January 20, 2020

VA state police drive over 100 miles to intimidate law biding citizens a head of lobby day


  1. Remind me movies from old Soviet union. First they took you gun, then they took your food and if you survive they send you to gulags. Don't give up you guys brothers, or you will loose everything. This guys who starve and kill millions of Russia are sitting now in government offices, they own media and justice department !!!

  2. Hey brother NOBODY GAS THE JooWS !!! WAKE up and stop spreading FAKE NEWS !!! Joows are those who want to take your guns !!!!!

  3. The Sad Sad "Truth": is that quite-Often the (((wretched)))-Inmates were served BEANS !!!

    -- And, YES! -- Afterwards MANY MANY (Not-ONE-LESS than 6-Gorillion!) innocent-jews were Horribly (((in-humanly))) GASSED !!!

    -- Put THAT in your Pipe ... You: Ebil Re-Visionist Neon-Naaatseee Auntie-Cement !!!

    🌝 🌚 🌞

  4. That's a great vid - thanks for posting


  5. Beware System Tactics

    Jew system lapdogs getting folks pissed off. That is their MO.

    Don't argue or commiserate. They are there to profile and possibly catch folks inadvertently 'lying' (potential 5 year prison term). That is their job.

    The correct response to all questions is: "No comment."

    If they have no warrant, ask them to leave.

    Keep it simple. Don't get angry (see above).

  6. ^^ Yes another good one is "I don't answer questions"
    or the 5 words that TT used to invoke "I have nothing to say"


  7. Scorpio:

    "I have nothing to say." is OK.

    "I don't answer questions." begs the comeback "Why not?" (inducing commiseration).

    Keep it simple and low key.

    If warrantless system operatives do not leave after being asked, then request local law (sheriff?) to remove the trespassers – but remain courteous throughout.

    (Stay lighthearted, as TT did when raided by system lapdogs in 2009.)

    Do not banter with agents of Jew evil.

  8. Did Chris Dorsie show up to this thing?


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