January 16, 2020

Rockefeller Transgender-Happy is a Feller

This was an interesting video because I was never aware of the history. Michael Clark Rockefeller (May 18, 1938 - presumed to have died November 19, 1961) was the fifth child of New York Governor and future U.S. Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, and a fourth-generation member of the Rockefeller family. Michael the heir was eaten by cannibals in New Guinea in 1961. LOL Its covered in the video and is hilarious.

 The Tom Hanks angle is bunk IMO but the rest is right inline with the long list of androgynes walking around in elite circles.


  1. Like the Randy Rhoads to Randi Rhodes conversion...with more money.

  2. Sorry. Rhoads was Ozzie's supposedly dead guitar shredder. Turned up as a she with different spelling. Lost the axe.

  3. I got that! Its why i posted the 1981 concert footage of "I Don't Know" :)

  4. On first glance "I don't know" she still look pretty young, No?

  5. When men do the MTF they really get goofy looking as they age.It gets difficult to stay looking feminine. Look at Kathleen Turner or Daryl Hannah. Also i always thought Brett Kavanaugh and Blasey Ford were yin yang doppelgängers. I must admit i didnt really look into this and it would all hinge on finding out weather Blasey Ford is a real person. LOL anyway..

  6. During World War II, the Americans came to a remote island in the Pacific Ocean where cannibals lived. The officer in charge of the American soldiers advised the cannibals that they should beware of the Japanese because they were evil and would kill all of them if they welcomed them to their island.

    A week later, the Japanese showed up on the island and the officer in charge of the Japanese soldiers advised the cannibals that they should beware of the Americans because they were evil and would kill all of them if they welcomed them to their island.

    A week later, the Australians showed up on Cannibal Island and asked if the cannibals had seen any Americans or Japanese. The cannibal-in-chief said Oh yeah, we were visited by both the Americans and the Japanese and each of these groups said to beware of the other group because they were evil and would kill all of us if we welcomed them to our island.

    The puzzled Australian commander then asked the the cannibal-in-chief: "what did you do?"

    The cannibal-in-chief answered: we ate all of them: the Americans AND the Japanese.

    The astonished Australian commander exclaimed: "Why did you eat all of them?!

    The cannibal-in-chief answered: "Because they were all evil: both the Americans AND the Japanese killed way more people than they were able to eat...!"


    "The central banks have recently become obsessed with two things: climate change and blockchain technology and the digitization of currency."

    The U.N. & Central Banks: A Rockefeller & Rothschild Coup
    By Spiro Skouras – Activist Post Jan 6, 2020

    "Today on TruNews we report live from the North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami, Florida and discuss the state of disruption by Bitcoin, crypto currencies, and the blockchain, as these innovations face new government regulation, crises of confidence, and a show down of control with the world’s central banks."

    Monetary Mayhem: Crypto Revolution vs. Bankrupt Banksters

    "In 1957 Paula Hitler published a statement aimed at the post war Jewish controlled German press in support of her brother, 12 years after his death. This is the content of that letter.
    Paula Hitler, 21 January 1896 - 1 June 1960."

    Paula Hitler: Statement in Support for her Brother


    PayPal shut down the accounts of TRUNEWS and Blessed Orphan because Rick Wiles won't stop talking about "the Israeli MOSSAD's blackmail operation through the fake billionaire Jeffrey Epstein."

    Rick Wiles is mad as hell and he's not going to take it anymore. He's going to talk about the Epstein affair even more than he did before.

    Kosher Cover-Up: U.S. Ruling Class Hides Epstein Child Sex Blackmail Operation

  7. Lots of OT spam there. "Monetary Mayhem: Crypto Revolution vs. Bankrupt Banksters"

    I have followed this long enough to know that this is false. The Banksters want Crypto. These kinds of messages are pure manipulation. IMHO

  8. Edit to above I'm basing that on the title, I have not watched the show.

    BTW the other Epstein Tru news show was posted here last week.FYI

  9. "In 1957 Paula Hitler published a statement... in support of her brother, 12 years after his death. ..."

    That was actually 5 years *before* his death. Unless we're going to dismiss Sharkhunters as a bogus organization.

  10. Threats? What Threats?!

    "Anti-democratic democrat, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam said they’ve received threats including people detailing plans to storm the Capitol Building, use weaponized drones, and more. A state official cited one posting that included a photo of an AR-15 with a caption that said there are “great sight angles from certain buildings” near Capitol Square."

    "When you push a population to the brink, threatening them with gun confiscation at the hands of the National Guard and telling them that their lawful actions of rebellion are meaningless, you have to expect that population to push back. Particularly a rural, gun-loving population that makes up most of the counties in Virginia."

    Who is sponsoring the rally?

    From NBC: “Northam’s declaration will also ban items like helmets and shields, items that some white nationalists carried in Charlottesville. “

    From USA Today: “Northam said the decision was a response to threats, some of them made online in forums hosted by hate groups and white nationalists. The governor called on rally organizers to dissuade out-of-state groups from coming to the rally and encouraged a “peaceful day” for Virginians.”

    From NPR: “Northam is raising concerns about a reprise of the deadly violence surrounding the white supremacist march in Charlottesville in August 2017. He said state intelligence analysts have identified threats and rhetoric online that mirrors the chatter they were picking up around that time.”

    But in actuality, the group sponsoring the rally is Virginia Citizen’s Defense League, a group dedicated to “defending your right to defend yourself in Virginia.” This isn’t the first tyrannical move in Virginia this week."

    Northam Declares State Of Emergency In Virginia Because "Armed Militia Groups Plan To Storm The Capitol" - by Tyler Durden

    I think it's safe to predict the appearance of agents-provocateurs at this protest.

    West Virginia and North Carolina should invade Virginia and then plan on taking out the white-collar terrorists in Langley Virginia, home of the Criminally Insane Assholes. After that simple task, these "Armed Militia Groups Who Plan To Storm The Capitol" could invite all Americans to march on Washington D.C. and clean house.

    In my dreams...

    Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This). LIVE 2005

  11. CoincidenceSceptic are you saying that Randy Rhodes gave up being one of the hottest new guitarists of his era to become an unattractive middle aged, mediocre liberal talkshow host? Why would he do that? - lol

    Not a huge fan of Ozzy but Rhodes was an amazing guitarist with a real passion to his style. Not many people can become a virtuoso of that magnitude.

  12. peil2451 wrote:

    “I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.”

    - Thomas Jefferson

    Here's a video by TruthStream Media about...:

    Orwell, H.G. Wells, Aldous and Julian Huxley, the Webbs, George Bernard Shaw and the Fabian Society who openly supported imperialism and monopoly.

    Understanding the Fabian Window
    Truthstream Media - Jan 17, 2020

  13. dunno if its mentioned in here, though Rhodes was initially with Quiet Riot, and Ozzy acquired him.


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