December 24, 2019

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2019.12.24

E. Michael Jones on the Globalist Conquest of Ireland and Identity

Dr. E. Michael Jones returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss the globalist conquest of Ireland and we talk about what constitutes identity in the 21st century America.

Dr. Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine and the author of many books including the soon to be published Logos Rising: A History of Ultimate Reality.

Timothy's Podcasts



  1. If EMJ is saying that we "Can't" Stand-Up for OUR RIGHTS ...
    Because "racism" is "un-acceptable" etc...

    We NEED to ADDRESS THAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Not: Instead Everyone CALL-Themselves: "Catholic"* in order to be ABLE to DEFEND Ourselves!
    (*THAT Obviously DOESN'T "Work" for US !!!)

    Again, I have-Not YET: Developed-"Anti-Bodies": for the "Clever" (effective)-Mind-Poison of EMJ ...
    But the IMAGE of Him Embracing that Disgusting FAT-Black-Woman ... Leaves ME VISCERALLY-Knowing that HE is a FALSE "Shepard"!

    So, because I so-Far LACK: the Specific Argument-Words to Phrase it ...

    Suffice-it to say: I am DUMMER for Listening to This EMJ "clever" Word-Jugglery!
    (At Least He used Different "clever" terms in addition to His "magic" [less used this time] "Logos"!)

    Borg: "We will ADAPT!" -- Yes! Both: Him / Our-(((enemy))) -- AND Ourselves !!! ;-)

    🌝 🌚 🌞

  2. Let's see how 'white' turns out for you over the next few decades. In the meantime, ask a Pole or a Hungarian if they self identify as 'white.' And see what answer you get for being so stupid.

  3. Do Poles or Hungarians identify as black, brown or yellow - genius?

    Max Dumb...

  4. Banning George Soros from a country does no good at all. Soros's job is largely to attract criticism to himself personally which should rightfully be directed at the entire organised "Jewish" community.

  5. The Synagogue of Satan want to destroy all Whites, regardless of whether the Whites in question "identify" as Catholic, Protestant, Atheist, Pastafarian or Radical Vegetarian. The government would rather us identify as anything OTHER than White. We only push back against this international effort to destroy our race by recognising that it is because of our race (because we are TRUE Israel) that we are being targetted. In resistance we need to regain identification with our race and spread the message with our kindred people that this is what's happening and encourage them to do the same. We need to unite as Whites, because it is as Whites that we are under international attack.

    Also: when i say "Whites". I am not talking about a skin colour. I am talking about a race to which people who today call themselves "Jews" do not belong. They are, after all, not trying to genocide themselves!

  6. Some of the things that EMJ is saying here are among the most ridiculous i have heard, especially for someone who presents himself as some kind of academic. Who cares about "ethnicity"? There's a reason why "academic" also means "not of practical relevance". Language does not result in particular values, or else we would see all the English-speaking people of the world quickly becoming Christian. Biological race definitely does affect values. Compare the history of law and rights in White countries with that of countries of other races. It is so damn obvious that biological race has a lot to do with it. It's because Whites, as far as i can see, are the children of Israel and are blessed - on average - with a stronger inherent connection to the will of God, as descendants from Jacob. Language has absolutely nothing to do the causality of this globally genocidal plot. Are English-speaking "Jews" being genocided? Are English-speaking Nigerians being genocided? No.

  7. Some excellent comments (with the exception of Albert who is essentially unreadable).
    The concept of 'white' is almost an exclusively American concept because most 'white' Americans are a mix of various European races. Poles identify as 'Polish', those from Hungary 'Hungarians' or 'Magyar'. I don't want to come across as defending EMJ too strongly because there is plenty of room for criticism but I get the feeling that he is grasping onto religion as the primary identifier as a type of realpolitik defense against the 'racist' or 'white nationalist' slur thrown against anyone who defends the interests of European descendants. Maybe he sees it as part of a strategy. I don't think it's possible to separate the various European races and Christianity. It was a combination genetics and Christian doctrine that created the greatest civilizations ever known in recorded history.

  8. I agree Scorpio with the point you make about the inextricable connection between the White race and Christianity. I think that tallies with the theory of White Israelism (more information on which can be found here: I think that we have to identify, at least in part, as Whites. I'm not saying that we should ONLY identify as White, but it must form a part of our identity. Race is real. If we succumb to the weight of the "Jewish" propaganda by taking the stance that the White race doesn't exist then we also by default are denying the clearly racially-motivated international campaign against us. After all, if the White race doesn't exist, then there is no genocide happening! Our enemies are going to see us as White enemies regardless of how we identify ourselves. In my opinion if we're are not even willing to admit that we are White we have already accepted defeat.

  9. That 100 proofs video is pretty crap in my opinion - almost unwatchable to the end - but it's one of the very few which makes some of the important points connecting the White race to Israel.


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