October 03, 2019

The Grand Unifying Theory Of Sexual Deviance, Part 1: Metastrophilia [teaser]


  1. Is that supposed to be a little girl?

    Guys I seriously don't know how to say this, but that is an obvious young boy.

  2. from what i read about her and her school, seems to be a female but you'd never know these days

  3. There is a Brothers Grimm fairytale "Lucky Hans" where, step by step, he goes from a HUGE ball of gold for his 7 years apprenticeship kind-gift, to NOTHING, each step Seemingly "lucky"

    IF White-Nations had been Honestly TOLD up-front: We Jews HATE you ALL, we ultimately will introduce & "normalise" homo-sex (and way More "sick") and "replace" you all with brown / black slaves ...

    Not even the most "believing" we are all the "same" Christian would have AGREED to THIS!

    Instead, "election" after "election" in "winner-take-all" Jew-Rules "De-MOCK-racy" we are "given Three-Choices: Voting for Hilery, Trump, or Not voting at all, and the votes of million upon millions of brown-folk RULING over us!

    "Conservatives" as the "right" in USA are Called, have NOT effectively "conserved" ANYTHING!
    Rather, as the "Progressive" Agenda Progresses, each Point is TRANSFERRED to the "Conservative" Platform a few-steps-Behind, ENABLING a Battle between each CAREFULLY-Divided HALF each "Election" ...

    The LARGER picture, is that Folks Respond to Both Rewards and Punishments, Desires and FEARS,
    and "Money" (Debt-Based-"clever"-Robbing-Usury) by step by step Media Imprinting "cleverly" "EMBODIES" ALL-Desires (the more "Money" the "better") and Terrible Terrible FEAR (without "money" the less the WORST) as it is TAKEN-AWAY to the Limits of PAINFUL-DEATH!

    -- The Contrast of NOW having the "Choice" Between: 16 year-old terrible Emotional-hysterical-manipulation Actor Greta, or the young-"girl" Soph who seems to be "on Our side"! ;-)

    Alexander -the-Great was said to have been early-on presented with the "Gordian-Knot" ...
    He Refused to "play" by (((their))) "rules" and CUT it with His Sword ... RATHER than TRYING to IMPOSSIBLY unravel the "puzzle"

    Yesterday in Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show (1094) -- Dr. Eric Karlstrom in 6 minutes (31-38min) Explained how Revilo-P-Oliver described Jews as a Predator-Race which maybe around Theodor Herzl in 1897 First Zionist Congress in Basel Switzerland DETERMINED: to "Replace" (((their))) DANGEROUS-European-Stock-"Food-Supply" with more easily controlled brown-Stock!

    We are ALL now Struggling to Discover: an EFFECTIVE-Block to (((their))) "clever" step-by-step IMPLIMENTATION of (((their))) "clever" plan!

    I STILL believe that National-Socialism-Germany+Hitler came-CLOSEST to This!
    -- And that "Smarter-than-us" Alan-Butle etc are terribly Wrong in their neat&tidy "Everyone is Controlled" /All-the-"SAME" DEAD-END "logic" "ideas" ...

    IF Hitler +HIS-Aims were indeed "the-'SAME'" as (((Stalins))) how is it that we ALL SEE: how very very DIFFERENT are (((their))) Portrayals of EACH?!


  4. I don't think Hitler ever had intentions of killing jews :

    1-to squeeze money out of them, yes.
    2-but not even with the releasing all kinds of documents from the Russian archives, did anyone ever find evidence of it. Try as they might, nothing, zero, nada!

    What did happen is that Hitler moved from the world bank currency, and made a success, a huge success of it.

    He used the labor of the Germans as collateral on the world Market.

    Ooooh, that was an example that had to be taken down. It would've given ideas to others!

    He was provoked into war by the Poles, Czechs, Engl. and the U.S. put the cherry on top.

  5. A few years ago, she definitely looked like a girl. Now she is starting to look a little like Ben Shapiro. Life is cruel sometimes.


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