September 28, 2019

The Alan Buttle Radio Show 2019.09.28

Episode 28 - Greta Thunberg, her recent attack at/on the UN and the phenomenon of child climate "activists".



  1. Now I get it Alan is a born again. This makes sense, all that derisive certainty based on nothing but a particular interpretation of a chain of fragments.

    Pretty sure Assange is actually in jail...

  2. Dennis Wise has Pointed-Out: That the Rothschilds DON'T "Always back BOTH sides..."!
    (Sooo many: "Smarter than the Rest of us..." Talkers are in-"LOVE" with such "Neat&Tidy" "clever" Frameworks of "Ideas" ... Without much Real-Concern for Actual "On-the-Ground" Reality / TRUTH!)

    Alan throwing-in: Hitler/Nazis funded-by-((())) with his Chuckle, amongst Looong-patches on useless-tripe ...

    And Joseph Atwill's on Timothy-Kelly "It's ALL the SAME..." "Hitler-was-Funded..."
    (This "Neat&Tidy" "everything is the SAME..." stuff/guff, versus SEEING-Differences, MAKES one Stupider while imagining-oneself-to-have-Become-"Smarter" !!!)

    REALLY rubs ME up-the-Wrong-Way! :-(

    I think that Dennis Wise's Dad's TAKE on "WWII" and how Europe was the Christian-Forces AGAINST Godless-Communist/Freemason Forces-for-Evil ... is a GOOD Framework for TRYING to Truthfully + Logically Understand somewhat "WWII", Jewish-Machinations, and HOW to: OPPOSE/STOP/REVERSE (((their))) Corrosive-(((influences))) !!! 🌝 🌚 🌞

    ONLY the Jew "won "WWII"!"
    -- If Germany Had WON... the White-World would BE in a Far FAR Better State Right-Now!
    -- It is Almost Unimaginable just How-MUCH we have LOST! ... Maybe even the Continued EXISTENCE of the White-Race!

  3. What the "HELL" kind of "writing" is that + Albert!!? Are you...scribbling (((hieroglyphs))) USING-crayons?!! ":-(" 💁👌🎍😍

    IF you're-trying-to AVOID ai/Algorithms,-etc... IT (((AIN'T))) working...!!!-YOU stick+out(((like)))-a-sore "THUMB"!! 😮🌞

  4. Unknown, thanks for listening. You rank among the grey masses, of whom i hear lots of things like: "Pretty sure planes flew into the twin towers. Pretty sure Jo Cox is dead. Pretty sure people died at Sandy Hook. Pretty sure Jeffrey Epstein is dead. Pretty sure we went to the moon." in order to deride someone who presents evidence or speculation to the contrary. I understand how you really want Assange to be in jail. That's fine. I do too.

    Albert, i sympathise bUt do n't apologise FOR presenting facts about (((Hitler))) that 'R' hard 2 swallow for someone who wants to DEIFY (((him))). Un4tunately 4U there is a huge amount of evidence placing him with the (((globalists))).

    Zap, hi!

  5. You're more into leaps of faith - yes I got that.

  6. It's a leap of faith to trust the government / media / authorities when they say Assange is in prison.

  7. Hmm.. Facts? Hmm, fact check and verify! From where? Reliable sources from books and articles published by who. One man's fact is another man's lie. We believe what we want to believe and truth is subjective to those beliefs and therefore questionably reliable as most our thoughts are not our own and have been planted by presumed facts.

    It is just commerce, which is above war is the funding thereof. War does not, never has halted commerce, as that would be the ultimate sin.
    Did not Ford America supply trucks and the like for the Soviet mobilization of the 1930s? It is just commerce, Lex Mercatoria,

  8. ^ which is above war and the funding thereof ^
    Kind of like patriotism to a corporation?

  9. Is there anyone who came from nowhere and was turned into a superstar MORE than Jesus Christ? I'll wait....

  10. Alan Buttle, your (((Hitler))) theory is as retarded as retard gets.

  11. And NO I don't want Assange in jail! Very much the opposite I want out of jail. YOU want him jail but are certain he isn't there because reasons - and no-one has to trust the government or media we can listen to his parents and other personal visitors. Is Assanges father a superstar too? Your reasoning is utterly confused...

  12. Guys, I am not "that" Unknown, just so that you know.

    Anyway, every one of you needs to go to President Trump's Twitter, and read the two dozen, or so, posts from August 29, 2019, and especially some specific words that he has used, like "I am demanding an investigation into schiff, and others, FOR HIGH-TREASON AND FRAUD"...

    Yeah, the shit has finally gotten real.


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