September 24, 2019

Greta Thunberg to world leaders: 'How dare you? You have stolen my dreams and my childhood'

They really chose a very bad actress for that stupid role.


  1. A funny comment from YT:

    "MrJoda0089 minutes ago
    Bc of this video I'm going to go outside and burn a few tires 👍☠️🤪"


  2. This is child abuse plain and simple.

  3. Climate Zionist. If that is not a thing, it is now. And yes, I have determined that it is a politically correct term.

  4. What a fvking NASTY creature, Man. Everything about that little bitch is just mean-spirited, lack-of-worldly-experience, and just plain NASTY, as-a-human-being.

    Look at her attitude, and her facial-expressions, and tell me that she is not a literally brainwashed useful-idiot, being intentionally-manipulated by (((her handlers))), in-order to brainwash Leftist-Lunatics, predominately in Europe, because most Americans can recognize a literally mentally-ill mal-content, like that creature, and keep moving.

  5. she looks really unhealthy, maybe her brain is messed up b/c she's vegan.

  6. Greta Thunberg: "How dare you; you have destroyed my future."
    I'm pretty sure your chromosomes are what have done that...

  7. MUST READ: Greta Thunberg Pushed to Prominence by ANTIFA Parents and Soros Connections

    The Greta phenomenon is far from organic.

    Sep 24, 2019
    By Shane Trejo

  8. from Syrian Girl; includes <2 min Rachael Corey medley clip; plz retweet:

    Syrian Girl 🇸🇾
    The difference between establishment created child activists like #GretaThunberg and organic ones like Rachel Corrie is, real symbols of rebellion are crushed by the elites, run over by bulldozers. They're not given Nobel prizes, yacht rides & book deals.
    9:38 PM · Sep 24, 2019

  9. I’m sure Prince Andrew could give her something to smile about

  10. open my window it's cool and windy like every fall but she's acting like some kike trying to guilt me into paying 15% more for gasoline.

  11. ....and farts floating in on the breeze from 1.4 Billion scientists in Africa.


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