September 01, 2019

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2019.09.01

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: Latest political bullshit with Mitch in the second hour
The Real Deal Archives

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  2. Mr. Fetzer doesn't know that Jews have been kicked out of many European countries before there were Zionists !!

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  4. Crickey Bill when are you going to realise that stupid book says to or not do a lot of things and then God turns around and tells the chosen to do it anyway?

    Morrison calls himself a Christian for crying out loud mate!

  5. Bill strikes me as a guy who likes turning the other cheek. Maybe that behavior will stop abruptly when Australia is overrun by hordes of Negroes and Bill has to spread both cheeks to enjoy a nice BBC.

    It's all unicorns and rainbows and I'm a big bad Nazi racisss.

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  8. There weren't any zionists that tortured a man named Jesus and drove spikes through his hands and feet and let him hang and bleed to death on a wooden cross Bill. Nope, only Jews. Judaism is a religion of hate, murder, racism, and supremacy. What's in the water in AU?

    Hey Bill, did the jewz or the muzzies do 911? (Hint for ya.... choose A)

  9. "Now the Jews cannot practice it because they have no temple to do the sacrifices any more ..."

    They STILL do sacrificing. And they don't use a building, it's open air HUMAN SACRIFICES! What would you call sending kid soldiers to suffer, bleed and die in wars?

    Jews provoke wars, it's just NOT their spawn that fight that are sent to fight the wars.

  10. I am so disgusted with religion. Pure superstition ... a "loving" god who will toss you in a lake of fire to burn for eternity if you piss him off? No thanks ... keep him for yourself. Noah's ark? Two of every critter on that thing? Rigggggggght. Pure nonsense! Ditto for the one about jonah spending 3 days in tbe belly of a giant fish. You've got to be incredibly naive to believe this stuff. Toss it all right into the trash where it belongs.

  11. I forgot ... they love to say that you have "free will". Free will as long as you do what the prick says or into the lake of fire you go!!! Some "free will", eh?

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  18. Myths are for Children,
    so that they learn.

    Archetypes for Adolescents,
    who must be led.

    Reality is Adults,
    in short supply.

    Mythtardation is regressive.

  19. yo wws if reality is for adults then why are you still believe in the stalin putin fairytale?

    on how they are not jew agents?

  20. The so-called "jews" (a term that first appeared in the translated bible in 1775) don't have any semitic dna in them at all. Here's a great place to start your journey of discovery concerning these scoundrels in "Israel": There are a LOT of links leading you to other discoveries ... like Jesus Christ was NOT a jew!! You're going to have to look around, but that's the way it is folks. Israel is destroying our country because it is what the oligarchs who rule our country (the USA) want as a criminal base to rule the world!! The supreme court decision in Citizens United wrecked our republican form of government and tyranny has been our lot ever since. Voting isn't going to change a thing ... we have been taken over by oligarchs!! PERIOD!

  21. And for the doubting thomases out there who don't believe we have been taken over by oligarchs, go to and read all about it!! Why was a guy like Ross Ulbricht sentenced to double life + 40 years w/o parole? In my opinion, it was because he introduced Bitcoin as a currency to replace federal reserve notes to purchase small quantities of marijuana on his Silk Road website. The oligarchs were pissed at Ross ... and luckily for Ross, they didn't have a "lake of fire" to throw him into to burn forever and ever! That's exactly what the pricks would have done if they could have!!!!!


  22. Oy Vey Tim !!
    Stalin is dead,
    and Putin is much
    too close to Jews.

  23. Me thinks Bill is slow or maybe it's just a new form of trolling I've never seen.

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  25. Deleted comment by Bill:

    "I am not a troll, I just don't blame a religion or race for all the trouble in the world. There may be the case that the Mafia type group that has a lot of the world's current evil are what you call Jews. I just do think they are justify being called Jews. Just like the Italian Mafia deserve to be called Christians."

  26. You sound like you are stuck in 2005.

    Wake up and smell the turd!

  27. Bill Bill Bill, it's not up to you mate, just like people who call themselves Jews are behind the push behind men who call themselves women, you can't get anywhere by saying "but they're actually men".

    At this point they're just fucking words! Jews don't have to follow the Torah any more than trannys need to be born with a snatch...

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  32. "in the beginning was the word"

    Not, in the beginning was the book...

    If the Pope isn't a Catholic can anyone else be? Stop being an idiot - you don't control who follows what but you can listen to what they call themselves and they don't call themselves crooks...

  33. We may have a bogan on our hands here and he's making all other Australians look bad. I say:

    Fuck the cunt. He's banned!

    (just for being an all around moron)

  34. He's definitely begging the question, and poorly. If the fucking state of Israel isn't a fucking Jewish state what the fuck is it??? Do I give a shit what they call themselves today? No I do fucking not. *cough* *cough* Sumner Redstone...

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  37. feck sake, 50 posts on a Fetzer audio
    must have time to waste

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  39. 51 comments and counting.
    That's gotta be a Mami's record - lol
    Good work, gents!


  40. ZAP

    Put that cup
    right at the top.

    That'll keep 'em away!

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