November 03, 2019

The CIA Did This


  1. The guy describing this so called “Alice and Wonderland Technique” is actually using the technique on you in his explanation. It is a cheap trick to desensitize and downplay a very dangerous psychological tactic being used now to bring down nation states across the world, hat is going to result in the deaths of untold millions of people. What is happening to us right now is a covert act of war with the same aims as if we were bombed into oblivion, only instead of our cities being destroyed by bombs, the populations will bring down their own cities through massive rioting, and nationwide civil unrest that will come when there is another economic collapse as seen particularly in 1819, 1837, 1857, 1873, 1907, and 1929. (For a full list see The tactic he is describing was discovered by Pavlov, later applied to humans and weaponized by jews pretending to be soviets, and is a stress induction method used to break down the human mind. For a quick overview see:
    Humanity has never experienced the instantaneous, internet-based communications devices that have stormed the world in the last few decades, and has no historical reference points or prior experience from which to draw insight. We are the first humans in world history subject to this new phenomenon and the consequences are just now coming to light. Because the world is fractured into hundreds of competing nation states, many of which are, or have engaged in brutal slaughters against each other, each new technology with the prospect of being weaponized, gets weaponized. Humanity simply has no choice. Your enemies will figure out a way to weaponize something, forcing you follow suit. If they get the edge on you, then all will die. As Heraclitus stated some 2600 years ago, “War is the father and king of us all” and this truism applies to all aspects of life.

  2. The early 20th century brought about the invention of the am radio, which forced changes in the way humanity thinks and lives. As Heraclitus’ axiom rang true, the am radio was weaponized as a propaganda method which was used to manipulate the masses into war. Along with this new mass communication device rose new areas of study in how best to use this device to manipulate people, and two key fields, namely Mass Communication Studies and Applied Social Psychology were developed to harness its military power. For an excellent explanation of this horror, read Christopher Simpson’s Science of Coercion found free here:

    Unfortunately, as Simpson tells us, these early studies were developed by foreign scientists who had immigrated into the US from Soviet Russia, and snaked their way into our intelligence agencies and think tanks, resulting in the modern day mass communication psyops that have wrecked havoc on the minds of the american people and threaten us with catastrophic consequences. Simpson also informs us that these social psychological techniques have been highly classified since inception, which means that none of the social scientists running around with Phds today have the slightest clue that the cognitive dissonance and social disintegration we are experiencing now is actually an act of war against us. Because of the nature of these techniques and the jews who are unquestionably employing them against us, are of a highly controversial nature, even those who rediscover them by themselves, face severe consequences bringing them to light. Again, Heraclitus’ truths that war is the father of us all rings true despite our free speech and free press rights, as we see now that both are being shut down by the very people attacking us. Making a long story short, the jews have been working frantically since their great exodus from Europe and the USSR in the early 20th, to infiltrate key nerve centers of our society with the patented intent of destroying it, and as we see now with the unsustainable debts, the massive derivative ponzi scams, the out sourcing of our factories, the destruction of our nations farms, the importation of third world latinos, and many other factors, our system is right at the edge of a systemic collapse, which will pale in comparison to previous collapses. The key out of this Gordian knot was engineered by the National Socialists in Germany, who suffered the exact same type of attack, by the exact same jews, using the exact same playbook. I would suggest one interested in putting up any kind of coordinated resistance to these long running psychopaths, study the methods the Germans used to extrapolate themselves from this jew quagmire. This guy in the video says nothing about any of this does he?

  3. No he doesn't and I think you raise some excellent points here.The article I posted about the double bind theory is actually in my opinion What we are being subjected to on a daily basis and what seems to paralyzing us in a state of inaction. Between that and the long established Bernaysian methods we have been under since the 20's it has really damaged or cultures. He mentions Bateson in this talk and I was not really familiar with this double bind technique. But it sure seems like we are being subjected to this kind of manipulation on a cultural level almost daily . I think this video could have been shorter to get the major point that i took away from it. Thanks for you insights Ves

  4. Does this sound familiar?
    According to Bateson, a double bind is a communication dilemma that comes from a conflict between two or more messages. So it doesn’t matter what you do, because any choice you make will be wrong. This is a situation in which communication only causes suffering and can even lead to psychological disorders.

  5. Unless you have been inoculated by large amounts of conspiracy info LOL

  6. This is Stefán molyneux. He has the same expressions and the same grin on his face


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