October 09, 2019

Church apologises for hosting event staged by Keep Talking, a group founded by Holocaust denier

A London church has apologised for “inadvertently” hosting an event by a group founded by Holocaust denier Nick Kollerstrom.

According to anti-extremist group Hope Not Hate, one of the speakers was Miko Peled, an Israeli-American activist who caused uproar at a Labour conference fringe event when he appeared to support the questioning of the Shoah.


  1. Dr.Kollerstrom is NOT a "Holocaust denier", he is a researcher,
    a revisionist!
    One cannot deny an event that NEVER happened !

  2. Dr.Arthur Butz, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
    researches the 'Holocaust' in his book:
    'The Hoax of the Twentieth Century'
    Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 77-78964
    ISBN 0-911038

  3. Jesus told the Church not to worship idols.


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