December 08, 2019

Jerry Nadler's Goat Rodeo: Rick Wiles Exposes the (censored-censored) to Impeach Trump

Noah Feldman is so gay it's not even funny. Pamela Karlan is too. Clown world!


  1. I'm seeing two factions of jews going at each other's throats. So...

  2. BTW. I ain't trusting anyone who are still on YT after the 10th.

  3. My apologies for posting this fucking bullshit.

  4. You apologized Zap.....that comes under repentance so you are forgiven and welcomed into the house of the lord. I've sent in a prayer request for you too as you lost the holy spirit and replaced it with any spirits the liquor store has on special. Jesus loves you and the rest of us think you're pretty cool for a washed up human snow plough lol.

  5. On a later show they had a Rand Corporation agent on stage; we have been warned about their Rand - Delphi techniques over 10 years ago. They have been using actors in the audience to ask softball, pre scripted questions and block the citizen patriot out of the forum. All across the 5G, vaccine and tax base arenas in our localities.

    As repulsive as it may be, these yehudi are accelerating their machination to enslave us "even more" and grind the boot in our face, without our consent. Sustainability and Resilience with Mind Control. Should we be paying attention?

    They claimed the problem is "outrage" aka populism and "the next" solution is platform engineering aka Delphi the comment sections on articles (already done by IDF) and do active polling before we can comment, purchase online, pay bills, probably even be "allowed" access to data or websites. etc. based on "where are heads are at" - 1/2 crazy

  6. Noah Feldman - 2 articles - another Yew- operative, playing their role

    Rick Wiles getting bashed @ Loomer


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