January 19, 2020

Nancy Pelosi: My father was a Shabbos Goy


  1. Are not all members of both parties ? LOL

  2. Pardon me Goy,is that the Chattanooga chu chu? This creature is straight out of a Hollywood Jew cartoon!

  3. Like every single politician with any power, Ms. Pelosi comes from the D'allesandro thugs in Phlly. Name one politician - and I can provide thug connections, including Ron Paul! The Koch brothers groomed Mr. Paul! Nixon, Regan, Kennedy, name your pick.. all financed for "futuere considertions - by your local mafia.

  4. "Former Secretary of State Gen. Colin Powell and Mario Cuomo, former governor of New York State, each a former Shabbos goy, both share fond recollections of their youth, when they were uniquely qualified to lend a Jewish neighbor a hand.". Fertig, Avi.
    Shabbos goy - Wikipedia

  5. She's a jew whore, surely?? Crypto jew maybe, but jewish whore no less.

  6. Oy Vey !!!

    Shut 2020 Down !!!

    -- The Levels of KNOWING are Going-Off-the-Scales !!!

    🌝 🌚 🌞

  7. I remember, some years back, a clip of Pelosi telling the heartwarming story of her grandson calling her on her birthday (from Israel) and singing Happy Birthday in Hebrew. 'Nuff said.


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