November 25, 2019

Following Sacha Baron Cohen's speech, here is ADL's short list of social media accounts that should have been removed long ago


  1. This is great! It would be nice if this really gains some traction. A meme really needs to be started that echoes what EMJ has been saying for some time now. Jews rejected Christ. In doing so so they broke the covenant and are on their own. They have no claim to Israel! They are supremacist interlopers and haters. It's that simple.

  2. And if they accept christ do they get to have Israel like the Ziochristians?

  3. Well they killed him and created a shit load of extra biblical rules/laws like the talmud zohar halaka mishna and what ever else. I don't get the ziochristians but for the purposes of the white christian perspective a little biblical acknowledgment seems to be a good place to come from from a religious rights/freedoms perspective. Being some new age white nationalist seems to be a lonely place destined for failure to me. Granted there are many christians who will not agree with white nationalism, but there are many who do and making an alliance seems like a no brainer to me. So on a local level it seems like you might have better luck finding like minded people. No? That being said It's not something I have done myself but may explore soon. I'm historically not a church going man.

  4. The Fiddler on the Roof Jews dindunuffin wrong to deserve such vitriol.

  5. Good luck to you. I'd have a beer with Bill Aus here Melbourne and I reckon he wouldn't try any of that on.

    The other thing is there are Christians all over the world of every race and colour so how does that help? If all the Arabs and North Africans become Christian how does that help exactly?

  6. You know what, as individuals it just sucks being so fucking helpless. I suppose what I fantasize about is a large christian base that finally starts rejecting all this Talmudic pc mind control. I know deep down that things need to get real bad before people can finally admit that they need to fight this and so many of these agendas go unchallenged. Here in Canada it is absolutely pathetic how quiet people are about these agendas that are in their faces daily.So my thinking is that at least from a christian viewpoint they might at least have a feeling of cohesiveness and community. It no longer exists in my neighborhood. At the same time I realize its likely futile.

  7. That's fair enough, I won't begrudge you that. I don't have problem with Christians or anyone else per se, live and let live, I just don't understand why it has to be a prerequisite.

  8. Alison Chabloz
    A Holocaust denier who was described by a UK judge as “manifestly anti-Semitic” and “utterly obsessed with what she perceives to be the wrongdoing of Jews.” Chabloz believes that “Holocaustianity” is “the main religion…of the western world,” and that Zionist Jews “have a quasi-religious duty to lie” to others. She has written and performed songs which claim that Auschwitz was a “theme park” and
    that gas chambers are a “proven hoax.” [Source] She has 650
    Kevin Barrett
    A 9/11 truther and anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist who hosts a wide
    array of anti-Semites and Holocaust deniers on his internet radio
    show and writes for the Unz Review. Barrett frequently invokes anti-
    Semitic conspiracy theories about supposed Jewish manipulation of
    world events, claiming that the West does not comprehend Israel’s
    duplicity because of “the extent of clandestine Zionist power; and
    the fact that the Holocaust story has become the most sacred
    narrative of the West, despite the questionable factual basis of some
    of its most important details.” He has 5,000 friends.
    Texe Marrs
    A Christian fundamentalist pastor and founder of Power of Prophecy
    Ministries, Marrs promoted hardcore anti-Semitic ideas for decades.
    Marrs refers to Jews as members of a “Synagogue of Satan” and
    wrote that Jews are “responsible for virtually all wars and bloodshed
    on the face of the planet,” that they are an “evil cabal” whose
    “tentacles reach out to grip and strangle untold multitudes of
    innocent victims.” Marrs apparently died this weekend. He has 2.3k
    ADL first highlighted the following channels in August 2019. All page
    views are accurate as of November 25, 2019.
    This is the official channel of the fundamentalist Christian streaming
    news and opinion platform TruNews, whose programs routinely
    feature anti-Semitic content, and which has a long record of
    disseminating Islamophobic and anti-LGBTQ messages. TruNews
    founder and host Pastor Rick Wiles has used the YouTube channel to
    claim that Jews control the media, decimate American culture, and
    attack Christians. He describes Jews as the “Synagogue of Satan” and
    as agents of the antichrist. The TruNews YouTube channel has 190K
    subscribers and 211,954 views.
    Steven Anderson, who leads the New Independent Fundamentalist
    Baptist Movement from his Faith Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ,
    has a long history of preaching anti-Semitism and anti-LGBTQ messages. He claims that Judaism is a “fraud,” and openly denies the Holocaust. Pastor Anderson’s YouTube channel has 125K subscribers and 64,264,106 views.
    “E. Michael Jones”
    Longtime anti-Semite and traditionalist Catholic writer E. Michael Jones uses his YouTube channel and books to promote the idea that Jews are responsible for perpetrating attacks against the Catholic Church, as well as against standards, social stability and global political order. He portrays Judaism as inherently threatening towards Christianity; he also describes Jews as “outlaws and subversives” and claims that Judaism exhibits “a particularly malignant spirit.” E. Michael Jones’ YouTube channel has 51.9K subscribers and 566,792 views.

  9. Below is a short list of people and organizations espousing virulent anti-Semitic views with active accounts on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. These accounts – hardly an exhaustive list - should have been removed long ago. It's well past time for social media giants to take responsibility for the content they host, promote and disseminate. These accounts should be removed immediately.

    David Duke
    David Duke is a racist and anti-Semite who has been active in the white supremacist movement for over 40 years. A former Klansman, Duke has tried to soften his image over the years by presenting himself as a “respectable racist” and author. Duke has made a career out of spreading unabashed anti-Semitism and white supremacy. Concerning Jews and the State of Israel, Duke’s messages typically include conspiratorial depictions of Jewish power and Jewish hatred for non-Jews, a combination he refers to as “Jewish supremacism.” Duke makes sweeping generalizations alleging Jewish control of the media, banking, world affairs and governments and Hollywood. He has 52.9K followers.
    Louis Farrakhan
    @louisfarrakhan Note: account has been inactive for a few months
    For more than 30 years, Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam (NOI), has been a notable extremist figure, railing against Jews, white people and the LGBT community. In recent years, Farrakhan has embarked on a wide-ranging campaign specifically targeting the Jewish community, a campaign that has featured some of the most
    hateful speeches of his tenure as head of NOI. Farrakhan has alleged that the Jewish people were responsible for the slave trade and that they conspire to control the government, the media and Hollywood, as well as various black individuals and organizations. He frequently denies the legitimacy of Judaism – or Jewish claim to the land of Israel -- arguing that Judaism is nothing more than a “deceptive lie” and a “theological error” promoted by Jews to further their “control” over America’s government and economy. He has 339.8K followers.

    Richard Spencer
    Richard Spencer has become the most recognizable public face of the alt right, a loose network of people who promote white identity and reject mainstream conservatism in favor of politics that embrace implicit or explicit racism, anti-Semitism and white supremacy. Spencer coined the term “alternative right” (from which “alt right” is derived) in 2008 in an article in Taki’s Magazine, a far-right publication. At the time, Spencer was using “alternative right” to refer to people on the right who distinguished themselves from traditional conservatives by opposing, among other things, egalitarianism, multiculturalism and open immigration. Spencer has tried to use the media to mainstream racism and anti-Semitism. In recent years, Spencer has become more openly anti-Semitic, and now says he wants to establish a white ethno-state in the U.S., where whites can live separately from non-whites and Jews. Since 2011, Spencer has been the President of the National Policy Institute (NPI). He has 77.7K followers.

    Gilad Atzmon@giladatzmon
    Gilad Atzmon is an anti-Semitic author and musician who describes himself as an “ex-Israeli” and an “ex-Jew.” He is an outspoken
    promoter of classic anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and a fierce critic of Jewish identity. He has written that “Jewish ideological, political, and cultural discourse is…foreign to universalism and ideas of true equality.” Although Atzmon frequently attacks Zionism, he has also argued that Zionism itself was originally a “universalist and humanist” movement which was “hijacked by Judaism” and that Israel is a “tyranny inspired by a deep Talmudic intolerance.”

  10. Kevin MacDonald
    Kevin MacDonald is an anti-Semite and a retired psychology at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB). MacDonald’s anti-Semitic views became widely known after he wrote a series of books on Jews, starting in the mid-1990s. In these works, he argued that Jews are a hostile elite in American society who undermine the country’s European heritage and traditions in an effort to destroy Europeans. Couching his views as legitimate intellectual inquiry, MacDonald has asserted that anti-Semitism, including the anti-Jewish hatred exhibited by the Nazis and those who carried out the Spanish Inquisition, is a “rational” response to Judaism. He has 30.1K followers.
    Texe Marrs
    A Christian fundamentalist pastor and founder of Power of Prophecy
    Ministries, Marrs promoted hardcore anti-Semitic ideas for decades.
    Marrs refers to Jews as members of a “Synagogue of Satan” and
    wrote that Jews are “responsible for virtually all wars and bloodshed
    on the face of the planet,” that they are an “evil cabal” whose
    “tentacles reach out to grip and strangle untold multitudes of
    innocent victims.” Marrs apparently died this weekend. He has 2.3k
    Israel Shamir
    A Jewish convert to Christianity who has written that Jews are
    “braying for [non-Jewish] blood,” and that Jews control the public
    discourse in the United States. He also claims that “Jewish hatred to
    Christ and Christians is deeply entrenched,” and that “nobody has to
    be a Jew, and as their crimes in Palestine multiply, it is imperative to
    not be one.” He has 7.5k followers.
    Gordon Duff
    Duff is a senior editor at the anti-Semitic website Veterans Today,
    and a prolific promoter of anti-Semitic ideas and conspiracy
    theories. He denies the existence of gas chambers at the notorious
    Nazi death camp Auschwitz in Poland and claims that Israel controls
    the intelligence organizations of “dozens of nations,” including the
    United States. Duff describes Zionists as “monsters” that act “for
    money and power.” He has 1.5k followers.
    ADL first highlighted the following channels in August 2019. All page
    views are accurate as of November 25, 2019.
    Steven Anderson, who leads the New Independent Fundamentalist
    Baptist Movement from his Faith Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ,
    has a long history of preaching anti-Semitism and anti-LGBTQ messages. He claims that Judaism is a “fraud,” and openly denies the Holocaust. Pastor Anderson’s YouTube channel has 125K subscribers and 64,264,106 views.
    “Brother Nathanael Video”
    This YouTube channel features videos of Nathanael Kapner, a former Jew who converted to the Russian Orthodox faith and is now a “street evangelist” and anti-Semitic provocateur. Kapner’s videos typically intersperse his conspiratorial, anti-Semitic rhetoric with clips and images from other media. The channel has 114,990 views. (Subscription information is not available for this channel.)
    “The Red Elephants Vincent James” and “Vincent James”

  11. Most of that ADL selection are truth loving, God loving Christians.

    It takes God fearing men and women to understand then be engaged to oppose the crimes being committed by Jews against God and his people.

  12. No not a prerequisite just a way to get more people speaking out publicly. If you are coming from a well established moral code they can't really call you a hater because after all, its the word God ;) I think they have done a great job taking us all away from Christianity over the last several decades. no? It was just a thought but I'm sure other people have likely been thinking the same thing.

  13. Had to cut down to size the comments and nearly left out E Michael Jones

    “E. Michael Jones”
    Longtime anti-Semite and traditionalist Catholic writer E. Michael Jones uses his YouTube channel and books to promote the idea that Jews are responsible for perpetrating attacks against the Catholic Church, as well as against standards, social stability and global political order. He portrays Judaism as inherently threatening towards Christianity; he also describes Jews as “outlaws and subversives” and claims that Judaism exhibits “a particularly malignant spirit.” E. Michael Jones’ YouTube channel has 51.9K subscribers and 566,792 views.

    ADL probably and deliberately left out a few other truth tellers for not to give them publicity.

    Nice to learn there was not one that ADL identified that I was not familiar with.

  14. adl going after texe marss and he retired nearly 2 years
    adl need more shekels to do real research

  15. Texe Marrs RIP

    He died a couple of days ago according to ACH

    We goyim have to appreciate his good godly work!

  16. Texe Marrs Has Gone Home to Be With the Lord

    Texe MarrsTexe Marrs passed to his heavenly home Saturday evening, November 23, to be with his Saviour whom he loves with all his heart. Texe had been physically failing for some time with a combination of heart, kidney and lymphedema issues. He would be down for a time, bounce back for a bit, and then relapse, each time recovering less and less.

    Wanda started calling the family together. A week ago, last Saturday, he asked Wanda and his sister to take him to the hospital and he never recovered. His wife Wanda and many of the grandchildren were by his side when he passed.

    Services with full military honors will be held at 1pm Wednesday, November 27, 2019, at Cook Walden Mortuary

  17. Texe Marrs did a fantastic job.He was a great man and will be missed.

  18. KnownUnknown: the satanic jews and freemasons at the top absolutely believe that they are worshipping satan and get power from demons and satan by ritually murdering children, and goyim with mass murder festivals like wars.

    D-Day = day of the devil, not day of defeat. 6th hour of 6th day of 6th month.

    They absolutely love this stuff. So the concept of God and Satan, and satanic jews, is worth looking into.


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