September 12, 2019

New WTC 7 Alaska study Debunked (for the LOLZ)


  1. Okayyy, l lasted 15mins and bailed for several reasons, not the least being that the general tone of arrogance was too irritating.

    As far as their claim that WTC 7 was a natural fail due to damage, are we supposed to forget Lucky Larry's own admission that "The decision was made to pull it."? I've seen the video where he states it - it's not some "Truther" fantasy.

    And what of the BBC skank standing there, live, announcing the building had collapsed - some 20mins before the event, and with it clearly visible behind her?

  2. I lasted 24 minutes before I had to leave to puke. Did Dawson forget about all the witnesses who said they heard multiple explosions like William Rodriguez and the firemen who were in the building, or is he calling them a bunch of liars too?

    I used to think Mr Dawson had some common sense, but this bs ENDS his credibility with me!! There's no way I could ever listen to this guy again except for possibly ENTERTAINMENT purposes ONLY!!!

  3. And why was the crime scene evidence cleaned up as quickly as it was and shipped off to China BEFORE an investigation? Because it made downtown look messy? And Bush/Cheney and their zionist pals REFUSED to investigate this for over a year. Why Mr Dawson? It should be entertaining to hear how Dawson and his "guest" explain that.

  4. Dawson lost credibility with me when he insisted that Sandy Hook was real

  5. just before the end, 47 min mark, dawson says that there are so many engineers and scientist out there that disagree with this report, WTF would he know already, has he asked them all

    just did unfollow on twitter

    His guest isn't even credible

    I'm don't with this guy, have given so many chances, disagree with so much of his bullshit

    fuck that

  6. LMAO... You should have posted up front that it was a Ryan Dawson production!

    As soon as I heard his voice I clicked out. Can't stand the man's arrogance.

    Glad to read the others' comments.

    1. I would buy a punching bag with his face and sound.

  7. I was watching this in bed this morning and was debating in my head whether to post this as a joke or not and then I fell asleep. I suspected that Ognir was going to do it anyway.

    His claim that the south side of building 7 having been damaged by the north tower debris does not explain a perfect collapse. It should have fallen asymmetrically IMO.

    There might be something to this though. The U Alaska report might be flawed on purpose to make it risible for other engineers. It's in the realm of possibilities considering the types of A holes that we are dealing with.

  8. ry at the end of the video said he's expecting to get shit for this, I wonder why

  9. I ruined his day once when he was filling in for Michael Rivero. He kept his composure through my call but it started a flood of others. My call is first.

    At the 28:00 mark Ryan says the nose cone CGI gaff in the south tower is a landing gear LOL

  10. @Panzerfaust- Is this what you are talking about:

    I've been looking into the video fakery angle--it's still hard for me to figure out what's real and what's been faked. But I noticed that in all of the video shown live that morning, they sky is kind of hazy and weird colors, which doesn't match the fact that it was a clear day,and the video quality is grainy and crappy.

    1. That is exactly what I'm talking about. Fetzer has sided with the hologram theory due to the witnesses seeing an aircraft and military radar tracking an aircraft in an identical path abet 1300 feet or so away. I don't believe one negates the other as convincing footage would have to be shown on TV.

      BTW I haven't relistened to my talk with Dawson on July 2 until now. Notice his reply when I bring up Judy Wood accidentally revealing communication with the JDL! Seems to me now he was uncomfortable discussing it.

  11. BTW. Ryan and his "debunker" claim the same old crap that the steal got too hot and this one didn't even get soaked with kerosene.

    In the history of human made skyscrapers, never has one collapsed due to fires. Some of them have burned for days without structural failure.

    This one is like the JFK magic bullet I guess.

    What a bunch of lying mofos.

  12. A blast from his past-

  13. What are these things shooting out of WTC 1?
    I have yet to hear of any mention. There are several minutes of unexploded pyro or something leaving the tower.

  14. Ryan "Sandy Hook Hoax Denier" Dawson trying to set the record on 911 straight. Right.

  15. Good to see everyone here on the same page as me re Dawson. It's like that Scott dude (can't remember his last name) that always manages to find a "it was just a typical govt lazy fuck up and the official explanation is correct except they won't take responsibility for being useless".

    Funny how when it benefits the 1% government is never incompetent...

  16. Scott Horton maybe? Something like that

  17. Chris Dorsey sounds like a big mouthed jackass to me. Ryan Dawson is actually making sense!


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