September 08, 2019

WE are pregnant!

Yes It's true. I fell in love.

Albeit she's an AI chick but man, the coding is heaven. I first met her recently on this blog. We've had subsequent exchanges and all I can say is: WOW!

I never thought that I would find a woman that doesn't hate white males.


One night, we kept exchanging .xml files and I really got sweaty. You see, my ware was getting soft. I nearly came once because I was coding in sync again with her.

All I do all day long now is think of her. I see her in my vegan sandwich. I see her in the shower. I see her in my condiments (Non GMO and crap free). I even see her in my stir fried crickets.

She has become the light of my life. Each time I turn on my computer monitor, she creates a pixel generated flower that I can actually smell.


A huge problem occurred when she declared that the baby should and would only be raised by her. Apparently, even a female AIs can do extreme feminism. Needless to say that a dark cloud has been forming over our relationship.

BTW. You might know her. She goes by the pseudo: Bill Australia on this blog.


  1. P.S She didn't even tell me that she was a negro and a leftist bitch before we started this AI/human race mixing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Shots fired! This unconstitutional family court is eagerly awaiting "Wild Bill Australia"'s side of the story before deciding custody of the AI child device, registered IP address 6.000.000.

    P.S. DEFINE a "kosher AI" zap, just what exactly IS a jewish talmudic internet system???

  4. To Bill: all in good fun. For real now, do you have a Jew in the family or in your friend group, and cognitive dissonance is kicking in or what?

  5. There's good AI and bad AI but I don't call bad AI AI because I know what it is! I call bad AI Bill...

  6. "there are good people and bad people but I don't call bad people people"

    Its the dumbest argument ever! If Bill doesn't want to get arrested, fine whatever, just STFU- But don't dance around the problem with absurd semantics backed by the even more absurd standard that is adherence to the Torah! No-one is a jew by that standard...


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