November 12, 2019

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2019.11.12

E. Michael Jones on Neo-Paganism, Porn, Climate Change & Mental Illness

Dr. E. Michael Jones returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his recent articles “The Inner Logic of Neo-Paganism in Sweden Why All Porno Films get Remade as Horror Movies” and “Greta Thunberg: Climate Change & Mental Illness.”

Dr. Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine and the author of many books including The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History, Barren Metal: A History of Capitalism as a Conflict between Labor & Usury, and the soon to be released Logos Rising: The History of Ultimate Reality.

Timothy's Podcasts



  1. Catholics telling us how to get through puberty? Lololololol

    This guy is a bad as climate idiots, thinks there's one answer to everything because all the problems are related to it - Catholic God worship.

  2. I had to skip most of it then had to listen to Truth Hertz just to get some sanity back...

    Feels a bit Rense, Tim used to have much better and wider topics but now it's the same 3 people with the same shtick

  3. what EMJ cannot get his head around is that his pagan church is Habiru. He also seems to think that hanging out with the parthian crowd of subwassabis hahabiru is going to help.

    he also doesn't get the fact that europeans are by instinct counterhabiru. that's why his precious squareheads got to work and the habiru never worked a day in their 10,000 years meanderings. He also doens't get cockwarfare but his paganplace in rome always has even though it fakes ignorance, which EMJ seems to be ignorant of, today.

  4. Part-1:
    I have been TRYING to pin-point: EMJ's "Schtick" as well!

    Maybe it is as simple as his voice-tone "hypnotises" you and THEN his Emphatic-STATEMENTS SEEM "meaningful"?
    -- Perhaps the Added: Invented-Code-words: "Logos" etc, which ALL Surround his BASIC: "You MUST be a Catholic..." Mono-"Point" to MASK such, to Trick Listeners into "Thinking" that He is somehow making "important" 'deep" (smarter than WE can even "Understand"!) points!

    I was listening to 5 British lads doing "Pub-Talk" on YT "Brutus the Saxon" and "Brutus" was making the "You NEED to Believe in God-the-Creator, as a basis / foundation, in-order to be Moral!" -- and one of his friends said: "I Don't Think that you NEED Religion to be Moral."

    I thought about THAT!

    -- Perhaps a LOT of our "Western Morals" ARE within our "Race-Memory" - Ancestral-GROUPS'-Make-Up which WE Call "Our Souls"
    -- I simply LOVE our WHITE-Race (which has many Racial sub-groups)
    -- And TEND to Believe, that the INTRINSIC: Goodness and softhearted 'Fairness" within OUR Hearts, would indeed MAKE us Grow-Up to be Quite-MORAL ...
    -- IF ONLY: we Could "Remove" the jew-Influence Non-Stop (((Media))) Pollution-Mind-POISON !!!

    I Listen to 14 Hours of Pro-White TALK each-day, and though each Talk may temporarily 'sway' me towards a "Take", as I TRY to "Get" what are the Points the Talkers are Trying to Make, ... I Can't be DISSUADED from the TWO Key-Points: "It's the jews Stupid!" + "Race-Realism".
    -- Somehow, it Seems, that Listening to EMJ leaves one DUMBER: AFTER Listening, than Before! -- A phenomena in-common with ALL jew-Talkers !!! ;-)

    I ALSO find "Truth-Hertz" guy makes one DUMBER for Listening! -- Contrasted with the Recent Nick Fuentes clips: which Mention Christian Values, BUT which Greatly-ADVANCE our GOOD, BASIC Interests!
    -- I Think that the basic Problem with Charlies-JEW-LIE-ani, is that he DELIBERATELY pushes a "LITERAL" interpretation with non-stop Frankfurt-School-DEMORALISATION [which DESTROYS ALL who come in-contact With HIM! -- he is a Natural "Fit" with Kyle-Hunt & Sinead!] -- whereas sooo Many Like: Paul-English + ACH, can Present: quite encouraging PRO-WHITE Readings of Bible-Teachings/"Law"!

    -- I have TRIED before (even on Mami's Posts!) to POINT-Out: My "wisdom" of SEEING BOTH: Similarities + DIFFERENCES, with the Emphasis on DIFFERENCES!
    -- And Simply: ANYONE who Says for-example: that Killary & Drump are "The-SAME" -- When there ARE indeed DISTINCT DIFFERENCES, is making Folks DUMBER!

    Something, which I have OBSERVED sooo many Times within Myself: Is that Almost WHENEVER (((someone))) is Leading you to BeLIEve that YOU are Soooo Much "Smarter" than Others, simply Because of a GROUP-Affiliation ... THIS Seduction is making You DUMBER, and Fooling you into becoming (((their))) BLINDED Duped-Tool !!!

    -- Surprisingly, though, I DO Believe, that there is MUCH that Makes us GOOD, simply BECAUSE of our "Whiteness" !!!
    -- Which, I suppose, because "we Haven't 'Earned' it" -- it was indeed GIVEN to us BY our Ancestors' Sacrifices, and Generosity -- might be SAID by jews to be something that we "Can't" be Proud of! ...
    -- But, Perhaps, our Being WHITE, is INDEED, one of the SAFEST TRUEST things to Truly BE Proud of! :-)

  5. Part-2:
    ---- Indeed, I SEE our Whiteness as Being a GREAT thing to UNITE around! (NO MORE Brother-Wars!)
    -- And I Believe, that somehow the (((Tell-LIE-Vision))) has "Trained" us to SEE and Triggeredly "Go-Off-On": Even Our CLOSEST White-Society-Supports -- "Classic" (((Divide & Conquer))) --- WHEN, BECAUSE of our WHITENESS (putting ASSIDE (((their "isms" / "ideas")))!) -- we HAVE NO Real "Differences" !!!

    -- Certainly NOTHING to Prioritise OVER: Going-EXTINCT / Enabling Our ((("clever"))) GENOCIDE !!!

    🌝 🌚 🌞

  6. It's for sure becoming the beach ball that can't be kept underwater. Stadtmiller had an epic rant about how maybe the Jewish communities need to clean house before calling everyone this or that etc. Somedays almost every caller to Rivero is talking about Jewish influence in US politics. Even people as "old school" as say Joel Skousen will openly talk. That's why I think Trump was a fraud carefully designed to suck in our crowd.


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