October 18, 2019

Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2019.10.18

Dave Gahary on Free Speech & Peacenik Trump; Dane Wiggington on Climate Catastrophe

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, holds advanced degrees in English Literature, French Literature, and African Literature, and is the author of multiple books which deconstructs the "war on terror". Dr. Barrett has been a Muslim since 1993. Blacklisted from teaching in the University of Wisconsin system since 2006 for questioning the events of 9/11, Dr. Barrett now hosts radio shows and is a public speaker.


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  1. Holy fuck this Pozner pos that brags about censoring thousands of YouTube videos and who has a ADL legal warchest is a kind man in mourning who genuinely just wants peace based upon meeting in person. Oh btw stop suing me.

  2. I remember this guy, on the USS Liberty anniversary he appeared on Diana Spingola's show and stated the Israelis were not trying to sink the ship as a false flag for US military action against Egypt because they used napalm and machine guns. For fuck sake a torpedo directly hit the ship, malfunctioned, and went through one side and out the other! Fuck this guy. I'm having serious questions...

  3. Et Tu Brute
    A stab in the back to Fetzer.
    A Judas act, 30 pieces of silver.

    1. Same vibe here.
      On the second hour's guest his presentation not only confirmed my worst suspicions on chemtrails but exceeded them to the point I had to pause listening due to information overload.

      I will take issue with one statement, that concerning the B-17s over Europe and the pause of ice contrails out of one aircraft while that of others continuing as evidence of atmispheric experimentation. First of all this was total war and the air forces were focused upon carrying the maximum tonnage possible to strategic (sometimes not) targets. Swapping fuel for chemtrail liquid would be ridiculous. Second, the stoppage can be easily explained as the water injection system for detonation control running out due to lines freezing, a bullet puncture, or pump mechanical failure.

  4. 'Black Cube' Barrett is not to be trusted nor is his good buddy
    Gordi Duffstein. Remember, the best disinfo is sugar coated
    with a thin layer of truth. This show doesn't surprise me in the least.
    They both push the lie of multiculturalism, which is the core
    foundation of globalism.

    1. IDK Scorp at least Duff makes his disinfo easy to spot
      "there I was"
      "did I ever tell you the time"
      But his geopolitical analysis is spot on.

  5. "I sure saved money on the trip etc"
    "I'm always careful with money"
    Why even bring this up? Freudian slip me thinks.

  6. I don't trust Cahary and can't listen to him after I gave him real on the scene contacts from the USS America that bear witness that Egypt was to be bombed with nukes but the Liberty didn't go down. I also told him I heard from a US submariner on the scene, [witness of which I didn't get contact information] that the reason the Israelis suddenly abandoned finishing off the job with commandos laddering down from a helicopter hovering over the Liberty was because a Russian submarine deliberately put up it's periscope at that moment to let the Israelis know there were witnesses observing them. Cahary said dismissively that submarines wouldn't do that. I know submarines wouldn't normally do that David, but this was an exceptional situation and Russian would've been beholden to respond to such an attack. Also supporting this idea was hearing Tourney state on Tru News that Israelis were about to ladder down and finish them off but suddenly they just left.

    The fact that Barret is comfey with this guy bothers me about Barret.


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