October 26, 2019

The Alan Buttle Radio Show 2019.10.26

Episode 30 - Pseudoantiestablishmentarianism, Fabian Society, LSE, Bloomsbury Group, Cambridge Apostles, Beatrice Webb, Keynes and Hayek



  1. The world is infested by these parasites both externally and internally!

  2. Theresa-May -- There's-a-Man

    Alan Butt-Hole IS a Soooo-Shill--List !!! ;-)

    -- A "former" ((("Anti-Fascist"))) ;-)

    I would Gladly listen to: 100s hours of Dennis-Wise ... as HE has Actually Done: Years-of-Real-Research! + IS a True-Christian!
    ... than minutes-dragging-on-into HOURS of Mumbling-Drivel "Revelations" - by Butt-Hole !!!
    -- Alan is sooo-much "in-his-own-class" ... that maybe even "shill" wouldn't "fit" him!

    I find it difficult to even imagine his "motivations" for this "content" ...
    Perhaps his loooong lists-of-names ... is simply to FOOL folks into beLIEving that they have Become "Smarter" ... rather than DUMBER by Listening to such?
    -- The basic-'take-away' 'Message' of Alan's Mumble-Fest: "It's ALL the 'SAME' (Churchill, Stalin, FDR, -- Hitler ;-) - Jews-are-Everywhere, Control Everything, & are Invincible ... there is no escape or fighting/resisting (((them))) ... give-up ... or: "follow"-'Jebus' ..."

    We find it difficult to imagine WHY anyone would "invest" even-going-on-Years in these Diversionary-Pied-Piper clever-tricks ...
    -- But then WE are NOT Soulless PAID-LIARS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

    -- It seems that the very Job-Description of "Agents" - is to inveigle-themselves shrouded-by-voluminous-Riddled-with-Meaninglessness-Words -- UNTIL: Their ACTIVATION-Moment:

    Noam Chomsky: "Don't Trust/BeLIEve the Government, Goy! ..."
    -- 9/11 -- "BeLIEve the (((Government-Story))), Goy! -- Why would (((they))) LIE?!"

    Alex-Jones: "Bohemian-Grove, Bilderberger, 9/11-was-an-'Inside'-Job, Sandy Hook was a Drill ... -- It's the Saudis/Chicoms!"

    Alan-Butt-Hole: "Adolf-Hitler was a Jew-Shill-"Socialist", Goy! -- DON'T follow HIM !!! -- Listen-to and BeLIEve ME! in-stead"

    🌝 đŸŒš đŸŒž

  3. The next post that you write in that silly fashion, will be put in the spambox. We can't even read that shit from the back end.

    P.S. "Butt-Hole" is grade school stuff.

  4. Albert has Buttle's number though. I've stopped listening. Can you tell me if he's produced his decisive evidence yet, that hitler was a Jewish agent?

  5. Thanks Henry 🌝 🌚 🌞

    You can know who rules over you by who you are not 'allowed' to Follow!

    -- It would seem that some would sensor opinions simply because of one's Formatting !!! ;-)

    -- "Triggered" ... What are some folk's egos AFRAID of? ;-)

    IF my posts are ridiculous ... LET others decide that for themselves !!!

    A free speech platform, is not a free speech platform ... if folks are censored for their "Formatting" !!!

    Wow! -- I am assuming: delusional usa-'patriots' who still wish to deludedly believe: that yanks (retarded ameri mutts) firebombing Europe in 'WWII' were on the "good" side (Stalin - how Delusional!) and were the "good" guys !!!
    --> Who writes / believes like a retard now?

    -- Let folks decide for themselves ...

    or does Mami's stand for puny pathetic petty (putridly fat?) tin pot dictators behind keyboards?

    I would imagine that trashing my further posts will prevent others from ever deciding that for themselves! ;-)

    (who is a "shill"? -- It would seem that many many 'truthers' are almost paid to treat other's "forbidden" opinions soooo obnoxiously that they are turned off the 'Truth Movement" entirely! -- do I hear Renegade anyone?)

  6. "Triggered"?

    From what you just wrote, it would seem that you are the one who is "Triggered" here. I can't read your silly writing from the back end.

    Do you understand that?

  7. Why threaten to Delete my comments?

    No one is forced to read my comments, that is enough ...

    "silly" grade school stuff?

    reading comments from the back end ... what could that even mean?

    Read, or not read, -- there is no "back end"! ;-)

    Anyway, you should not allow our ego to have such reign ...

    That truly is childish ...

    IF someone wishes to appear or be respected as "manly" -- why then seeing patterns, analysing problems, and step by step reducing + fixing such is Truely manly ... anything else, especially "feelings" and caring about other's opinions is not manly ... indeed, the opposite

    My observation stands ...

    IF my comments truly are "silly", retarded, or whatever, allow others to decide for themselves!
    -- otherwise, you are only proving yourself to be less manly ...

    WHY are you even threatening to delete comments, which are obviously NOT insincere?
    -- Weak!

    Prove me wrong ... by your actions ;-)

  8. I like his show and like his content. I have been duped before over the years but sooner or later I realize it LOL. In this case I know he has spoke out against people this community likes. There are a lot of old farts here that have world views as hard as their arteries LOL
    Keep up the good work Alan!

  9. Your way of writing is silly. Where did I write that your comments were silly?

    Enough of this shit. Do what you want.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Chainsawmillerman - The big problem with Buttle's thesis re Hitler and the Jews is that it's been around for years and for years it's been shown to be spurious. Even the father of Social Credit and no friend of the Jews, C.H. Douglas, was taken in and became committed to it in his 1945 book The Brief for the Prosecution, p.35


    But that the genuine higher policy of Germany is anti-Jew is patently absurd. There is abundant evidence that Hitler received exactly the same kind of support from powerful Jews as did the Kaiser.

    On the authority of the pre-Anschluss Vienna police, Hitler himself is an illegitimate descendant of a Viennese Baron Rothschild. Martha von Haushofer, the wife of the leading German exponent of geopolitics, who is said to exercise almost the major influence on Hitler, is a Jewess.
    Many important German-speaking Jews are just as powerful in Germany, so far as can be gathered from relevant evidence, as they were in the reign of the Kaiser, and after.They are in accord with the G.D.G.S. or they would not be there.


    Unfortunately for dupes like Buttle (I don't mean to be harsh but Alan Buttle is himself misleading people) the sources for his misinformation have long been exposed. Among the principle shysters in this game are three men in particular: One, a Jew called Emery Reves who was active as a writer, publisher and literary agent, notably for Winston Churchill; the other two propagandist were Walter C. Langer and Henry A. Murray. Both were psychologists and OSS agents. Langer is claimed not to have been a Jew but was certainly a student and shabbos goy to the Sigmund Freud family. Langer drafted a secret report titled: A Psychological Analysis of Adolph Hitler: His Life and Legend.. Murray, who was prominent in the MK ULTRA project and other abuses of his profession, contributed to that report and also produced another titled: Analysis of the Personality of Adolph Hitler. Unfortunately for people who rely on these reports much of the information regarding Hitler's background can be traced back to the forgeries or hit-pieces commissioned and published by Mr. Emery Reves. Notably those concerning the claims of financier Fritz Thyssen and one-time Nazi politician, Hermann Rauschning.

    Mark Weber published a piece concerning Emery Reves and the fantasies of Hermann Rauschning which can be read here: https://www.ihr.org/jhr/v06/v06p499_Weber.html


    [...]The phony memoir was designed to incite public opinion in democratic countries, especially in the United States, in favor of war against Germany. The project was the brainchild of the Hungarian-born journalist Emery Reves, who ran an influential anti-German press and propaganda agency in Paris during the 1930s. Haenel has also found evidence that a prominent British journalist named Henry Wickham-Steele helped to produce the memoir. Wickham-Steele was a right-hand man of Sir Robert Vansittart, perhaps the most vehemently anti-German figure in Britain....

  12. Hitler was the splitting image of his father.
    The Young Hitler I knew by August Kubizek is a personal
    account of one of AH's friends as a young man. A must read if you
    want some real insight to his background and personality.

    There's plenty to criticize AH without resorting to unproved and spurious

  13. Many thanks for all of your interests in my podcast. I don't feel there's anything to respond to in regard to Albert. In response to Henry, here are the episodes of mine in which i go into some of the most compelling evidence (though certainly not an exhaustive collection of evidence) which my stance on Hitler is founded on:



    This episode also explores how Hitler was promoted in the UK by the ruling establishment at the time:


    So far i have had lots of low-level ad hominems with regard to my stance on Hitler, but nothing of any substance. The substance seems to be all on one side (a bit like the Holocaust or climate change "debates"). There are lots of people involved in this movement who are 1) shills, but also 2) genuine people who sadly lack the intellectual integrity to question their belief in Hitler as a hero of our race. I find this surprising, in the sense that I would have thought people who would find themselves being Hitler fans would be open to compelling evidence, and sad that this is a major problem with our movement. I do think that the Hitlermania in our movement is as a direct result of serious levels of infiltration by our enemies.

    Best wishes to all.

  14. In addition, the alleged Rothschilds heredity of Hitler has NEVER formed any part of my case against him.


  15. Alan, exactly where do you stand on the question of the Holocaust?

  16. Alan - I did not use any ad hominems against you.
    I brought up the cogent point that Hitler clearly and strongly
    resembles his father. Secondly, that the book by Kubizek gives
    a unique insight into the man's personality. That said, I agree
    with many of your conclusions. I am not convinced that he was a willing
    traitor Germany or some kind of agent but he was deeply flawed and surrounded
    himself with rapscallions and reprobate suck-ups like Borman.

    Hitlermania serves no purpose now and will do nothing to help 'normies' see
    the world in a more realistic way.

  17. ....although I do think that re-examining WWII, the events leading up to it
    and the so called hollowco$t are important but that is vastly different than
    some kind of hero worship.

  18. I appreciate your comments Scorpio, thank you. I was not calling you comments "ad hominem".

    Henry, my stance on the "Holocaust" is that is it, as far as i can see anyway, almost entirely fictional. Certainly the gas chambers story is patently absurd. The numbers we are supposed to believe are also completely ridiculous and impossible. I have no doubt that Jews died in the camps, some probably murdered, but there was clearly never an executive plan to exterminate all the Jews. While this fictional Holocaust is seen, by Hitlerians, as evidence of Hitler's morals, which it could be, I see it as evidence which is also complimentary to the stance that he was not the enemy of the Jews that he has been presented as. Then there are many complicating things like the Transfer Agreement, which wouldn't have been much use with no Jews to transfer to Palestine.

  19. Now, using your "compelling evidence" please give me a precise summary of Hitler's relationship with the Jews and his function (if any) as a consequence of that relationship.

  20. People say today about historic jews

    Somebody had to do it. Any economy that is more advanced than a farming-and-barter system simply cannot function without money lent at interest. It is flat-out impossible. In order for the economy to function and grow, somebody had to play the role of moneylender.Usury - all usury - is banned by Christian doctrine, as it is by Muslim doctrine. In the late Middle Ages the problem of financing the royal exchequer and setting up capitalist institutions in the face of the Christian ban on usury was resolved by allowing Jews to act as bankers. They therefore came to be viewed as pariahs, just as cow hide tanners are pariahs in Hindu society. It was in this way that the Jewish community was able to accrue vast wealth and thereby to bring down on its head the loathing of the Christians. Hence Shylock. This enmity is still the underlying basis of modern anti-Semitism. The fact that (mainly) Jewish bankers did very well out of the collapse of free-market economics in Weimar Germany was the determining reality in the rise of Hitler and the Nazi movement.

    History says Hitler received an instruction from his military superiors to investigate a political association called the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei(German Workers Party) and meets Gottfried Feder and joins this party.To me this sounds like the perfect "event" to create the rise of a public bank to have the Germans independently create financial means to finance the country.Monetary reform was the very essence of National Socialism. In Munich in 1932 hitler prints two main points. "The Common Interest Before self"- the spirit of the program, and "Abolition of the Thralldom of Interest" - The core of National Socialism. Its a great idea but gets smashed when Lord Edward Halifax strongly advises the Polish not to negotiate the Marienwerder proposals(16 points in all) to try to stop the slaughter of Germans in Poland.Its a known fact that Germany made at least 28 attempts at peace without conditions that were all refused. The ensuing forced war resulted in victory for the Jew bankers and defeat and slavery for the people of Europe and basically the world.In Europe enslavement was finally achieved with the establishment of the European Central Bank on June 1 1998 that is Rothschild controlled. Followed of course by the euro on January 1 1999.On the face of it it seems like Hitler was a man of the people and not a jewish asset. I just cant say I know it to be true. I think it might be true but we are tend to be people who are easily manipulated LOL In fact I dont even know if the world is flat or a sphere anymore. If you say you know it is then you prove what I'm saying about the possibility that Hitler may have been a political actor in one of the biggest takeovers easily rivaling the fed. The Fed was easy though LOL dumb Americans.....

  21. Have you listened to the podcasts which i linked? The compelling evidence as well as my thoughts on his role are provided at some length.

  22. Chainsawmillerman - Possessing a physical quantity of anything and choosing to lend it to those who wish to borrow is one thing, but granting to banks the legal ability to forge an abstraction that does not exist except in the minds of those who engage in the pretence that a debt has been created and must be honoured, is something else entirely. To then embrace these intangible debts and make them the basis for your currency is economic and racial insanity.

  23. With regard to Lord Halifax he has met Hitler personally and was well associated with the policy of appeasement with Hitler and Germany in Britain up until just before the war. He was also part of the Cliveden set at the Astors' which included Joachim von Ribbentrop and Stephanie von Hohenlohe. Talking of the NS monetary reform we have to talk about Hjalmar Schacht. He might have been a financial wizard, but who was he performing his wizardry for? His role as co-founder with Bank of England governor Montagu Norman of the BIS in 1930 is a key part of the lead-up to the war in my opinion.

  24. Alan, then you are the best person to summarize them here. This way we can cut out unnecessary back'n'forth.

  25. Alan said...

    "With regard to Lord Halifax he has met Hitler personally and was well associated with the policy of appeasement with Hitler and Germany in Britain up until just before the war. He was also part of the Cliveden set at the Astors' which included Joachim von Ribbentrop and Stephanie von Hohenlohe. Talking of the NS monetary reform we have to talk about Hjalmar Schacht. He might have been a financial wizard, but who was he performing his wizardry for? His role as co-founder with Bank of England governor Montagu Norman of the BIS in 1930 is a key part of the lead-up to the war in my opinion."


    Is this your compelling evidence? And if so what is it evidence of?

  26. That was clearly in direct response to Chainsawmillerman's comment. Henry, i will not spend a great deal of time trying to convince you about Hitler when i have compacted my research into podcasts. Listen to the podcasts and by all means get back to me about their contents.

  27. Alan, what do you mean "clearly"...it wasn't "clearly" addressed to anyone!

    If you can "clearly respond to Chainsawmillerman" in such detail I can't see why you so unwilling to give me a precise summary of your "compelling evidence"

  28. Alan if you're not willing to publish a summary of your "compelling evidence" then may I suggest you post a transcript of the relevant sections of your podcasts. This way everyone will know precisely what you claim and we can go over it publicly and in detail.

    Over to you, Alan...

  29. Feel free to transcribe any of my podcasts. You can find the podcasts most associated with Adolf Hitler here:




    I make podcasts so that everyone will be able to precisely know exactly what i think about everything at any given time.


  30. Is it possible that the jews knew they would have no luck financing Hitler? Is it possible that the rise of Hitler's public bank was expected and in fact helped along to get the war rolling? Lets see how long have the jews had a control of the money supply of Europe? Is it impossible that Hitler was an actor? Who can say for sure?

  31. Alan said...

    "Feel free to transcribe any of my podcasts. You can find the podcasts most associated with Adolf Hitler here"


    Btw, I didn't ask for permission to transcribe your podcasts and you know it. You don't seem keen on defending your position. 'Clearly' you lack confidence in your self-vaunted "research."

  32. I provide my research in the medium which i choose. If you can't be bothered to listen to it why should i bother to make an effort to reply to you? Where can i find your research?

  33. Chainsawmillerman, I think the Jews were financing Hitler throughout, just through different means than they were financing the 'allies'. Antony Sutton exposes some of these. Schacht also devised, for instance, the MEFO bills scheme which apparently allowed foreign banks to invest in Germany and receive interest. The Bank of England was one of the investors. The BIS played a big role in financing as well, especially throughout the war. I think that WW2 was devised long before Hitler came to power, and that Hitler's rise was exactly for the purpose of the war. I think the economic troubles which Germany had endured since WW1 were to inflict sufficient hardship upon the people that they would be more agreeable to a nationalist and "anti-Semitic" regime. And yes i think AH was largely an actor, just like all political figures really are. There are always bigger players behind the scenes. I think the Jews' role in the finances of Britain at least can be traced back to Cromwell's re-admittance of them in the 1650s since the banishment of 1290 by Edward I. The Bank of England was founded shortly afterwards and it is my assessment that they have been gaining more and more control ever since.

    What did the Jews get out of their manufactured war? 100+ million dead White Christians, the state called "Israel", the United Nations, communist China and, shortly afterwards, the EU. Additionally "anti-Semitism" and nationalism has never recovered in Europe since WW2, which is obviously fantastic for the Jews going forward, and they have individually also made a fortune from Holocaust reparations.

  34. I'm with you Alan. Keep up the good work you are doing. Your podcasts are excellent!

    @Henry "Possessing a physical quantity of anything and choosing to lend it to those who wish to borrow is one thing, but granting to banks the legal ability to forge an abstraction that does not exist except in the minds of those who engage in the pretence that a debt has been created and must be honoured, is something else entirely. To then embrace these intangible debts and make them the basis for your currency is economic and racial insanity."

    I know this. I was saying the public accepts this. They believe a non interest bearing currency is inflationary.

  35. Alan said...

    "I provide my research in the medium which i choose. If you can't be bothered to listen to it why should i bother to make an effort to reply to you?"

    I've listened to some of your podcasts but your trivia and waffle is not for me. Especially your rediscovering of the Bible. Sorry, but you asked.

    Alan said..

    "Where can i find your research?"

    lol...You're avoiding some of it and you know it. But this isn't about me. I'm not the one posting this kind of stuff...

    Alan said...

    "There are lots of people involved in this movement who are 1) shills, but also 2) genuine people who sadly lack the intellectual integrity to question their belief in Hitler as a hero of our race. I find this surprising, in the sense that I would have thought people who would find themselves being Hitler fans would be open to compelling evidence, and sad that this is a major problem with our movement."

    What I find "surprising" is that a poster can make such an outlandish claim in a particular forum but then refuse to produce his "compelling evidence" in that forum when challenged on it.

    I hope you don't mind me pointing out that currently you are the one behaving like a "shill" and someone lacking in "integrity"

  36. Thank you very much Chainsawmillerman. Best wishes.

  37. Henry, sounds like you just want to waste my time. You've wasted enough already. Bye.

  38. You rely on Sutton the man who published a dismissal of the Jewish role in Bolshevism. Especially the role of Jewish bankers in America!

    You've just told Chainsawmillerman what the Jews got out of the war but you forgot to say what the "actor" (as you claim) Adolf Hitler got in return for his alleged dedication to their cause....

  39. Chainsawmillerman said...

    "I'm with you Alan. Keep up the good work you are doing. Your podcasts are excellent!

    @Henry ......I know this. I was saying the public accepts this. They believe a non interest bearing currency is inflationary"

    Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think you may need to take this up with your new pal, Alan Buttle; cuz IIRC I've heard him (on a podcast of course) waffling on in praise of Austrian School economics/Libertarianism, etc. That sort of thing.

  40. My new pal LOL. Dude why the animosity? I dont think he claims to have all the answers. Apparently you seem to think he has none. Don't listen to him then. In fact you admit that you don't listen to him and then claim to have an intimate knowledge of his shilling ways.

  41. Chainsawmillerman said...

    "My new pal LOL. Dude why the animosity? I dont think he claims to have all the answers. Apparently you seem to think he has none. Don't listen to him then. In fact you admit that you don't listen to him and then claim to have an intimate knowledge of his shilling ways."

    I haven't admitted anything of the sort. I suggest you download a cognition app for your Smartphone and get your addled mind in order. I've said I have listened to him but won't anymore. As for "shilling ways"...I think it's young Alan who came here to tell us all about "shills" and those "lacking intellectual integrity in the "movement".

    If you've downloaded that app and rebooted your phone then you should look again with eyes refreshed...

    Alan said...

    "There are lots of people involved in this movement who are 1) shills, but also 2) genuine people who sadly lack the intellectual integrity to question their belief in Hitler as a hero of our race."

    Like I said: pity your pal doesn't have the "intellectual integrity" to support his own claims when challenged on them.

  42. Henry said "I've listened to SOME of your podcasts but your trivia and waffle is not for me. Especially your rediscovering of the Bible. Sorry, but you asked."

    Henry, rediscovering the bible can'y hurt any of us in these times, no? It seems to hold the keys to much of the mysteries of this crazy world. Are you an atheist? Just curious.

  43. Are you dyslexic? Are you bi-curious?

  44. "The movement" LOL look around you my friend. Movement LOL that's hilarious. There is no movement. There is in fact a proliferation of leftest/communist indoctrination for the brain dead. The internet has also been nicely shuffled up so the labyrinth has taken on a much more complex look. I think most of us that come here take comfort in knowing some people actually do know what the real world at the very least resembles. Unfortunately egos and hardened world
    views that "know" are the problem. Chew on the meat and spit out the bones brother :) We are on the same team, no?

  45. I'm "questioning" LOL only a fool would not partake in the benefits that definer provides in the work place LOL!!!

  46. Oh fuck...You must keep that cognition app running at all times. "Movement" is not my expression it arrived on this thread courtesy of your pal, Alan Buttle. Here's a clue; I put it in quotes because I was QUOTING him. They are sneer quotes and you should direct your scorn at HIM.

  47. LOL ok well you have a good night Henry. Nice chatting.

  48. Henry 🌝 đŸŒš đŸŒž

    Alan has Nothing! ;-)

    or should I say the Butt-Hole has no Clothes! ;-)

    Hence he Won't "waste his time" backing-Up his Retarded simplistic:
    "Rothschilds ALWAYS back-both-sides!" Non-Sense ...
    Which is NOT based on Observed-Reality ...

    These Fools-if-not-Jew-Shills' "clever" "smarter-than-Others" master-thesis "proves" that "EVERYONE is a Shill Jew-Puppet:
    -- Otherwise we "simply" would-Not: Know of them, Hear them, See them, and they Wouldn't-be-ALIVE-still-Even!"
    (Curiously THIS very-same "clever" thesis actually-APPLIES even more so: to Alan Butt-Hole himself! ;-)
    > Ergo: Alan Butt-Hole himself is Clearly a Jew-Agent! ;-)

    I have "done some research" on Alan ;-) ... and un-covered that:

    Alan Butt-Hole IS a Soooo-Shill--List !!! ;-)

    -- and A "former" ((("Anti-Fascist"))) ;-)

    "I won't 'waste my time' Clearly-Summarising: my "strong evidence" on how "Adolf Hitler was a 'Jew-Shill'!"
    -- If you 'want to be Enlightened' LISTEN to my "waffling-On" (his own words!) Mumbling blather spanning the the following THREE podcasts*!"

    LOL !!! :-)

    Alan's Lame stances / "content", the Folly of Youth?
    (Some people are soooo stupid that they don't even Know that they're stupid! ;-)

    -- I think NOT! ;-)
    -- His SLIMY Mud-slinging, Knowing that in the minds of many, some will 'STICK', and "Clever" mis-direction & AVOIDANCE of actually-Clearly-Succinctly-ANSWERING Direct-Questions on his: "Hitler-was-a-Jew-Shill" "clever" "Smarter"-than-Others Claim ...

    Reveals Alan Butt-Hole to BE what he Evidently IS!
    -- For those with Eyes to SEE ... Let them SEE!

    🌝 đŸŒš đŸŒž

  49. Thanks Albert I thought you might still be here you sneaky devil LOL

  50. Wait....he is gone as fast as he appeared? Whoa.....

  51. My Recent-Comment was Deleted! ... it SEEMS by Zap ...

    So much for: "Enough of this shit. Do what you want."
    -- He is NOT even a Man-of-HIS-Word! :-(

    He Can't even Allow MY Comments to Stand-for-Themselves ... and Allow Others to DECIDE if they Think them "Silly" or Not! ;-)
    -- WEAK & Cowardly .. "Protecting" others from comments, in the "Truth" movement ... Just LIKE Jews / JewTube / ZuckBook etc CLAIM to be Doing! ;-)

    Now GET you Heads-around-THIS:

    Jews are "middle men"

    Jews Don't Create any true Wealth

    Jews Don't Reveal any true Truth

    Jews Don't Represent any of Our true Needs ...

    Jews Like / NEED Monopolies
    -- Like Spiders they Lurk at Bottlenecks
    (Want to Marry, Buy a Diamond-Ring...)

    Jews Thrive By Destruction & Chaos -- FEAR is their Weapon! To Force us to "choose" Between Two Evils!

    Wealth, How to Hold onto Your Hard Earned Money?, FEAR -- You NEED a "good" (((Financial Advisor))) (one who Charges the Most, is the "best" "Friend"!)
    Courtrooms, your Money, Freedom, Life, FEAR -- You NEED a "good" (((Lawyer LIAR))) (one who Charges the Most, is the "best" "Friend"!)
    Health, Life or Death, FEAR -- You NEED a "good" (((Doctor Burn Cut Poison))) (one who Charges the Most, is the "best" "Friend"!)

    The Evil-Troll under the Bridge, at the Bottleneck (Crossing Streams / Rivers Requires Bridges which our Ancestors Built for us + are FREE!)

    Jews are Evil Parasites!

    When even Talking of "WWII" we must TRY to SEE the Jews' LIES / "Brainwashing"

    -- The PREMISE: that we Cannot even BE FREE, because we (now) NEED "Money" to Buy even: Food Shelter etc ...
    ... And the Jews CONTROL ALL: Money, Media, Politics etc ...
    -- Is Un-True FALSE!

    The Most Effective "unseen" Chains are Within our MINDS!

    🌝 🌚 🌞

  52. Adolf Hitler ELIMINATED the ((("middle-men")))

    Jews are "middle men"

    Jews Don't Create any true Wealth

    Jews Don't Reveal any true Truth

    Jews Don't Represent any of Our true Needs ...

    Germany HAD: Plenty of smart hard working young men, some land to grow food, some industry to make tools, etc

    Only "Money" was "short" ...

    Adolf Hitler Eliminated the "middlemen" "money"-Bottleneck ...

    And within 2 years 6 Million un-employed Germans were Back to work, and Germany Became the Wealthiest Nation in Europe!

    Adolf Hitler SHOWED us ALL What, and How, we MUST DO: to once more BE FREE !!!

    🌝 🌚 🌞

  53. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/bank-of-england/10213988/Never-mind-the-Czech-gold-the-Nazis-stole....html Why are the Nazi's working with the bank of international settlements. A well known Rothschild's operation.

  54. The Nazis didn't just work with the BIS, they helped create it. Henry i can only assume that it was through not listening to my waffle and trivia that you found out this:

    "Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think you may need to take this up with your new pal, Alan Buttle; cuz IIRC I've heard him (on a podcast of course) waffling on in praise of Austrian School economics/Libertarianism, etc. That sort of thing."

    Pointless even bothering i know (other people than Henry are reading i suppose) but here's a podcast i did which exposes laissez-faire / libertarian economic theories and its propagators: http://www.podcasts.com/alan-buttle-radio-show-3ffaa8b26/episode/Hour-10-Austrian-school-economics-Ayn-Rand-Libertarianism-Anarchapulco-Ron-Paul-Mises-d2f6

    If you had actually listened to this podcast which you are commenting on now then you would know that i touch on Friedrich von Hayek, his connections with the Fabian LSE, his friendship (or maybe more) with Maynard Keynes, etc.. I think perhaps you just can't follow what i'm saying.

  55. Albert is a flat earth (((imbecile and troll))) who still keeps calling you Alan Butt-Hole. Scroll back up and see why I put that particular comment in the spambox.

  56. What a poor little victim Albert is.

  57. Well Alan, Henry admitted he only listened to a "some" shows. I suspect you hit a nerve somewhere else too because you call out other people that are trusted by many. Like David Irving for example. I just always thought he was legit. I'm going listen to the three Hitler related podcasts again I listened to one last night that you mentioned David Irving as being possibly an asset of the enemy in passing. I think you know that upsets people but if you believe it, good for you for saying so.Id like to hear a longer explanation as to why David Irving is not legit though.

  58. I'm sure Alan will come up with a much better explanation than mine but basically, Irving was told to shut the fuck up or else. (Lose your house or worst)

  59. @ Chainsaw. Get in you chatango account.

  60. Irving owes the Jews circa £3 million. He was never a holocaust revisionist to begin with and now says getting involved with Zundel is the worst thing he ever did. What did the Jews get for not collecting their £millions? They got a clown who goes around confirming that the Nazis did indeed kill 6 million Jews. Irving was always ready to sell his soul for money. Just look at mess he made of confirming the so called Hitler Diaries then the somersault he made to get out of that scandel.

    @Alan Buttle. I'm glad to see you're out of early retirement I'll be back later. until then try to get into the habit of addressing exactly it is you're referring to. I have mentioned it before.

  61. Fat Albert is an idiot who has not made one cogent or insightful point.
    Both Alan and Henry have made some interesting points, making for an
    excellent debate.

    BTW, Irving used to drive around in a Rolls Royce and live in a mansion.

  62. Chainsawmillerman said...

    "Well Alan, Henry admitted he only listened to a "some" shows. I suspect you hit a nerve somewhere else too because you call out other people that are trusted by many. Like David Irving for example"

    You had the chance to come up with that nonsense last night but failed to push it then Now your pal has returned to his vomit you must be feeling a tad more secure than you did then. However I was referring to one of Buttle's earlier posts which I had heard. As for Irving? If you think I'm a fanboy then you're even nuttier than I thought.

  63. But Scorpio, Alan refuses to bring his "compelling evidence" to this debate and is preventing it from developing.

    He has, since that refusal, returned here to tell Chainsawmillerman that the Nazis "helped to create" the BIS but still no link/citation/source for this claim.

    I want to see his compelling evidence in this matter as well.

  64. LOL I have never done any real research into David Irving other than watch some of his presentations that were quite good . I do remember him also doing some recanting but I honestly have not followed him closely. Henry for the amount of time you're putting in here why not listen to his 3 shows on Hitler he posted above?

  65. Chainsawmillerman said...

    "Henry for the amount of time you're putting in here why not listen to his 3 shows on Hitler he posted above?"

    But now you're paraphrasing me for that's exactly the point I made earlier to Alan Buttle.

    I said to Buttle: "If you can "clearly respond to Chainsawmillerman" in such detail I can't see why you so unwilling to give me a precise summary of your "compelling evidence"

    I dunno, maybe it's a Freudian kind of thing...

  66. I would actually be interested in moderating an audio debate between Henry and Alan.
    Don't know if that is possible but thought I'd offer.
    I'd like to see the compelling evidence as well.

  67. Yes. Me too. Let's add Albert while we're at it. LOL

  68. ^^ LOL
    Fat Albert would be KO'ed in the first round and wouldn't
    have the balls to show up to have his voice heard.
    fuh-fuh-fuh joooooz fuh-fuh-fuh

  69. Chainsaw said - History says Hitler received an instruction from his military superiors to investigate a political association called the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei(German Workers Party) and meets Gottfried Feder and joins this party.To me this sounds like the perfect "event" to create the rise of a public bank to have the Germans independently create financial means to finance the country.Monetary reform was the very essence of National Socialism. In Munich in 1932 hitler prints two main points. "The Common Interest Before self"- the spirit of the program, and "Abolition of the Thralldom of Interest" - The core of National Socialism. Its a great idea but gets smashed when Lord Edward Halifax strongly advises the Polish not to negotiate the Marienwerder proposals(16 points in all) to try to stop the slaughter of Germans in Poland.Its a known fact that Germany made at least 28 attempts at peace without conditions that were all refused. The ensuing forced war resulted in victory for the Jew bankers and defeat and slavery for the people of Europe and basically the world.In Europe enslavement was finally achieved with the establishment of the European Central Bank on June 1 1998 that is Rothschild controlled. Followed of course by the euro on January 1 1999.On the face of it it seems like Hitler was a man of the people and not a jewish asset. I just cant say I know it to be true. I think it might be true but we are tend to be people who are easily manipulated LOL In fact I dont even know if the world is flat or a sphere anymore. If you say you know it is then you prove what I'm saying about the possibility that Hitler may have been a political actor in one of the biggest takeovers easily rivaling the fed. The Fed was easy though LOL dumb Americans.....

    Allan said - With regard to Lord Halifax he has met Hitler personally and was well associated with the policy of appeasement with Hitler and Germany in Britain up until just before the war. He was also part of the Cliveden set at the Astors' which included Joachim von Ribbentrop and Stephanie von Hohenlohe. Talking of the NS monetary reform we have to talk about Hjalmar Schacht. He might have been a financial wizard, but who was he performing his wizardry for? His role as co-founder with Bank of England governor Montagu Norman of the BIS in 1930 is a key part of the lead-up to the war in my opinion.

    Henry said - Is this your compelling evidence? And if so what is it evidence of?

    Alan said - That was clearly in direct response to Chainsawmillerman's comment.

    Henry said - Alan, what do you mean "clearly"...it wasn't "clearly" addressed to anyone!

    @Henry if you were following the thread you'd have known that but you don't read the posts it seems.

  70. Scorpio, even if possible an audio debate would be far less suitable than an online format where links to documents etc can be posted and accessed. I always rely on the archives having spent more than 40 years accessing them. Indeed on the right kind of forum some forms of document could be posted and examined directly within the debate.

    I've just started listening to his latest podcast because I'm interested to see what treatment he's giving his latest subject matter and am curious to know what he is and isn't saying.

  71. Yawn.... yup its time for bed LOL

  72. LOL ChainS

    @ scorpio. Read your Gmail.

  73. Can we put the forum clown into quarantine cuz his LOL-ing is killing the flow. Or is contempt reserved only for "fat Albert"...

  74. I think an audio would be an excellent venue.
    My offer stands if Alan responds.

  75. Alan said...

    "...If you had actually listened to this podcast which you are commenting on now then you would know that i touch on Friedrich von Hayek, his connections with the Fabian LSE, his friendship (or maybe more) with Maynard Keynes, etc.. I think perhaps you just can't follow what i'm saying."

    Sorry but I haven't commented on this podcast (yet). I said that Albert had your number; that I'd stopped listening to you; and asked if you'd produced your evidence yet that Hitler was a Jewish agent. Unfortunately that "compelling evidence" is not forthcoming. However I've now listened to 30 minutes of this podcast and will listen to the rest later but only if you are prepared to discuss at least what you've posted up to that 30 minute mark.

    Will you?

  76. Well Alan, No response but still I came back from the pub filled with the milk of human kindness and listened to the rest of your podcast. For the last time: are you still willing to have that conversation?

  77. 80 comments of essentially useless drama? You would think that this show thread would be at lease above the Mark Elsis thread (that just never seems to die).

    Buttle tried to do a research/hit piece on me some time ago and it was so lazy, so inept - with conclusions and insinuations so insanely stupid (and patently dishonest and misleading for the listener) - that the only conclusion one can make regarding Alan's "research skills" is that he sucks.

    From my personal experience, I can state unequivocally that Alan is willfully or negligently dishonest with the listener and his ability to truly analyze and intuit what is really there is grotesquely flawed. (That is a polite Fetch phrase...a more accurate street view is that Alan is an idiot who tries to pass himself off as some holier than thou superior intelligent researcher).

    Then there is the small issue of plain radio delivery.

    Admittedly, I have not listened to much of his body of work, but his "arrogance" as he tries to impress with what is really a demonstrable (give him a good listen) barely existent intelligence, combined with a disjointed plodding boring as shit "dot connecting" delivery - laced as it is with crappy commentary and even lazier conclusions, is largely maddeningly (say that 5 times fast) boorish.

    Worse, as the brief hit piece on me also showed, he has no qualms going to the audience and presenting complete delusions as some elevated holier than thou self righteous intellectually derived set of "researched facts" which, in truth, are nothing more than lazy dot connecting combined with really crappy analysis and conclusions oft laced with liberal doses of conjecture and innuendo.

    In short, he sucks at his craft and I am surprised you allow him to take up so much of your time.

  78. "80 comments of essentially useless drama?" 82 now.

  79. I guess for an average ordinary guy like me Alan's podcasts are excellent. There are certainly a few who don't like him, but that's always the way. The only reason there is drama in this thread is that its chalk full of animosity coming from an army of 2.

  80. That "army of 2" represents a block of listeners who equally are not impressed with Alan's holier than thou arrogance while providing a less than professional effort and even sorrier presentation.

    His conclusions, conjecture, and innuendo regarding me, based on his "research", was so lame and unprofessional but mirrors his entire style of presentation.

    Hard to get honey out of vinegar.

    My only interest is how in the heck, with 80+ comments, is this thread not above the Mark R. Elsis thread.

  81. No. Animosity doesn’t come into it. Buttle is a fraud posing as something fresh and genuine. As Fetch pointed out he’s wilfully dishonest. That much is clear from his reluctance to address the woeful flaws in his propaganda. What’s your excuse for supporting his disinformation...

  82. There truly is SO much documentation out there that, with basic common sense, greatly undercuts and destroys Alan's presentation and none of that ever gets put into the mix for perspective. Alan's presentation is, as already noted here: Give up Goys and Girls, Jews control everything and there is no use in resistance.

    We can produce a Jim Traficante but Germans were too stupid to understand their problems and raise up their own political resistant.

    Next Buttle Show: Trafficante, Uber Secret Jewish Agent

  83. Interesting Comments! ;-)

    Henry, "Fat-Albert", and Now TheFetch !!! 🌝 🌚 🌞

    Like "Theresa-May" "There's-a-Man" -- (((Alan))) Mumblestein CHOSE to call-himself: "Butt-Hole"... Not ME! ;-)

    As for "Fat-Albert" Offering NO cogent / substantive points ...

    Zap CALLS me an idiot Flat-Earther ... simply Because He Already DELETED / "Spam-Foldered" - "Whiny"-Me's: Previous-POST:

    Where I simply OBSERVED:
    NO "Curvature (8" per mile-Squared drop-off below-the-Horizon [which of course MEANS "Horizontal"!])
    or 1,000+ Miles-per-hour "Spin"-at-the-Equator ... Can BE OBSERVED !!! :-) :-) :-)

    Or does some "Smart"-person somehow "THINK" that "magical-gravity" Somehow "Sticks" the More-than-Fluid: Atmosphere TO this "1,000+ per-hour spinning Globe"
    -- thus Totally-Cancelling the 1,000+ per-hour SUPER-Hurricane-Winds (FASTER than the 700 miles per hour Speed-of-SOUND!) that would BE a CONSTANT-LIFE-DESTROYING Factor (on our "Spinning" "Globe-Earth") !!! ;-)

    🌝 🌚 🌞

  84. @fetch "Hard to get honey out of vinegar." I think you mean you catch more flys with honey than vinger. I believe it's "you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear." :) "Trafficante, Uber Secret Jewish Agent" I'll keep my eye open for that one! A lot of this mainstream political pablum is getting old.It's wall street and international bankers yeah. Do you think the political machine is going to save Americans? The fantasy that Presidencies and political wars  have some basis in reality shows how stupid we are.
    I missed his "hit piece" on you fetch, what was the title? I now understand your disdain though now. There are plenty of podcasts on this site that the host's miss the mark now and again no? Again maybe I'm not as smart as you and Henry. I think we need more podcasters though not less. I will listen to a guy that in my opinion has good content over slick production any day. There really are not that many participants in this thread so the 80+ has no bearing on anything. Just discussing, Discussion is good, no?

  85. The Hitler debate is far from a clean cut one, that's for sure.I tend to think Bankers have been orchestrating wars long before the rise of the third Riech. I'm open to hear info that Alan provides. It can be found elsewhere too. The BIS took over Canada too with the help of Pierre Trudeau 1974. So it is very possible they were up to all kinds of shenanigans since its inception.

  86. for fuck sake
    the energy wasted on this has been lost forever

    carry on

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Scorpio, I am open to offers but i'm not going to discuss them in public. Henry and others always have the option of creating podcasts, essays, videos, etc., in order to debunk my informations and challenge my thoughts if they choose to. I don't think an antagonistic debate is really going to provide much other than entertainment, which is not the business i'm in.

  90. Fetch - No offense, but this thread isn't about you or your problems with Alan
    although I agree with most of your other points. I just don't want to turn this
    into an attack thread but rather a respectful debate about a particular issue.

  91. Fetch - BTW any previous problems between us I would very much like to put in the past.
    We are basically all on the same team here. Hope you feel the same way.

  92. Alan, I listened to your latest podcast but thought it was a bit 'Jew-lite' to say the least. There's lots of trivial stuff, that can be found by anyone with a PC and a mind to look, about queer English ladies and gentlemen and one Russian lady whose gender is under attack (without a shred of evidence) from your speculation, but not much on the Jew in their lives...Is there a reason for this?

  93. Scorpio. No worries. I had forgotten that there were issues between us...

    Regarding Alan. I really don't give a shit about him or his efforts. I thought it funny that with 80+ comments, the thread is not trending number 1, or at least beating that damn Mark R Elsis thread that just never seems to go away.

    I find Alan dishonest, unethical, inept, among other issues. He has already proven to me that he is an absolute clueless, classless, inept researcher with a penchant for presenting an insulting arrogance that is nowhere near earned.

    I ONLY USE MY CASE as a CASE IN POINT to highlight my views above - as I now can speak from personal experience and insight into his brand of "research" which, due to his pompous arrogance, he oft puts forward a nauseating dismissive tone.

    I don't even know why you guys bother posting this guys efforts. They are largely a waste of time and a distraction to the larger need to educate and raise awareness.

    The now 90 plus comments simply being another case in point.

  94. +++@fetch "Hard to get honey out of vinegar." I think you mean you catch more flys with honey than vinger. I believe it's "you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear." :) +++

    It sounded good to me. :D Maybe I can make a new one.

    >>>I missed his "hit piece" on you fetch, what was the title? I now understand your disdain though now.>>>

    I had disdain before the "hit piece"...the "hit piece" was just Alan going on with more shitty research trying to decipher to his audience who and what "The Fetch" is and in his doing clearly showed he is a shitty researcher and an even more inept analyst of his own shitty research.

    The problem is with his methodology. It is boorish. He is a "dot connector" who gives really crappy commentary and even more specious conclusions.

    I have never been a fan of "dot connectors".

  95. %%%for fuck sake
    the energy wasted on this has been lost forever - The Ogster>>>

    My point equally. And it still can't beat that damn Mark R Elsis thread.

  96. I don't understand why there is a suggestion that posters should shut up?
    Who cares? Discussions are good, no?

  97. "I have never been a fan of "dot connectors". I'm a little surprised you would say this fetch. Define "dot"

  98. I found the original debate to be interesting although
    it looks like Alan has dropped out.
    Henry had him against the ropes towards the end, imo.
    My offers still stand to moderate a fair, respectful debate
    based on information not ad hominems but something tells me
    that's not gonna happen.

    If this kind of information is not your thing then so be it.
    No need to tell others to stop talking.
    Thumbsup to information based discussions, at least in my book.

  99. My email address is public if anyone should want to offer me a debate, though to be honest i don't see why it can't take a less direct and antagonistic form, i.e. challenge my information and assertions publicly with information and assertions of your own and then challenge me to respond. This is always how the heavyweight battles of ideas used to take place in times more civilised, not some kind of time-limited rap battle. 1-on-1 audio debates more often than not end up being about how good the competitors are at debating and not about the information.

    Henry, thanks for your comment having listened to this podcast. I think yours is the first comment about the content of this episode. It's a shame that it's left you feeling a bit short-changed "Jew!"-wise; I don't know how many episodes you've listened to but if it's a few then you will know that i'm not "Jew!"-shy. I just don't find the need to say it over and over again though because there really is no need. I won't hold back from saying it where appropriate, but i won't use it repeatedly just to please. I had already established the dominant role of "the Jews" in our society in the 29 episodes which preceded this one.

  100. The hit piece: https://www.podcasts.com/alan-buttle-radio-show-3ffaa8b26/episode/Episode-25-Checking-in-personal-developments-disputes-miscegenation-pride-month-my-latest-research-508e

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. From about 7 minutes until about 27 minutes.

  103. Part 1/

    Alan said...

    "Henry.. I don't know how many episodes you've listened to but if it's a few then you will know that i'm not "Jew!"-shy. I just don't find the need to say it over and over again though because there really is no need. I won't hold back from saying it where appropriate"

    Well that's reasonable. However beginning @7:45 in your podcast you gave (as you saw it) a fairly extensive summary of Beatrice Webb's family and speculated that there may be a French/Calvinist/Huguenot connection, however, you failed to mention that Beatrice considered herself to be of Jewish descent, not Huguenot! I think the "appropriate" time to mention this was in that podcast...don't you?

    If your "research" had only taken you to the Oxford DNB then you must know this simple fact about her.


    Beatrice believed herself to have Jewish blood


    In Potter's own biography My Apprenticeship Vol 1 p,11 she explains her mother's unease with the nine daughters she had produced...


    She [her mother] was destined to have nine daughters and to lose her only son. Moreover, her daughters were not the sort of women she admired or approved. She had been brought up “ a scholar and a gentlewoman” : her daughters refused to be educated and defied caste conventions. For the most part they were unmistakably Potters, the descendants of the tall dark woman of Jewish type who read Hebrew and loved music—my father’s mother, whose confinement in a lunatic asylum during the latter years of my grandfather Potter’s life (she was obsessed by the mania of leading the Jews back to Jerusalem and actually got
    as far as Paris, alas! poor lady, alone and without her fancied following) was always referred to as a slur on our birth.

    This of course means that under the matrilineal line of descent, her father Richard was born a Jew.

    And she paints a more favourable picture of him...


    His successes as a money-maker arose from his talent for negotiating new agreements; his genius was, in fact, for planning and not for executing. He had a winning personality, a pleasant voice, a strong will, a clearly conceived aim, and a remarkable faculty for finding the exact form of words which would give him all he wanted without seeming to deny the aims of the other parties. Moreover, he believed in the Jewish maxim — a maxim he often cited— that a bargain is not a good bargain unless it pays both sides.

    Alan, you failed to to tell your listeners about Beatrice living and working amongst the slum Jews of London in order to compile studies for her cousin by marriage, Charles Booth. Work which at times caused her to consider her blood-ties with them:


    The talents entrusted to my care were a tireless intellectual curiosity together with a double dose of will-power all the more effective because it was largely subconscious, instinctively avoiding expression if insistence threatened to prevent fulfilment. It was the “ overcoming by yielding” type of will, inherited from my father, which, when I was living amid the Jews in East London, I thought I recognised as a racial characteristic....Cont

  104. Part 2/


    On September 19, 1875 Beatrice entered the following in her diary


    The two studies I have taken up, Jewish History and English Law, are both very interesting. I have chosen the latter because it is so thoroughly different from the former, and employs a different set of muscles.

    Source for all quotes above: file:///C:/Users/Henry/Downloads/Books/Beatrice%20Web%20-%20Potter%20-MyApprenticeship%20Vol%201.pdf

    There is no doubt she that carried out those studies diligently because in later life she displays a perfect understanding of the Jewish conspiracy called 'covenant by which they hope to take the entire world as their own and destroy everything that they don't want or need. This understanding of the covenant and her occasional mention of it by way of criticising the jews is the basis for the often made charge against her of being an 'antisemite'.

    Indeed, Jewish academics have written at length about her Jewish background and her sometimes conflicting attitude to Jews. In 1978, Author: Yosef Gorni published Beatrice Webb's Views on Judaism and Zionism Jewish Social Studies, Vol. 40, No. 2 (Spring, 1978), pp. 95-116 Published by Indiana Universety Press.

    The 1978 study draws on what I have already posted but adds much more. For instance it cites the report of a meeting at the 1930 Labour Party Conference between Dov Hoz, who was in Britain as a representative of the Palestine labor movement, and the 72 yr old Beatrice Webb nÊe Potter:


    Describing the proceedings in a letter to Berl Katznelson, he [Dov Hoz] reported among other things on a meeting he had with Ms. Webb: " ... Mrs. Beatrice Webb learned that there were Palestinians here, and came over to us. We spoke for about twenty minutes, mostly in generalities, and a bit about Palestine. She mentioned that she was of Jewish descent and that she esteemed and admired the Jews."

    So we see that even in old age her pride in her Jewish roots was still important to her.

    Source: Letter from Dov Hoz to Berl Katznelson, 1 July 1930, Katznelson Documents, Beit Berl Archives.

    I'll stop here for now to give Alan Buttle a chance to respond then I'll continue...

  105. Thank you for sharing this research Henry. It is this kind of thing that i want in the comments sections of my podcasts. If i had been aware of these particular nuggets i would have included them. I believe that all the founders of the Fabian Society and the LSE were "Jews". The Huguenot movement is a significant one though and i found it interesting (maybe only I found it interesting) that these very early meetings in the very late 18th/early 19th century were happening in French (not Hebrew/Yiddish). If the Huguenots (or at least the leaders of the Huguenot) are actually "Jews", it might well explain other things at the same time.

  106. 3/

    @Alan: The meetings are supposed to have started in 1799 and continued until The Little Circle was formed in 1815. 'Radical Dick'and his friends were under constant threat of prosecution and journals/pamphlet presses and newspapers run by them had been closed down by the authorities in the years before the Manchester Guardian was founded. The years 1799-1815 take in the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815) and any 'radical dicks' found holding secret meeting in the French language would soon be headed for the gallows pole. So I find the speaking in French claim hard to swallow. Richard the elder had a wife in a French Madhouse and he made his money on French Markets which the family lost so finding some correspondence in French would not be surprising. They recovered their finances through the timber trade, specifically the supply huts for the Crimean War and railway sleepers for rail development.

    The Jewish grandmother was Mary Seddon - b.08.12.1793 Cromford, Derbyshire, England; d.1874. She was baptized 16th December 1793 in Matlock Bath Chapel (Independent Denomination) founded 1785. The Chapel lost it's registry status in 1951 and closed the same year. I believe it was demolished in the 1970s.

    In Yosef Gorni's published Beatrice Webb's Views on Judaism and Zionism Jewish Social Studies, Vol. 40, No. 2 (Spring, 1978) he writes that after Richard the grandfather died (1842) Richard the father travelled to Paris to bring her out from the asylum and she then lived with him. However there is a record of her living in Paddington as late as 1871 (aged 78) but I don't know what her arrangements were by that time. She died in 1874. Her Brother was Samuel Seddon. Her parents were William Seddon (b. London 1747, d. Leicester 1816) of “The Elms”, Gt. Wigston, Leicester and Sarah Norton. I don't have more info on Sarah Norton's family. They may have been the Jewish element given the available lineage.

    Source for all registry data: https://www.myheritage.com/research/collection-10109/wikitree?itemKey=21360404&action=showRecord&indId=externalindividual-b5f835cfe8178f44d410b14d14200d28

    Alan said...

    "...I believe that all the founders of the Fabian Society and the LSE were "Jews".

    We'll look at that possibility but you should have mentioned that in your podcast...cont

  107. I don't think i've been legitimately accused of failing to adequately mention "the Jews" before. I should have made a point of establishing their "Jew"ishness and then developing on the idea that they were Huguenots as well. It might have been obvious to people who have listened to all of my podcasts that "the Jews" are behind everything (especially communism/socialism), but not ones that perhaps stumble across my work while looking for information on the Webbs / Fabians / LSE. I might actually make an insertion into the podcast at an appropriate moment to establish that.


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