November 07, 2019

Stemming the Tide of Global Disinformation

Panelists discuss the extent of disinformation, its impact on democracy, and what can be done to prevent, mitigate, and stop its spread. Unfortunately I think these twats are victims of the "Dunning–Kruger effect" IMHO


  1. Chainsawmillerman knows all about 'disinformation' and posts it here at Mami's Shit.

  2. Is that the summit of your response?

  3. Let the BIS thread go brother. YOU don't have a monopoly on truth.

  4. lost and I let it go. But I can't just stand by and ignore the absolute fuckin' irony of you now pushing CFR shite on 'disinformation' given how you deliberately misrepresented yourself on that BIS thread and misled your fellow admin Scorpio, as well as other readers.

  5. Incidentally, I have noticed that since my first comment on this thread you've now added the following to you introduction..."Unfortunately I think these twats are victims of the "Dunning–Kruger effect" IMHO"

    Like I said earlier: Whose idea was it to let a fox into the hen house>

  6. Pushing CFR Shite? Do you think I'm an advocate of the CFR ? LOL. As far as the BIS thread goes, I still maintain that families like the Rothschilds (and others)have been orchestrating political and War scenarios that the public laps up like pablum and and hangs onto for their whole lives as absolute truth. In your opinion me holding that position somehow props up David Icke LOL. Enough already. And I'm Scorpio is a big boy and does a good enough job discerning whats up all by himself. Piss off!

  7. Nah, the evidence is there on the BIS thread and now you've tried to cover yourself on this thread by rushing to add an anti-system 'opinion' to the standard CFR introduction that YOU chose to post. You're a fraud.

    Shall we examine how you misled Scorpio?

  8. One of the more interesting statements revealed in this CFR video was, How one of the speakers said Social media corporations can create terms of service that do not have to recognize the constitution and can "tighten them up even more that they are presently". So these snakes openly and publicly say these things. There is a reason they make them so boring . Just look at the view count.

  9. Who might i be working for my deluded friend?

  10. I don't give a fuck who you are working for, if anybody. And I'm not your "friend"

    You know what you did. It didn't happen by chance. You're a fraud.

  11. Henry, go get fucked. I don't have the energy to put into another one of your abusive discussions. I bet your wife hits you with a frying pan regularly LOL

  12. Henry said Incidentally, I have noticed that since my first comment on this thread you've now added the following to you introduction..."Unfortunately I think these twats are victims of the "Dunning–Kruger effect" IMHO"

    Like I said earlier: Whose idea was it to let a fox into the hen house>"

    I actually missed this post,

    Not everything is about you. I made an assumption that the average reader here is well aware of who the CFR is.It is basic conspiracy 101. If you think I was pushing this as a promotion of them, you are just plain paranoid or stupid or blinded by your belief of who i am. Paranoia exists in most of us conspiracy researcher types but you need to cool it man. We are all on the same side here. Zap invited me here. I didn't push my way in here.

  13. Muh russian troll farms. Muh deep fakes. /rolleyes

    these CFR tools are just blowing air into their official MSM/clownworld narrative re the "(pretend) disinfo threats (to our 'democracy') we face" lolz.

    the only reason they synthetically injected their "threat of deep fakes" noise into the narrative, was as preemptive 'discrediting' of all the very real pedo rape/murder/pedovorism blackmail vids which exist for everyone allowed to hold a position of power/prestige.

  14. The interesting thing I took away from this and maybe it should have not been such a big revelation, was, the whole "terms of use" that Richard Stengel mentions that we agree to. It can and will trample all over us as the years go on. These internet corporations will be tightening the screws of a lot of these "terms of use" agreements too I bet as Stengel suggests as the years go on. We are slowly moving away from the legal safety of the constitution. By the same token a lot of the same contractual issues have been here for a long time in our statutes and how we contract into those. But these online user agreements will be increasingly used as a weapon against us it seems.

  15. Russian troll farms, what an absolute joke. These jews and jew shills know exactly who they are and what they are doing, and they aren't Russians.

    And yes, EXACTLY Zeebra. When I saw that computer technology "deep fake" come into mainstream news a few years ago, I knew exactly that this was a preemptive strike, a backup excuse, just in case the day comes that they are REALLY caught on video doing or saying something horrific and the goyim find out.

  16. Thanx. Ten minutes in and blood starting gushing from my eye holes, ear holes, pie hole - every God damn hole! The mental illness ends when you ignore media.

  17. Yeah. I couldn't stand more than 10 minutes of their bullshit.

  18. LOL You can't take an hour of the Russians are coming cold war left overs?

    33:40 to 36:27 I thought it was quite telling on how important the constitution is to people within the government (or have been).

    "Richard Stengel" was Time magazine's 16th managing editor from 2006 to 2013.[3] He was also chief executive of the National Constitution Center from 2004 to 2006, and served as President Obama's Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs from 2014 to 2016. He is clearly gay as are a high percentage of men in Washington.

    TIME Magazine’s Indecent Homosexual Kiss Cover and Sen. Mark Kirk’s ‘Gay Marriage’ Defection

    “The managing editor of TIME, Richard Stengel, said the images published by TIME were — quote — ‘beautiful and symbolized the love that is at the heart of the idea of marriage’ — unquote,” the AFTAH president reports. “How can you be more confused? Two people of the same sex kissing symbolizes the love of marriage?”

    Not surprisingly the CFR loves to provide a venue for constitutional opinions like Richard Stengels.

    November 9, 2019 at 3:40 AM Delete


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