When asked about the prosecution of the arrestees and complaints about the police response, Walsh said in a statement, “Let me be clear that I take any accusation of police misconduct seriously. I also want to be clear that sowing division between people is exactly the goal of Straight Pride organizers, and I will not stand for it. Just as the people of Boston work to make our values of love, inclusion and acceptance known to all, our public safety officials work tirelessly to keep people safe from harm every single day of the year, and that will never change.”

During and after Saturday’s controversial Straight Pride Parade, 36 people were arrested and four police officers injured. The Herald witnessed counter-protesters getting into altercations with police officers and one self-identified member of the left-wing group Antifa told the paper that violence is the only option against the Straight Pride organizers. Cops said they used pepper spray after people threw so-called milkshakes at them — liquid concoctions that sometimes include chemicals — and that officers found handcuff keys and razor blades on some people they detained, according to published reports.


  1. Losers all around. Jews are the winners.

  2. Yes they are because they orchestrated both sides.

  3. As amusing as this video may seem to some people, the time and energy being squandered at this 'event' will never be recovered and put to effective use. It came and went like a fart in the breeze.


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