December 19, 2019

Myth of the 20th Century #151 - 2019.12.18

2019 – Year in Review

Myth of the 20th Century


Download This is a 4h09m show including the 8m end song. File size: 228mb

64k Download This file is 110mb. I removed the end song. If you have a bandwidth cap, keep in mind that the players are streaming the bigger original file.


  1. Nice job with offering 2 bit-rates / file sizes zap!

    haven't listened yet but those Myth20C hosts are good talkers so something to look forward to.

    Thx & Merry Christmas

  2. The song was "Stairway to Heaven" THANK YOU ZAP! Merry Christmas to you all.

  3. Merry "Christmass" to all!

    I did not mention the title of the song because "people" going after "us" use DMCA to shut us down. Or at least to give us a hard time by using that tactic.

  4. I call them DMCA trolls just to be polite.

  5. Is this something you're doing over the "holiday Season" LOL

  6. "holiday Season" ?

    I lost my yarmulke. I'm so ashamed.

    I'll go stand in the corner until some jew tells me that I've had enough.

    Like a good little boy.


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