January 26, 2020

The Day Obama Couldn't Lie


  1. "Clutching-at-Straws..."

    and the Blacks were sooo PROUD of Butting-Barry's "Family" too !!! ;-)

    🌝 🌚 🌞

  2. The U.S. has gone straight to hell... it isn't just Bush, Clinton, and Obama as shitty as those bastards were/are ... Trump is just as sleazy and I don't give a f**k what Hannity or Limbaugh have to say. And don't forget that Trump has hired more swamp creatures since his BS promise to drain the swamp of such creatures, i.e John Bolton, Rudolph Giuliani, and Wm Barr. Trump is a liar as was Obama, Clinton, and both Bushes before him.


    Wanna see where these dirtbag liars have brought our country?


    Wanna see what the homicidal maniac looks like?


    To top it off, the homicidal maniac was given a lifelong disability payment of $2500 p/mo for PTSD. Keep in mind that Danny was the victim of these terroristic cold blooded killers, BUT it could have been me, you, or anyone of your loved ones. Danny happened to be the victim!!!


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