October 03, 2019

Mayor Of Kerry Brands "You'll Never Be The Irish" Stickers In Killarney


  1. Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini...

  2. https://www.bitchute.com/video/tCdgjRRxlpnC/


  3. BUt it's true!
    They will NEVER be Irish!

  4. This mayor is a Self-Hating White.
    And he says: The persons it was aimed at doesn't want to come forward with a complain"

    Is he kidding?!

    The immigrants have NO intentions of being Irish (even if they could be), but of taking advantage of the Irish Laws. THese foreigners are laughing at how gullible the Whites are. In the meantime, they're biding their time until they can take over.

    I KNOW what the Irish look like, and these creatures do NOT, are NOT Irish!

  5. Who's ignorant? The media idiots are ignoring the danger happening in their country, nation and 🏠 one can look back at the good old days of the 🐈 catlicks and protestes and the tribe was behind that tune too


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