October 31, 2019

Cannabis Heals Skin Cancer in 3 Weeks


  1. Brizer got brain death because his POISON his body and brain with this crap !!! Heal your skin cancer and WIPE your brain FOREVER !!! Anybody who smoke this SHIT is BRAIN DEATH IDIOT !!!!!!

  2. I'm willing to try it if it helps me forget this stupid comment..

  3. @ AdolfRichtar@gmail.com If you watched this video which you obviously didn't you will see that it's cannabis oil applied topically to the mans face which cured the skin cancer. As for smoking it well you're entitled to your opinion but going by the link you posted, a failed mainstream newspaper because its sales went through the floor, who would have no problem peddling the BS that chemo is great, vaccines are great, fluoride is great etc etc, it leaves me wondering about where you get your opinions from and who is the brain dead idiot here.

  4. Brizer is correct and has won the debate.

  5. Great post Brizer and brilliant stuff from Max, who didn't even bother to mention here cured himself from a skin cancer growth with just two applications.

  6. ROFL. Cancer can be cured, but idiocy may well be a permanent affliction from believing today's print media.

  7. Do you people have papers that provide much more information? I would really like to know about this, and have them included in my data-base.

  8. @said Was the use of papers an intentional pun?

    I remember Rick Simpson's run from the cure back in the day he showed how to make the oil in a rice cooker with naphtha. I have not watched this yet but can tell you I will never go for chemotherapy for cancer internally.My Rick also just used oil and band aids as his protocol.

  9. Juicing Raw Cannabis

    Dr. William L. Courtney, M.D

    1. It is the cannabinoids in cannabis NOT the THC that holds healing properties of the plant

    2. Heating the plant is absolutely the WRONG way to use it for health purposes

    3. Juicing provides all the healing effects with NONE of the "drug" effects


  10. https://www.cannabisinternational.org/interviews.php



  11. OMFG my brother. Putting out 'shit' like this will get you on the short list faster than screaming and screaming, something about WW2, outside a synagogue. lol

  12. Hey Zapoper, this old guy can't see feckin bicycles on a small screen. lol. got it right the "third" time, lol


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