October 07, 2019

Epstein Clinton Maxwell Interview Charlie Robinson The jewish Mafia


  1. What can we do ??
    Yes, write a book !!

  2. Oy vey, even NAZIS, like Werner v.Braun, played a role....
    It begs the question: could there have been more evil involved in this whole Maxwell-Epstein enterprise ??
    Don't forget to by his book, available at Amazon !

  3. Dumb and Dumber, which one is which you decide. Try this apologia @18:05 "I would subscribe to the David Icke philosophy; that Jews are probably the biggest victims in this" - And if you don't mind pissing your pants at historical nonsense LOL @19:30 "...to frame it in context that you'll appreciate: In the UK during the Thatcher administration you have Ted Heath negotiating the EEC which is the precursor to the EU..." Oy Vey! Oy Gevalt! With forensic 'researchers' and 'authors' of this quality victory is virtually guaranteed...for ZOG. BTW, has Alan Buttle's 'research' at his local Oxfam bookshop produced definitive proof yet that Hitler was controlled by the Jews?


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