December 16, 2019

The Alternative Media With Farren Shoaf 2019.12.14

Guest host: GeorgiaPeach
with guest Frank Raymond

"The Whites are like a fart in the room. Everyone pretends that the fart doesn't exist."... "Whites have become the fart people. And you know what? You can't defend the Whites because no one defends a stinky unwanted fart."... Frank Raymond, his Book

Shoaf Archives

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  1. Georgia-Peach is Doing GREAT Work !!!

    Certainly WAY WAY Better than: Butt-Hole, or Kyle Telling us a week before Our "Forbidden"-by-jews: Christmas ...

    That: Jesus "Loved" Butt-Holes "Best"!

    🌝 🌚 🌞

    And at Least Frank-Raymond DOESN'T end-off with: "Oy Vey! -- I Stand-Up for TRUTH, and the White-Race, and I'm STILL Called a ('Kike') Indian!

    > I listened to the 1:28:00 Benjamin-Freedman Talk! ;-)

  2. I, TRULY, do hope that this is the beginning of her getting a time-slot on the network.

  3. I just want to plug Frank's book again for everyone. It would make for a great Christmas present for newbies and people you may know who are beginning to figure this stuff out. Take it from me because I have the is a fabulous read and I thoroughly recommend it!


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