November 06, 2019

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2019.11.06

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: Latest extra political bullshit
The Real Deal Archives

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  1. It's sad I can't listen to Jim talking about Trump any more. He should be at least as critical as he is of Obama but no, Jim is too busy slurping Trumps discharge.

    Trump is a fraud! I was listening to that idiot Kelso and the Trump Phenomena and Trump was at a rally and he was just lying through his teeth telling them everything they want to hear - "you guys are smarter, prettier, wealthier, tougher than the lefties - you're the greatest" - talking to fat, toothless hicks in Alabama!

    This next year is going to be hell.

  2. Either you go with Trump and the lunatics (which is a kind word to describe them) Chabad Lubavitch who installed Trump in the first place and are destroying our respective countries because THEY BELIEVE that some spirit weirdo will rise from the dead and they will build their "turd" temple.

    Or we go full on communist with the rest of all those assholes from the CIA to the UN and the Hollywood Jews . What kind of choice is that????

  3. OH FUCK!!! FOX just uploaded a video. I'll be right back. Maybe I'll see Lindsey over there.

  4. Zap, I share your view that it's a horrible choice. My view is that we're all better-off when the Neocon gang are in power because at least they're met with widespread opposition - which does restrict their agenda somewhat.

    But we had a taste of life under Commmie-lite rule with Obama, and at this stage a full-blown leftist regime will go feral and there'll be no stopping them. And there's probably no way back from that situation. It'll be game over.

  5. OH FUCK!!! FOX just uploaded a video. I'll be right back. Maybe I'll see Lindsey over there.

  6. @Knownunknown -

    " He should be at least as critical as he is of Obama but no, Jim is too busy slurping Trumps discharge."
    I believe you are an Australian and as an Amerikwan that lived under Obomber's regime for 8 long years,
    I can tell you he was someone who hated the country and more importantly the white people who lived there.
    A true stalking horse who did the bidding of his CIA/deep state controllers without question which is why
    he was rarely or ever criticized by the media.

    Remember, don't let Trump Derangement Syndrome control your thinking. To me, Trump represents a set of
    idea - nationalism, etc. He is greatly flawed but a step in the right direction. Other people will pick up the torch
    and grow a new era of political thinking. Do you you really believe all of the MSM hatred towards Trump is fake
    and that everyone is an actor? I've been following American politics since the 80's and I've never seen anything
    like this. The world is at a turning point right now. Thinking everything is a psy-op and everyone is an actor, is
    a cop out and puts you on the road to nihilism.

    The zoomer generation has turned out to be much more conservative and 'radical' and racially aware than
    anyone ever expected.
    Groypers are just one manifestation of that phenomena.

  7. Hello!!! The lesser of two evils is still feckin evil. A punch in the throat is preferable to a kick in the balls. Oh dear!

  8. Just the other day, I was talking with some deranged Boomer who hated
    Trump so much, he was practically frothing at the mouth. I tried to talk
    with him rationally but it was difficult. He was droning on and on about
    the necessity of impeachment, etc.

    I finally asked him "Are you telling me that Trump is a worse president
    than George W Bush, the man who covered up/participated in 911 and
    started two unnecessary wars??"

    Smoke started coming out of his ears and he went into full chimpout
    mode, yelling and insisting that Trump is a Russian agent, etc.

    The entire inner apparatus of the government is up in arms against him
    now and are pulling out all stops to quash the ideas that he represents.

  9. Why don't they give him a heart attack and have Pence replace him then?

  10. This is about ideas not political personalities.
    Who would have ever thought that the zoomer/groyper
    paradigm would have ever happened? Trump opened
    the door to all of this, including popularizing and coining
    the terms 'fake news' and 'deep state'

  11. If it's not all bread and circus BS.

  12. @ Zap = nothing would surprise me right now but regardless
    of what happens to Trump, it will be difficult to put the toothpaste
    back in the tube regarding some of the ideas that he's brought forth
    to the general public....and no, I don't think Trump is going to save us - lol.

  13. Ok - will join in. give me a few minutes, I have to finish up
    my conference call with Trump and the RNC....


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