December 29, 2019

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2019.12.29

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: Top ten news stories of 2019.
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  1. Hope you can shake this legal stuff off Jim. You are brve enough to speak your mind. You are an oracle. Let you not be a martyr, although you are agnostic.

  2. We should all take Bill Aus at his word.

    See here:

    The guy deleted all his posts like a perfect troll.

    1. I deleted the last one because I meant to reply to you, not myself.
      I have the right to delete my own posts. And you complained about my posts, so you should be happy. I am not a troll, just someone you seek to demoniise. You demonise the Jews too.

    2. I left the last one
      Bill Aus said...

      Patrick Moore says CO2 is GOOD , there should be more, not less, photosynthesis is good

      November 28, 2019 at 3:24 AM

  3. Bill is full of shit. You have been warned.

  4. Happy Hanukkah Bill. I hope that you got the latest high tech kippah that prevents anymore leakage from your slush like gray matter.

    1. I heard Hillary say it, it sounds like a Jewish festival. I don't even know what it is. I may have looked it up on Wikipedia, but I forgotten. You are totally wrong about me, but that shouldn't matter, as long as you have someone to hate, you're happy.

    2. That's why I haven't heard of it really much, mainly Hilary the other day. It is basically American Jews celebrating christmas. wikipedia says "Although a relatively minor holiday in strictly religious terms, Hanukkah has attained major cultural significance in North America and elsewhere among secular Jews as a Jewish alternative to Christmas, and is often celebrated correspondingly fervently."

    3. I am trying to understand your insults. I just looked what kippah is, I have never heard of it. English eat kippers I think they are herrings.Kipper - Wikipedia › wiki › Kipper
      A kipper is a whole herring, a small, oily fish, that has been split in a butterfly fashion from tail to head along the dorsal ridge, gutted, salted or pickled, and cold-smoked over smouldering woodchips (typically oak).
      I had heard of "Yon kippa" or something "Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year in Judaism. Its central themes are atonement and repentance. Jews traditionally observe this holy day with an approximate 25-hour period of fasting and intensive prayer, often spending most of the day in synagogue services. Wikipedia
      Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2020 – Mon, 28 Sep 2020
      Significance: Atonement for personal and national sins, fate of each person is sealed for the upcoming year
      Observances: Fasting, prayer, abstaining from physical pleasures, refraining from work
      Observed by: Jews, Samaritans
      here it is : "A kippah, or yarmulke, is a brimless cap, usually made of cloth, traditionally worn by Jewish males to fulfill the customary requirement that the head be covered. It is worn by men in Orthodox communities at all times. Wikipedia"
      If I can remember, these facts, I will be able to work out your insults better. The main thing I do know, is that you are a nasty "turd".

  5. I am not Jewish, nor do I have any Jewish blood. I have a great aunt who converted to marry a Jew. You had a Jewish stepfather. So What? Is that why you hate Jews so much? There are good and bad Jews, and many in between. The bad Jewsih should be despised, especially if they were part of 911 etc. A lot of people I do work for, tell me all the time it is the Jews who run the world, I just say there are good and bad. A lot of people agree with you. They know people who have first hand evidence of Jewish people doing shifty things. But there are good Jews too. Over the years I have met many good Jewish people.

    1. Not all rattlesnakes bite. But would you be crazy enough to jump into a pit full of them? Your good jew/bad jew analogy is pure venom.

  6. What is a Jew anywa? Evidently the term came about 1800 AD. If a person is behaving well and is any race or religion, they are good. We all are not entirly good, but some people try to be bad people, they are on the wrong path. They are not to be admired, even if their practices make them rich and/or famoust in this life.

  7. I still say Jim should ask for a presential pardon or what ever a president can do.

  8. I looked up troll, when I was young they were like mythical beasts.

    In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an ... Wikipedia
    Now, listen here you moron, you picked on me , all I said was "Bill AusDecember 30, 2019 at 8:12 PM
    Hope you can shake this legal stuff off Jim. You are brve enough to speak your mind. You are an oracle. Let you not be a martyr, although you are agnostic.


  9. The thing is your stepfather was a Jew. Now you hate Jews because you hate him. I am not a Jew or a troll. I was trying to comfort James Fetzer, a good man in a terrible position, who needs $450,000 or a reprieve. Please help Jim.

  10. Fetzering
    Noun: 1. The act of making an unfounded or unsubstantiated claim.
    2. In philosophy, a method of debate or discussion based of the premise of: I think, therefore I am. I think you're wrong. therefore you are.
    3. The act of disagreeing by employing rancor, name calling, ad hominem attacks or straw man argument.

    Etymology: Fetzering began in earnest in the late 1960's, being implemented by a JFK conspiracy theorist and has since expanded it's use in the 9/11 debate arena.
    1. Without evidence your claim is simple fetzering.

    2. He should rely on his data instead of fetzering.

    1. In America you are meant to have freedom of expression. Fetzer has been denied presenting his case to his satisfaction, and has appealed.
      Fetzer says it how he sees it. He often criticises those who are more cautious, like ae911truth, now he is in strife. I hope he can get to present his case in a manner he desires, and bills his accuser for costs.

  11. Fetzer has
    1. Plenty of evidence, he could not present it.
    2. Plenty of data, he could not present it.
    He was hamstrung.

  12. Don't draw conclusions. Zap never said he hated his step father and it was only for a few years anyway. Like most of us I imagine the distaste for Jewish tribalism came long after we'd known lots of Jews.

    1. Zap said this, that is to me the reason I said it. Now I don't like any racism , I think we should all try to treat each other well, based on our behaviour. I am not Jewish, but I have never liked people being racist. I know there are plenty of crooked Jews, but there are good Jews too. I tried to be good to a "christian" black african immigrant who was tenant who was training to be a pastor, he owes me $5000, but the court says they will only send around the sherrif if I know where he lives. I just said to lady over the road that at least we don't have any bushfires where we are, and how the aboriginals looked after the land for bushfires, better than the whites, who let all the bush grow wild. SHe got stuck into the whites, saying they attacked everyone. I said I don't condone that, but it is human nature, everyone attacks everyone. She said I was wrong, I said I think it is human nature, but I don't condone any killing. I thought later , if she is o sympathetic , she should give her house back. The thing is a lot of people are called aboriginals now are more white than black, a lot of the activists look white.

    2. I will draw conclusions if I want. Zap does, he says I a a jew,a leftie, I am neither. Zap said on this blog
      "Thursday, December 26, 2019
      Merry Christmas To Mom

      So I get a call from my mother yesterday for Christmas. After the usual blah blah blah, she starts going on about this guy Jacques who doesn't like the fact that my mother's friend is fucking a black Muslim.

      Now I have to explain the whole agenda to her. You see, she still watches CNN. I go on telling the story about Trump being installed by the Lubavitcher faction of the jews. She then says to me: "You mean the guys in New York?" .

      Yes I tell her, you should know all this. You married one of them jews when I was six. Do you remember mom when you had a painting of mother Mary and the only place he would allow you to put it up in the house was in the bathroom?

      It was a very long conversation but you guys get the gist of it.
      zapoper at 5:32 PM

    3. I have never heard of the Luber stuff so I looked it up-

      Chabad-Lubavitch is a Hasidic movement in Orthodox Judaism. One of the world's larger and best-known Hasidic movements, its official headquarters is in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, New York. The organization is the largest Jewish organization in the world today. The name "Chabad" is an acronym for Chochmah, Binah, Da'at: "Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge." The name "Lubavitch" is taken from the name of the Russian village Lyubavichi where the movement's leaders lived for over 100 years. The name "Lyubavichi" means "Town of Love". The Chabad movement and school of thought was founded in the late 18th century by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi and was based in Lyubavichi, since the time of his son and successor Dovber Schneuri until the fifth Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom Dovber Schneersohn moved from the town of Lubavitch to the city of Rostov on the Don River in the autumn of 1915. Eventually his son, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn, the sixth leader, fled war-torn Europe for New York in 1940, where he relocated the movement. His son-in-law, the seventh Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, turned the movement into a powerful force within Judaism.

  13. So true Known aka first Australian.

    That weirdo lefty Bill makes you guys look bad.

  14. You're the weirdo, and I am not a lefty, I go by what I think is right at for each subject.

  15. I am more in touch than most Australians with how the world has been manipulsted by the the "elite". It is too simple to list the
    elite as Jews and their helpers. The elite are all types of people, including some Jews. I concede to the modern term Jew from the 1700's evdentally where the I was replaced by the J, Iewe became Jew, but whatever, that is more semantics.
    Jews now include anyone who the writer wants them to include.
    in that way a Khazarian descendent can be a Jew, even though he does not practice the ten commanments and is an athiest, etc,etc.

  16. I dug this up, there is a connection. I always wondered why Putin had similar Jew laws to Germany, he is cnnected, like Trump with them.

  17. I bet that it's all a coincidence that he left Russia before the (((revolution))) and that his son got out of Dodge before the Americans entered the conflict.

  18. It is all the dark side. So Trump and Putin together with the Jews. That lady got the sack for saying Trump converted.

    1. I saw a lady say trump converted and she got the sack, and I think the guy who reported it died suspiciously, but he probably didn't convert?

  19. But different Jews to the Germans and Merkel? Different factions?

  20. Bill you've told us a thousand times about how you view only the Torah keeping Jews as actual Jews etc etc. We get it! But I would say this, Torah keeping Jews believe that the goy can exploited and certainly they should be kept at distance. So how can anyone who keeps that belief as good?? Especially considering you hate racism and all the rest...

    1. I don't believe in any religions, including Jewish. They are all man-made and have been used as pschyops. But I think there is a God. I change a lot, with new data inputs. I am happy to call anyone a Jew who thinks they are. And on that basis, I am happy for you to say many Jews are in the elite who conspire to rule us. Personally, I think people who are "control freaks" like the elite are insecure, the need to control others like that is an externalising of their own weaknesses. There goes the trip to Germany? Joking

    2. I agree the whites have done terrible things, that lady today gave me the shits. I was aying how the aboriginals were good at handling fires, and she started attcking the whites. Sure the whites did bad things. Sure we have killed lots of muslims, that is bad. But the muslims attacked europe for 1400 years. The polynesian, killed all the previous new zealand people. The Shrilankins and the phillipinos must have subdued the orinal aborigianls of their countries, who still exist. The current australian aboriginals kicked the lot before them into tasmania. The red indians kicked out the invaded the mud people (alex jones said?). The Vikings, french and romans invaded england, etc,etc. The Jews claim to have cleared the previous inhabitants of the promised land. It is not just the whites, it human nature, I don't condone it, but I can see it.

  21. You are apparently oblivious to what is being done to the whites in Australia and Canada etc etc etc.

    Look up the definition of genocide...And wake the fuck up!

    1. I am alive. I married a chinese woman, I don't care what race people are. I never did. I hear the white people get second rate treatment. I am white and male. I am treated second rate because of both, in many cases. If the muslims get control, I will be beheaded if I say boo about allah. I know.I don't mind other races or religions, but they are certainly not superior to me. They may be smarter, younger,stronger etc, but as desdearta used to say, "you are a child of the universe, no less than the trees in the sky,you have aright to be here, and whther or not it is clear to you, nodoubt the universe is unfolding etc". A bit peace lovey dovey , oh well.

  22. And when I used to read the bible, paul said (something like) have nothing to do with unbelievers, what does light have to do with darkness. We are all people, we will all die and they make us pay taxes or we go to jail. They say that is certain, and it is.

  23. BTW. If you pull another stunt like deleting all your comments in a thread like you did before. You will be banned.

  24. If you ban me, that is your choice. I don't care. You see I like to discuss things, and you guys can pretty nasty, for no reason. I started by trying to encourage Jim, but you got stuck into me. I retaliated. I believed in self defence, when it is the best solution. I got banned from skeptiko years ago, for nothing. I am just filling in time, learning and thinking things through. I go on your site originally to listen to jim. I like "No agenda" better now, but they would never have the guts to say what jim says, but then they probably won't be stuffed like jim might be if his appeal fails.

  25. Originally I signed the ae911truth petition for engineers, but jim is more on the ball. I used to go on the meetings via skype and even spoke to richard gage. I think richard is sincere, jim says he is a gate keeper, probably just too smart to end up in court.
    Anyhow I don't like treats , so good bye.

    1. Bill mate don't take it so personally, it's been pretty obvious for a while zap hates your habit of deleting posts. You keep doing it. Maybe stop doing it even if it's in the wrong spot or whatever.

    2. I usually delete because someone like him or others make nasty comments, eg. racist comments about my Chinese wife.

  26. On 911 - How many Jews did not warn any Gentiles not to go into the towers? A: ALL of them. 100% of the Jews warned no one not to go into the towers.

    2nd point: Fetzer is a Quack! - Listen to this show to learn the truth about all the dead people at Sandy Hook and Fetz's awful contrived evidence and false assertions. He sucks as a researcher and is only around to continue to divide the truth movement.

    1. See my reply sections below. Also Susan Lindauer worked for the CIA. She was warned to keep out of New York. Many CIA people knew something was going to happen, some were going to resign.

  27. Hey Bill that is very interesting about your Aunt. Let's wonder for a second, why did your Aunt have to convert to Judaism to marry her Jewish husband? Why did Ivanka have to convert to marry Kushner? Not very tolerant of them.

    And consider one more thing please. Would your Aunt, or would Ivanka, EVER convert to Judaism by themselves, if it were not for the purpose of marrying a Jewish man?

    Start to put the pieces together here.

    But I am not saying that it is just the Jews. I have been shocked to discover literal Satanists in physical bodies of all races. That is a big topic. There is something unique happening with Jews however.

  28. In about 1973, my mate's siter wanted to marry an Italian catholic. The marriage was called off because she would't convert. They all do it. They think they are right and we are all wrong. One reason I have given up on religion.

  29. I used to read the bible, it says christians only mix with christians, what has light to do with darkness etc. A christian is only supposed to marry a christian. Then you get what sort, eg catholic or protestant, etc.
    Moses didn't marry a Jew.

  30. Sure only the woman converts then marries, so the mother of the child will be jewish. But for thousands of years It was the man, it was patriarchal. The son of, son of, son of, it all got reversed, now it is matriarchal. It is funny how customs get reversed, and are still customs, but the opposite. It happens all over the place.

  31. One day I was at the cemetry. I saw a tombstone with a north Melbourne football made in it. It dawned on me, religions are like football teams. A lot of membership bulldust.

  32. Bartholomew:
    I looked that lady about the Sandy Hook stuff. I think Jim is on the ball. I think the people saying the opposite are shills or just wrong.Who knows what blackamil hsa been brought on these people?
    As for the Jews not warning them, people were warned, I think a black mayor or something, they wouldn't tell us, or we would say, why didn't you warn others???
    Anyhow I think I can prove Trump was not in on 911, and probably Juliani was not in on 911.
    Case for Trump. When he rang into the TV on 911 he said it must be bombs because in 1993 half the columns were blown out in the north tower carpark, and it didn't fall,and.....he hope Larry Silverstein was OK. He would have nown Larry was OK if he was in the "fix".
    The case for Juliani. Barry Jennings says he was told Juliani did come to WTC7 but was told to leave. Barry was also told the explosions were the boilers, but Barry said he was "old boiler boy" and knew that was alie, so there is the chance the Juiani story was a lie too???

  33. Bill - Stop pissing off zapoper! geeeeez

  34. You're full of shit Bill. No one made racist remarks about your wife, including myself.

    Hell, there are three white people I know that are married to Asians.

    Stop your bullshit.

  35. And if someone uses a "derogatory" name for your wife than get a thicker skin you libtard white nigger mongrel. LOL


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