January 07, 2020

Here Comes The Flood: Rural Immigration Program


  1. Yup, unfortunately this type of warfare is not understood by Canadians. It will chug along without a peep of resistance. We are the NWO melting pot state. After its rolled out here, they will take what they have learned to use it against more historically monolithic cultures in a more efficient manner. People are dumb and will fall for anything just like the dumb twat who just wants the world to know it takes her an hour to pick up her mail cause she is so friendly!

  2. They are doing this in other countries too but like Australia, we have a low population and a huge country. Therefore we will be overrun really fast. Like in the US, Australia is being invaded covertly. In Canada it's in your face.

    Did they not kill an Australian journalist who was exposing the boats filled with illegals?

  3. I'm not sure but Australia is another "common wealth" country that can't get their shit together. Actually it is very difficult for people to understand there is a silent war against them on so many levels today.Like I said you will see little to no resistance. I guess the next question is have these small town really been asked? Town meetings tend to bring out people like the post office lady here in Canada. We are proud lefties in Canada that post signs in their work cubicles like "this is a negativity free zone" and " there are no bad days" LOL

  4. Fucking jewy kumbaya retards. ROFL


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