Blast from the Past - A lively and thought provoking debate hosted by Art Bell between skeptic James Collier, author of
Was it Only a Paper Moon and true believer Richard C. Hoagland. The first part of the show deals with Pat Robertson being a lunatic calling for the stoning of UFO believers. If you want to skip past that go to 24:05 for the beginning of the debate. This hard to find audio is worth the listen for anyone who is a moon hoax connoisseur.
Someone recorded this off the radio back in the 90's so there is some old fashioned radio static.
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ReplyDeleteThanks - glad you enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteHow is it hard to believe NASA blew $20 billion, when the Federal Reserve has stolen 97% of the value of the dollar since it's beginning? - 45% of it since 1988. The best slaves do not know they are slaves, and will push out puppies willing to kill in exchange for "Flair" on a uniform....Because you can never have too much flair. Someday, the people will realize that the system is funneling a bigger part of the wealth to a smaller group at an accelerating rate - by design. That point hits everyone when they are starving. None of the cooked books media tries to feed us can dissuade that reality.