November 05, 2019

BREAKING: Veritas bullshit


  1. They're just making it look as if reporters actually do investigative reports these days.

  2. Zapper, this is a big-fucking-deal, Man, because, NOW, the common-people are going to get-a-glimpse into what REALLY happens in (((the news business))), because, unlike a lot-of-what Project Veritas presents, THIS WILL HAVE TO BE COVERED BY ALL MEDIA, SINCE IT INVOLVES A MAJOR STORY BEING QUASHED, WITH (((the journalist))) RAISING-HOLY-HELL ABOUT IT.

    Anyway, this needs to be added to the mega-post-of-Project-Veritas, because I intend to present a lot-of-information, later, when I have time, that people MUST know, and to share, in-order to make others aware.

    Thank you for what you do.

  3. Stop telling me what to do dude. Do your thing I'll do mine.

    You float like a butterfly but sting like a mosquito. LOL

  4. Big let down by Project Veritas - tell us something we don't already know. This will change nothing.

  5. Man, you DO NOT know-what-you-are-talking-about, PERIOD. In just the nine hours, or so, since that video has been posted, OVER 1.1 MILLION INDIVIDUAL VIEWS, AND ALMOST 10,000 COMMENTS, HAVE BEEN REGISTERED.

    This is a real game-changer, because it is black-and-white--there is NO ambiguity as to what happened with this story, and the RAGE from (((the journalist))) was palpable, as SHE WAS, LITERALLY, TEARING-UP FROM BEING SO UPSET/PISSED-OFF AT WHAT WAS DONE TO 'HER' STORY.

    No, Folks, this is far, far bigger than you people will ever realize, because of what it PROVES to the common-people whom know very little of, and about, what "WE" know, but, BELIEVE ME, THIS KIND-OF-SHIT AWAKENS FAR MORE PEOPLE THAN YOU WILL EVER REALIZE.

  6. This is a story that repeats itself every year. What you are experiencing Lindsey, was experienced by many watching veritas and wikileaks back in 2016 even before Trump became President. The theatre repeats, and yes more people wake up to some MSM lies. But there is crucially more to the redpilling journey.

    How many who watch veritas are Christian Zionists?

    How many who watch veritas will never ever EVER get to the point of criticizing jews?

    How many who watch veritas will get trapped on a level of believing in controlled opposition israeli psyops? Or satanic agents?

    Be careful not to get stuck on a particular level of the deception.

  7. Unknown you might want to change your name, I think that name is flagged for comments to possibly not show up or get deleted.

  8. P.S. Amy Robach is a massive tranny. Just look at that freak!

  9. I don't buy any of this. Look at the way her eyes are moving, its like she's reading a teleprompter, then she says relevation instead of revelation as if she's reading something. She says "we had everything...Clinton..."-but not Trump or Weinstien or Lex...


  10. Are we supposed to believe that at the news channels they're actually having for real conversations and covering for real news on the floor in front of the camera right up until they go to air?


    I reckon Linds was one of the callers to Rivero today crying about negative people and he shouldn't keep calls going that are bashing Trump - like Dustin.


  12. The Project Veritas video has 2 MILLION INDIVIDUAL VIEWS, and 13,200 Comments.


  13. This is all staged. You've been at this long enough to know shit from Shinola but apparently you still don't.

    Are you on drugs man or are you watching too much of the MSM?

  14. Lindsey please contemplate the following words and try to understand the trap that you have fallen into:

    You understand that mainstream media is lying to you. But you can't seem to understand that controlled opposition has ALSO manufactured viral videos on the internet to trick you.

    Years of Qanon talking about "the democrats" as if the left vs. right game is real, but he never redpills his audience with inside information on Israel. I don't see how you can be on this blog but fail to understand that.

  15. While we are at this Lindsey, do you also believe that JFK JR faked his death and is Qanon? Thousands and thousands believe this now.

    Actors/ Politicians do fake their deaths sometimes, like Jo Cox. But NOT so that they can secretly take down the satanic system.


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