December 13, 2019

Cop Pulls over Judge, Judge uses is position of power to get off quickly.


  1. Tough call who's the bigger prick in this one.Arrogant 'Do you know who i am?' stance from judge Dredd and pathetic/unjustified excuse to pull over from Robocop. Best to maintain fairness and lock them both in a cell with a hungry bear for a day or so.

  2. Does not just apply to judges. I know of a recent court appearence for a parking infringement, which was dismissed, not a win, but a dismissal could be perceived as such. Grounds were "I had full intention to pay for parking, your honour, (honourable = agreement), however the municipality failed to provide adequate training for me to use their highly technical device". Result = case dismissed. Will not be publicised, of course.

  3. Da judge did not indicate when he drove off.

  4. @Liam

    I got a ticket in France last year and argued that the machine was too complicated and NOT in English, tourist town and that was accepted


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