September 06, 2019

Interview with Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein #Satire 100%


  1. Have you ever put your hand in water that is so hot, that it feels cold for a moment? Yeah. Like that.

  2. Even when they tell you outright you don't believe it

  3. A couple of years ago, the Jeff Rense site posted a link to the interview in the belief that it was the real deal. Finkelstein was of course played by Pastor Bob Jones, who was James Wickstrom's co-host for many years.

  4. I posted this on conspiracycentral back in 2006-7 (as satire)
    comes back every year or two

  5. the real deal, I believe, is the (((Harold Wallace Rosenthal))) interview,

    further affirmed by his murder by mossad in another obvious FF blamed on Palestinian ter'sts.../rolleyes

  6. I bought a hard copy of the alleged Rosenthal interview back in the 90s, and my first thought upon reading it was that it was bogus because it read like a very bad movie script. I still believe it isn't the genuine article. But if it isn't, why isn't it? Why would someone concoct an interview with a (at the time of its publication) dead Jew? For the same reason that a disaffected white nerd with a penchant for guns shoots a bunch of non-whites, to get the racial holy war started. The person or persons who wrote the Rosenthal interview thought that if they could get a fairly well-known, contemporary Jew, albeit a deceased one, to admit to the Jewish world conspiracy that enough whites would wake up and then rise up to give ZOG what for.

    So much for that idea.

  7. Well - what's the consensus? I've heard this recording a couple times before, and as outrageous as it seems, I never got hot and heavy about it, by sharing it in a fever pitch, with others.

    Albeit, in this comment section, is the first debate I've seen of it, as there are two camps - real/ fake - satire.

    Well - which is it? Satire- scripted, and the co-host played the part?

    I heard that Oates did reverse speech on this and it was congruent. I haven't heard the dissection (yet?), just that he did (@Rense?).


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