November 29, 2019

Myers Briggs Personality Types Explained - Which One Are You?

The other day Zapoper started a thread in which he ran his mouth (or fingers) summarizing Chainsawmillerman (me) although it was humorous and somewhat misguided it gave me an idea at the time that I posted in the comments about the 16 personality types. It would be interesting to see if we took a pole, if there are certain personality types drawn to this sort of information we talk about here at Mami's . I will post the test below. Take the test and post your personality type. That's including you too Henry!


  1. My type was yellow, said The Protector. That was all I found, not covered in the video. I am ok with that.

  2. I changed the link to a test that will provide your particular personality from the 16 possible.

  3. Noor al Haqiqa you're an ISFJ - The Protector

  4. INTP - at least that is what it was way back in the day.

  5. What the thinking there must have been a glitch with my first results being a personality type ISTJ which is not on the list, I took the test for a second time. This time thinking a little more on some of the questions and answering them differently. Still ended up as ISTJ..grrrr lol anyone else have this problem????

  6. @raught4 ISTJ is on the list. I looked it up and that type is known as "The Investigator"

  7. ISTJ here. I think I need a nap now.


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