January 29, 2020

Out Of The Bag Podcast with Shean Maguire and Guest Graham Hart 2020.01.22

This is the edited version of the podcast. It is the portion with Shean and Graham. Click on the info page for the synopsis and or to listen to the full podcast.

Out Of The Bag Radio



  1. Was having a chat with a couple of leading Muslims a few weeks ago on the subject of Jesus. Muslims put Jesus in the same category as all the other Biblical and Koranic prophets; those being Noah, Abraham, Moses and Mohammad for example.

    I managed to develop the point that Jesus was the only man who lived a perfect life because Jesus was God's son and was as a perfect man.

    Thanks Graham, I enjoyed your insights
    Great interview.

  2. Graham raises the point I did several weeks back about using Christianity as a strength. (of course that didnt fly LOL) Granted churches have been corrupted but it would be nice if we could use our common Christian lineage to reconnect and strengthen and unite our communities.
    I know its wishful thinking, just saying :)
    Personal commercial redemption is powerful stuff. It is however used mostly on a personal level and invokes your own personal understanding and relationship with god before all else.
    As i have said before this is never going to be a wholesale technology and will always be fringe. I have been following it since 2006 i think. The first show i ever saw was Jordan Maxwell Jason Whitney called "Occult World Of Commerce" it blew my mind and it became an obsession and I played with it after much study and following a host of guru's I had no success. I also have to admit that I was supporting a wife and raising 4 kids and fear did get the better of me.
    Good show fellas!

  3. Here is the old first video i watched from 2004. Jordan Maxwell & Jason Whitney - The Occult World of Commerce This was some of the early stuff and is a good introduction to some of the basic concepts still today.


  4. Start the video at 21:50 to skip Jordan's shtick! :)


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