October 20, 2019

Mami's Poll...

I thought it would be appropriate at this time to axe a question that keeps coming up in the lamestream media as well as the alt media: Will Hillhairy Clintoon run for president?
Does she pose a threat to our God-emperor Trump?
Will she even be the nominee of she chooses to run?

Please state your position and reasons why you believe it to be true.


  1. I think that they will dust off the old witch and bring her back. Explaining why is too time consuming. While we are at it, I also think that Andrew Scheer will win the Canadian election tomorrow night. He might have a minority government though.

  2. Yup she's running and she's going to run the exact same campaign - it's time for a woman president unless that woman is anyone but Hillary because they're probably Russian assets. Little girls deserve a President role model, unless that role model is anyone but Hillary. The only difference is this time she'll come in as the underdog...

    Its going to be fucking horrible but I still don't agree with Linds that the good guys are in charge.

  3. I also think Scheer will win. Trudeau is full board sjw feminist and bring against that is what wins elections.

  4. No. End of discussion.


  5. Well at least scorpio and Lindsey think the same.

  6. ^^ LOL
    I'm not so sure anymore.
    Recently Steve Bannon came out and said she's running but I hope
    to God she's not. It will be pure torture hearing her shrill voice
    and that ungodly cackle for the next year.

  7. The alternative media never ceases to amaze me! There hasn't been a "fair" election since electronic voting machines came into being! Vicky Davis has documented how bogus elections have been, over & over! Then Donald wins and the alternative media claim that he was voted in by white/fedup voters! Nonsense - Donald was "chosen" - he wasn't voted in! Shillary had a massive party planned for her coronation, suddenly 72 hours before the election she cancelled all of the show! She was told by our Oligarchs that she wasn't the choice of "The PEOPLE",. Not the people! This is all theater! The country is in receivership, thus Donald was put in - to tear the country apart, great job! Our Handlers have been doing this for over 6,000 years: have the people fighting each other - so they never focus on the real ENEMY! It doesn't matter who runs - like trained seals we will believe that we have some say, when we have NONE! It's still theater, enjoy the show!

  8. Most def running. "I beat him once, and I can beat him again". This time it will be all Russia, all the time. She had the last election "fixed" nine ways to Sunday, but Trump out fixed her. It will be, as always, who has the better "fix" machine. She has been running her color-coded "Purple" Revolution since 2016. She'll turn that up as high as she can. Most of the Trump people are hip to it, and they are armed. It will be touch and go

  9. I don't think she is going to run. It seems she is conducting her loyal public from the wings and keeping the Russian collusion meme going.

  10. You people are something else, sometimes...

    If you people read the comments that I do, in various media, you would know, for absolute certain, that The Creature is, quite possibly, THE most despised "politician" in the past decade, and I am not being hyperbolic. It is despised by ALL sides, including The Leftist-Lunatics, and, THAT, says-everything.

    There is nothing to discuss, People--it will not subject itself to another, MUCH, MUCH worse, defeat.

    It is fucking DONE.

  11. She may well run in the primaries - just to gain leverage, if for nothing else. Leverage against the DoJ to keep herself above prosecution (can't go after a political opponent, a la Biden's defense). And, remember back in 2008 - the day before Bilderberg started in Chantilly, VA .. suddenly Hillary bailed out and endorsed Obama, using her leverage to gain assurance of a Big Chair (SecState) from which to carry out a global shakedown of monetary proportions almost beyond comprehension. Christ, this time she may get Chair of the Federal Reserve or World Bank. ;-)

  12. LInds - Stop acting like you know everything and talking down to everyone.
    It's precisely this kind of behavior that really rubs people the wrong way.
    It's getting stale.

  13. @Forge - Those are some excellent points. I always had the suspicion
    that some kind of deal was cut in Chantilly in which the presidency
    was promised to her after Obomber was out of office. This was the
    genesis for the outrage and hatred towards Trump beginning the day
    he won the election.

  14. BTW Linds - you are on double secret probation here
    so be nice.

  15. I think she's shoe-horning her way back in.

    God help us, she's a sick thing (alien?), physically AND mentally.

  16. remember zap scorpio is a GOP agent..... whahahahah (according to moneyjunkie rivero)

    but yeah she is running again

  17. ^^^ LOL Tim
    That was hilarious. Said I was reading GOP talking points and
    an agent for Romney, then hung up on me.

    Yes, Nona she is sick... human?....hmmm

    So far, poll is favoring It's my turn v2.0.... make that v3.0

  18. I remember that Tim. That was a ROFL moment.

    I don't remember if I recorded that.

  19. This is a very poor taste joke Zap - 'Will Hilary run'? you ask when the old crone can barely stand up without falling over. 'Will Hilary be able to stand up'? would be a fairer question. Shockingly ageist, disablist and cuntist.

  20. scorpio published this post. Me thinks that the Lubavitchers were microwaving her so that she would stumble all over the place. LOL

  21. Are not hilary and trump infinitely closer to each other than to all and any who vote?
    Poly-ticking will only get me slyme disease.

  22. 'Will Hilary be able to stand up'? would be a fairer question" - LULZ Ross

    Her disembodied head could be fed a glycose solution,
    hooked up to a quantum cumputer and wheeled around on
    a gold plated gurney. Body is unnecessary thanks to the miracles of science.

  23. I say "alien" because And no Heart and Soul, but a contempt and a rabid hatred for Humanity.

  24. It is crystal clear that trumpf has betrayed us and we have been played on a galactic scale. Payback will now be the name of the game. Although it is true that all democrats should be executed for treason, of which I long to be one of the hangmen, it has become apparent to me that there is some very good esoteric reasons why the (((deep state))) put a negro jew, and a casino crook in the white house, over the far more experienced, and popular Hillary. I hate jews with every cell in my body, but I happen to hate being played even more. I think the psyops king will make an appearance in 2020 and put her in, if for no other reason than GP! Bottom line is we won WWII and lost everything and I intend to get it all back if I have to do it myself! So, all you fucktards still on the trump train, be prepared to get hit upside the head with a big fat dead fish!

  25. I believe, truly, that you are wrong about President Trump, but, if you are not, then we are doomed, PERIOD.

    If THAT is how you want to live your life, then that is for you. "I" have chosen to believe that there IS hope, and that hope resides in President Trump, and the defeat-of-the-LITERAL-traitors, or...


    This is a binary choice, People, as-far-as-I-am-concerned.

    OK...you people can shit-talk me, denigrate me, and harass-the-living-fuck-out-of-me, now, for writing what I believe.

  26. You people need to watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kv8suse8dWM

  27. Linds - stop with the persecution complex.
    It's a miracle that you are allowed to post here again given past events.
    I would prefer to put everything in the past behind us because
    we are basically on the same team.

    I partially agree with you about Trump, If he is a complete fraud (which I doubt)
    Then the US really is F*cked. He has done some great things such as call out
    the Fake News and the concept of the Deep State - both concepts are now
    part of the mainstream vernacular. Without him, that never would have happened
    nor would the rebirth of America First and nationalism. But he is indeed flawed
    as are all of us.

  28. said...
    Your beliefs are the result of jewish subversions into your mind, even though you actually believe they are your own thoughts. This level of psyops is the worst type of subversion as your mind simply has never been outside of, or above them and thus does not know any other way of thinking. Correct analysis is that we are well inside the jews trap and on a tragectory of doom already. This jewish engineered doom, in store for all of us, will mirror the mass famines, and catostrophic civil collapses jews have engineered through the centuries, all over the world. The Germans, French and British were a mighty people, and the jews utterly destroyed them. Americans are much weaker in that there is no race, creed or identity shared. It is chaos, a weak melting pot of confusion, and polarization, with isolated individualism the only way out, which itself further disempowers the individual. We have been left adrift, in an abyss, with every mind for itself. There is no centralized way of thinking. There is no centralized belief system. You should try to realize that whatever the system feeds you is poison. Faith in any of the puppets the jews have allowed into power, is just a narcotic to put you to sleep, while the jews further consolidate their plans to erase us. The solution is the exact same solution the National Socialists arrived at, as we suffer the same subversive tactics from the very same death cult. Put your faith in building a National Socialist Party, not in any of the opiates the jews have jammed into our heads. National Socialism is the jews kryptonite...

  29. She just added a policy page to her website.


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