November 24, 2019


No big revelations in that title! Good talk though.. talk took place in 2008 i believe.



    ^ I went to YT mainly so I could see the pub date... and it's F'n HIDDEN?!

    comment are up to "4 years ago" though

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I did find this 2008 article on Felton's guest speaker appearance at the Vancouver Library. So it appears the video is older than 2014. Also, Felton believes the holocaust happened.

    The Greg Felton-Vancouver Public Library scandal is tonight

  4. no it's from 2008 im pretty sure

  5. I do believe you're correct chainsawmillerman!

  6. Just don't say the word 'jew.' As Fetch discovered to his unspeakable horror.

  7. They call me an F in Jew and I never got laid my life

  8. 1776blues: I do NOT subscribe to the official "holocaust" narrative. I didn't think that was the time to get sidetracked at the expense of my presentation. See: for proof that the narrative is false.



  9. Jews control the United States...and intellectuals the world over have spoken clearly about this existential problem throughout the ages. Greg is another one of those weakling rhetorical jackasses who wants to impose his own brand of speech control in the discussion of this existential threat to Western civilization.

  10. Poor Dennis Fetcho: He still cannot get over the fact that I called him out on his anti-Jewish prejudice. I demonstrated to him conclusively that there is a difference between Jews and Zionists and that his blanket condemnation of Jews was intellectually indefensible. Unfortunately, rhetorical accuracy is a threat to this small-minded bigot. He cannot mount an effect defence, so he resorts to impotent, ad hominem rants. For someone who thinks "Jews" are a threat, his blanket attack on them plays into the Jew-as-victim cult and undermines effective anti-zionist activity. With an "ally" like Fetcho, Israel has no worries.

  11. What some guests on Kevin Barrett seem to say is that there are different group(s). For instance Kevin's last guy the leaders of the kazhars kept practicng the dark arts like child sacrifice. But when you think about it, the Christians were let God sacrifice his son, and according to the OT, if God hadn't stopped him, Abraham would have sacrificed Isaac.

  12. There are good and bad in every race&religion, but there is herd mentality and people don't want persecution for people who do not go along with the crowd.
    People are upset about all the wars 1,2, Vietnam ,middle east, that we started by the "elite", whoever they are.

  13. And they should be angry, but things are not always what they seem. Kevin's last guest seemed to say, the Khazars set up the sephardic , and Kevin even they tried to make it look like the Christians according to Kevin, I think. Then the Khazars took over, but maybe the separfic took some control back, etc, etc, Kevin's guest earlier said similar but different??? It is not straight forward. Rockefeller is Protestant??????

  14. Poor Felton - so desperate to push his Zio sob story. It is JEWS Greg. TruNews just did a great piece on the ongoing Jew Coup against the United States. Funny. Was banned from Youtube overnight.

    Too much truth.

    Sell the Zio Sob Story and you can survive, but nobody takes you seriously anymore.

  15. A sign that your opponent is defeated but still intends to waste your time thinking he's better than you comes when he has to copy your rhetoric, presumably because he has none of his own.

    I have proven that Dennis Fetcho has no business treating Jews as an undifferentiated monolithic entity; it is inaccurate and tactically STUPID! I made my case above on Nov. 29 at 12:15.

    It is curious that Fetcho never addresses my arguments, preferring instead to recycle the very fallacy I debunked. His latest "response" consists merely of malaprops, logical fallacies and insult––nothing that reflects mature thought.

    My Zionist evidence is not "a sob story" as he claims. Sob story??!! I make no appeal to pathos; I merely cite verifiable historical evidence that Zionist Jews are NOT the same as Yiddish Jews. Clearly, Fetcho, cannot even use insult properly, which is remarkable because that's pretty much all he has and he doesn't care how ridiculous he looks.

    As for TruNews, who cares? Appeal to authority like this is another logical fallacy. A source is not "truthful" just because Fetcho says so. It doesn't address my argument. Saying something is true doesn't make it so.

    Then we come to the real motive driving Fetcho's petty obsession with smearing me for my linguistic and historical accuracy: I have shown him up, and his ego can't stand it. His claim "nobody takes me seriously anymore" is so petty and careless it almost merits pity. For what it's worth, my book "The Host and the parasite––How Israel's Fifth Column Consumed America," ha just been made the subject of a four-part analysis in England. Each part is on YouTube. Here is the first:

    In all, the series has registered more than 40,000 views. Clearly, many people take me seriously. Meanwhile, Fetcho continues to embarrass himself.


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