December 01, 2019

Deconstructing Fuentes w/ Nick Fuentes


  1. It seems to me Nick wants growth in the understanding around current issues like white genocide etc rather than getting into a fight with a chimney sweep that will ruin his broader message in the mainstream. I agree the present controversial issues are more important than the very controversial debates like the holocaust. Its a tough call but in his position he does have to be somewhat calculated for best results so the normies can latch on to some of the more obvious current problems facing whites, no ?

    1. Holocaust it's only controversial to Nazis. Everyone else except that it was real

      As far as Nick he's obviously an nazi. And we don't Ally with Nazis

      As far as the rest of what you said. Fuck white people's interests. If white people are going to advocate that women shouldn't have the right to vote and black people shouldn't be allowed in the country than white people can go fuck themselves and we aren't going to be pushing for their interests.

      White genocide sounds like a pretty good thing in that light

  2. Trump is a puppet. There are no contenders and that is by design.All the noise is mostly bullshit. He represents the bankers if you don't understand that you are mot paying attention.
    Guys like Nick are doing a good job of raising awareness and I suspect he is trying to appeal to the normies again and he seems to have a good understanding of the psychology of that larger section of society. He is conducting himself in an appropriate way to spoon feed the alternative issues to less aware Americans.

  3. "getting in a fight with a chimney sweep" - that's a good one, CSM.

    Nick has already mocked the whole thing as a fraud and a massive lie but he's
    smart enough not to touch that tar baby and get ensnared in sticky mess.

  4. Indeed Scorpio. He also did a good job articulating the female problem surrounding the broader message. The interviewer kept saying he was painting women as simple minded but its not simple minded and my wife agreed with his assessment of the average emotional female that thinks everything will be peaceful and harmonious.

    1. Women deserve the right to vote. And the people that don't agree with that deserve to be replaced by Jews

  5. Eh- I dont care for Beyind the Veil guy. Unsure the last time I bothered to listen to anything this (questionable) fella has put out, especially to fact he was another that was 100% trying to profit off of "Q".

    Never knew anything of his personal life, though if I were to guess, I'd of thought he was, to the least, a closet homosexual. He wanted to emphasize on his "immigrant" wife from The UK, which... whatever. No comparison to the Foreign Invasion issues the Canada, USA, and other western nations have been experiencing. Also, as far as I am concerned, The English are not our (USA) allies, as the empire run by yews, has been a progenitor of creating instability on a global scale.

    Imma still say that Veil is closeted, and his wife is simply an business partner amd beard.

    As for Fuentes - I'm not convinced. The whole dancing about the hoax issue in the beginning... well, peeps be making excuses for him, yet he does state that he is convinced that the narrative is entirely true - numbers and all.

  6. Interesting reading these comments,

    I have had suspicions the Groyper phenomenon was grass roots and being astro-turfed at the same.

    At first when John Mark latched on to it, was like hyper excited but then within hours thought not so fast.

    Research took me to alt-right dot com, BTW was gone a day or two, and curiously watched a few Augustus Invictus vids.

    I am watching a senior, sit & scan 40 or so websites every day, all day and saw a whole new perspective / right or wrong, Martinez showed another side to Turning Point, Fuentes controlled opposition, Trump Jr's new girlfriend [humpty - dumpty], (humps every kike in sight and dumps them for Jr) and other info not found other places

  7. Kimberly Gilfoyle, former Fox News contributor, was married to Gabin Newsome, current governor of California - nephew to Nancy Pelosi, and a yew. Gilfoyle has a child with him. Gilfoyle is allegedly Puerto Rican- with a yew tint, I am sure.

    The DJT kids are all assumed to be yews, considering its rumored the first wife was yewish, and Ivanka and Don jr, both married yews. Unsure if Eric's wife stands as Christian, or not.

    DJT 2nd wife, Marla Maples went on to date Donny Deutsch - Rabid yew that contributes @ MSNBC, and attacks DJT and Heritage Americans (white people) on the regular.

    DJT yojngedt daughter (Marla's child), was last reported to be dating an... Arab? Muslim? Some guy that is the heir to Billions, via his Family and business.

    Oligarchy - Blood Mixing - Plutocracy, is alive and well with all the 0.05%.

    1. Good. Hopefully we can replace every member of the alt right with Jewss

      White genocide for the win

  8. Well, I retract my earlier comment about Kimberly Gilfoyle because a.) i admit I don't know what i'm talking about and b.) probably read it wrong and Thanks to BREW.

    When i mentioned Augustus Invictus on chatango, I got a "FED Alert" don't know who they were talking about exactly, guess that how it goes when new people start talking too much.

    I am from FL too and remember hearing there were ugly linkage to nonexistent militia players / carpet baggers / false reporting coming out of Jacksonville, FL during the Charlottesville setup. This is still such an ongoing tragedy on so many levels for individuals and families from these gov traitors / flame thrower BS. I heard recordings of shots being fired and the people recording sure seemed like the ones being shot at; then we had a huge purge on talkshoe but I acquired the recording literally minutes before it was gone. Now the individual has passed on...

    I have been paralyzed to reach out to any of the OK people residing here locally because I am allergic to trouble but time does seem to be getting short. I don't have the time or money to really contribute anything right now.

    In the big picture fools rush in and I have no regrets and hope I never do for laying back; when it comes to being entrapped with feds or state People In Government in FL, jeez, I am in no hurry to test the waters...

  9. I would like to run into mike in a dark alley, give him my mack truck for being honest

  10. Please tell us more kike23222. Tell us your background and I will tell you how international jews have mistreated you.

  11. Oh yeah, and while you are at it tell us how the laws of thermodynamics and science can be changed in order to make 6 million people magically vanish in the holocaust. Embarrassing to say such a thing in 2019, huge lack of common sense and critical thinking.

  12. @Mike Spoken like a true dyed-in-the-wool leftest LOL Complete with calls for wholesale violence. Actually I have a better idea maybe only married/common law couples with at least one child to their credit should be allowed to vote. Just one vote per family unit! :) That way we can stamp out all this gay/trans/feminist agenda too!

  13. The satanic deception is worldwide, and has been going on for centuries. The only difference with today is that it is broadcast everywhere through television and internet. But these satanic actors didn't just pop up in the last century, they have always been around.

    And I have been saying this for a little while and I know a lot of people don't see it, but if you see a man suddenly pop up in the alternative media and become popular overnight, and he is very effeminate and pathetic cuck looking, and you are wondering how THIS guy became a leader when dozens of other strong men couldn't, it is probably a tranny.

    Elites in politics and media transgender themselves as part of their satanic worship. I hope that one day everyone will see it. This is the absolute way to spot a controlled op. There are secret jews changing their names and hiding their heritage, but not all satanic actors have a jewish flesh body so to speak. If anyone here is a Christian and understands that demons and satan are real, then keep an open mind about the tranny issue.

  14. Logistics. Simple factor of Logistics.
    This unless they (humans) are attributing the success to make such a number of people vanish, due to good old fashioned work ethic, which does lack today, although is supposed to be compensated by technology and modern machinery, yet... still today, Logistics - as it would be a stretch - fervent impossibility to make such a number of people vanish.

    Logistics. Think about today, the effort placed to move tens of hundreds of thousands of third world people's, around the world into first world nations. The amount of money, organization, manpower, transportation, and so on - it's no easy task. Logistics.

  15. @Jacky V - You are essentially a conspiratorial nihilist. Your view on everything
    is that everyone is an 'actor' controlled by the jewluminati except for AH, who was 100% real.

  16. I have told you how to spot it. If you can't see for example that "Ann Coulter" used to be a man before castration and hormones, then you won't see any of the others that are much more difficult to spot.

  17. Yes, everyone is a tranny and an actor.
    At least you're consistent.

    You never offer any proof, only declare that (Insert name here) is an 'actor' or a tranny. I don't want to argue about Coulter because you just might be right on that one - lol

  18. The male skeleton is the proof. Massive skull and jaw. Adam's apple and bulging neck. Wide shoulders and lack of hips. I wish more Christians understood this, because they make (insert name) their new idol just for saying a couple of the right things.

    Go down the rabbit hole if you dare:

  19. Yes, I've seen that vid and ones similar.
    In all honesty, I was more referring to your insistence that everyone
    is an actor, not the tranny thing. I don't pay enough attention to MSM
    to care who is a tranny and who isn't. They are all whores either way.

    Don't get me wrong, you make insightful comments. I just don't
    agree that everyone is an actor without any proof being provided.

    Just don't tell me that Moochele Obomber is a tranny. She's the
    most admired and loved 'woman' in Amerikwa - lol

  20. Lol ok I see Scorpio. When it comes to actors, especially viral internet stars, the playbook has become quite obvious. Take somebody making videos about jews and race that only a small number of people will faithfully see, put that person in 5 newspapers and 2 television news segments under the headline of "shocking racist antisemitic rants!", and voila that person now has 100,000 new followers that will watch every video he makes.

    It is very difficult not to see this as the classic playbook strategy of taking one of their own controlled actors and turning them into a new leader for the alt-lite, skeptics, alt-right, or christian identity. People only have so much time in a day to listen to podcasts, so they want us listening to their own gatekeeper agents and never expanding beyond the every day criticism of what some feminist antiwhite politician said, or whatever.

    And about the tranny thing, they are not just "men born into a female body" or vice versa when the elites do it. When they do it, it is literally part of them worshiping satan.

  21. I agree. It is satanic in the truest sense of the word, a rebellion against the creation itself. All this nonsense about trans-kids is nothing more than a baby step toward pedjewphila, which is coming soon enough if they get their way.

  22. I agree there have been trannies injected into mainstream media and I suspect many models for many years have been trannies. It's ritualistic and that's how these kabbalists role. What a great way to pervert and fuck up a generation by giving them images of trannies for their sex symbols. Obama is a well know cocksucker and his Michael looks like "she" could kick the shit of him. :) The other thing people have to realize is our science is every bit as false and kabbalistic. Your scientific beliefs have been created by these same kabbalists and most "woke" people have not given it a moments notice. Our whole reality is indeed upside down and Satanic and we have failed and will be taken to the place we deserve to go.

  23. The lunatic idea of transgenderism comes to us directly from Judaism. Jews claim that at the moment of conception a beam of light is emitted into our world at which point the new 'human-to-be' chooses its clothing (gender). But because (they say) the world is broken, many people find themselves receiving the wrong 'clothing' and repair of this calamity can only come about through an aspect of the mitzvah (commandment) called Tikkun Olam (repair of the world).

    This shit didn't just turn up yesterday outta nowhere.

  24. Jacky V is correct. It is Satanic. Judaism is regulated through Satanism. To the Jews, Satan is a dedicated servent to their “Master of the Universe”, Hashem.

  25. What is your definition of Hashem Henry? Are you saying its an inversion of Yahweh?

  26. ltv himself is half jewish at least and yes he is a shekelgrabber

  27. the jewish projected reality is upside down not our reality

  28. Oh i think ours is too, at least in the broad sense courtesy of the Kabbalists and Talmudics.
    The Talmudic law style has crept into most of the statutes in the USA and many other countries. Courts are full of Talmudic loving Jews and Masons. Popular culture is driven by them.


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