February 12, 2020

Christianity Vs. Evangelical Zionism: Steve and Jana Ben-Nun


  1. What ? Some IDIOTS are claiming that Hitler was a Zionist....
    A.Hitler wanted the joows OUT OF Germany !! He didn't care where they wanted to go, or that they wanted to go to Palestine, which was under English control. He was an extreme friendly human being, he even helped them to go there !!
    International Joows said : Thank you 'uncle Adolf' and declared WAR ON the GERMAN People !!
    English and American News Papers, controlled by &%$#@ international Joow Banksters, published this headline, googel internet:
    Daily Express
    Friday, March 24, 1933 (!!)
    Jews Of All The World Unite In Action


  2. There was a time when I considered myself a christian but thankfully I broke free. What these people (jews, christians and muslims) are ignoring is the Sumerians texts which Abraham an Sara brought with them when they left Sumeria. The "Abrahamic" religion(s) which followed introduced the notion of a "god" when the Sumerian texts were referring to the Annunaki (aliens from another planet) as the creators of humanity.

  3. I got 15 minutes in, but my jew-dar and LOLs became-too-LOUD -- and I couldn't HEAR anything else! ;-)

    --> Pro-Zion jews "BECOME" "fervent"-"Christians" + Schofield-Bible After just ONE-Church-Visit !!! ;-) LOL

    -- Seems "Legit" !!!!! :-o

    Jan-Lamprecht has a More SANE analysis of "End-Times" !!! ;-)


    @ John,

    You seem to have "Managed" to Listen-Further than Me!

    Sort-of Like: Someone in-the-first-meeting being-"Friendly" towards You, whilst being Horrible-to-someone-they-already-Know!

    There are sooooo (((many) who (like A-Butt-Hole?) LIKE to, even Early-on, "Slip-IN":

    "Hitler was a jew/shill"
    Naaatseee Paper-clip-Scientists


    Like Brizer is talking-about "con-senting": ... IF Folks can Listen-ON, and STILL be "Hypnotised" by (((their)))-BS ... Well, You WERE already: "Pre-Qualified"! ;-)

    🌝 🌚 🌞

    (The Meme: "Ray-cyst" ... Your (((words))) no-longer affect-ME! :-) -- "Woke"-Black ... "Let Me Worship-YOU, oh Saviour!")

    Sort of Like: "Nationalists" "Pro-Whites" Fawning-Over a "Woke"-Black/jew "who is on Their-Side" !!! ;-)

  4. You can see how unbalance the Old Testament is by reading about Jonah and the giant fish, or noah building an ark. Not to mention the utter cruelty the "god" of the Torah and Old Testament is. Love and obey him or burn forever and ever in a lake of fire.

    My response after breaking free? FUCK YOU SCUMBAG!!!!!

  5. And the god that jesus worshipped and testified about in the new testament was this scumbag god of the old testament. Shove all these religions just as far up their asses as they will go and SPIN!!!

  6. Repeat after me: Hey god ... hey jesus ... hey mohammad ... hey moses ... FUCK YOU!!!

    Can't do it? Wassa matter? Skeered? That's the power of belief. You have absolutely ZERO EVIDENCE of anything yet you believe the bs and you have the gall to tell me that I'm going to go to a made-up hell. Pathetic!!

  7. "Holocaust" ? Is the English Bishop Richard Williamson a "Holocaust denier, anti-Semiiiit, Nahtzi.. " ??
    He stated, google internet :" No Jews, nobody was gassed in a Gas Chamber...the "Gas Chambers" were delousing chambers... clothing and mattresses were deloused with the insecticide Zyclon B..."
    oyy veyy

  8. Hey jerry, what's got your panties in a bunch? Are you upset? Or are you delivering a sermon in the style of Kramer from Seinfeld? Shouting and swearing at god? Why do you feel the need? Maybe reflect on that. Then if you'd like to share with the rest of the class go ahead. LOL

  9. Brings up for the ready on my cell phone the phone number of exorcist specialist Father O' Riley, sprinkles holy water in the direction of Jerry...

    I think this is a must listen for all Israel-loving judeo-“Christians.”

    I appreciated hearing about the evolution of the Ben-Huns out of judeaism.

  10. LMAO... Acknowledge that Wiles is a very hard pill to swallow at the beginning. Not my cup of tea.

  11. Rick Wiles seems to be a very slick salesman!

    Albert wrote:
    Jan-Lamprecht has a More SANE analysis of "End-Times" !!! ;-)


    He sure does!!! ;-)
    Harbinger wrote:

    They have utterly destroyed the German people through the lie of the holocaust, so much so that they welcome in the hordes of Africans and middle easterners, all having no desire of integration, but to create their ‘no go zone’ ghettos and think about being alone (or in company) with those lovely, blonde haired and blue eyed German girls.

    And so, in doing what they’ve done to the Germans, they’re doing exactly the same to the Americans and the rest of the European nations.

    Barbara Specter now has a male counterpart, doing exactly the same thing as she, in Norway, Ervin Kohn, stating that Norway is suffering from whiteness.

    Of course, were any white to state that about any African nation suffering from blackness, or Israel suffering from Jewishness, they’d be out of a job before they could say supremacist, but this is all perfectly acceptable behaviour, especially as Kohn is one of the persecuted Juden, who no doubt lost his family in the holocaust.

    We have now switched into Jew mode, that is, the truth is, what you perceive the truth to be.

    We are living in a state of severe mental illness, within many people, watching the emperor, strut down the street, bollox naked and screaming how wonderful his clothes are. It’s got to the point that through their constant conditioning they actually are seeing clothes on him.

    If people don’t snap out of this absurd situation we all live in, then they can kiss any freedom goodbye and have subjected their future generations into a living hell, creating a new dark age that will last for, well, forever.

    And a STARK warning to Jews reading this.

    You have an obligation to fight against what your tribe are doing, for if you don’t, you will not be spared the wrath of the European people if they do wake up.

    Your suffering will be legendary and all the lies, your peoples have told, of holocausts, persecution, victimisation will become a reality in your daily lives, that is those who survive the ‘quick’ genocide that will most certainly take place, as medieval torture deaths are imposed upon the majority of your people.

    Your silence and unwillingness to STOP THE BLATANTLY OBVIOUS WHITE GENOCIDE, attacking those Jews responsible is making you complicit.

    For the love of God, Jews, stop this madness, or else face the wrath that will inevitably come. You are a tiny minority within the whole European people. And don’t think that it will just be the Europeans who will come for you. Hell no.

    The blacks, the middle easterners, the Asians, those of the Indian sub continent all know what you’re up to. You never, ever, ever learn. You keep repeating the same mistakes, day in, day out and wonder why it is the world wants to see your people gone from this world. “But I don’t know what’s going on. I’m just a simple Jew……” well wake the f*ck up! Your people, your religion, your Jewish elites are the problem. It’s time you SERIOUSLY sorted out your house!"



    One could just as easily add:

    The middle easterners, the Asians, and all the other people who were bombed to hell, know what you have done. You never, ever, ever learn. You keep repeating the same mistakes, day in, day out and wonder why it is the world wants to see your army of bullies gone from this world. Well wake the fuck up! Your people, your materialistic religion, your judeo-christian "elites" are the problem. It’s time you Americans SERIOUSLY cleaned your house!"

  12. @Voltman - There are no sovereign countries left.They are all controlled by the United Nations as U.N. member states, two countries are not members of the U.N.: Palestine and the Holy See (Vatican City) All talk of sorting our houses has come and gone. As sad as it is.

  13. Interviewee, Jana Ben Nun, was interesting. However, I think the zewz are targeting more than just "Christianity"...LOL

    A large part of what gets labeled "Christianity" deserves to be targeted anyway. LOL

    "The Christians are willing to compromise because they have wolves for teachers." - Jana Ben Nun LOL

    That is an insult to real wolves...LOL

    Anyway, some good and some bad, as usual. LOL

  14. Jana Ben Nun:

    "The jewish snake messiah is going to come through technology." LOL

    Artificial Intelligence and 5G...

    Sounds like the Pentagon Dragon to me. LOL

    Pentagon Dragon – A Bedtime Story LOL
    By Pentagoon Doggle LOL

    Happy boredom! LOL

  15. Chainsaw:
    "There are no sovereign countries left. They are all controlled by the United Nations as U.N. member states, two countries are not members of the U.N.: Palestine and the Holy See (Vatican City) All talk of sorting our houses has come and gone. As sad as it is. "

    I agree!

    I'll get back to you later on the subject of nation states.
    Gotta go...

  16. Would love to hear Kevin Barrett who's enchanted by the intricacies of judeaism,

    and who's writing a book on the Talmud [lmao, can't wait to see that],

    and who's drumming up an ecumenical union of the best of Islam, Judaism and Christianity...

    would love to hear him interview Christians the likes of the Ben-Huns...

    and the brilliant rabbi Yom Tov: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqHRcAVHoM0&t=1018s

  17. The best quote I ever heard about religion which I’m sure many of you know .....”Religion is like an arsehole......it’s personal and should be kept that way.” Maybe God appears and saves the righteous.Maybe he dosen’t.Maybe God got bored alone and invented good and evil to fight and entertain himself.Maybe God is an alien and maybe he isn’t real at all.Apparently whatever the case he helps those who help themselves so probably best to stop in fighting over the existence/non existence of all powerful entities and focus on trivia like our growing enslavement and it seems fairly imminent departure from the planet in mildly less than ideal circumstances.If God turns up to assist then great and if he dosen’t and you get to meet him post departure you won’t look a twat when he asks why you died and your reply is “I sat there on the internet with my thumb up my arse waiting for you to come and save me.”

  18. Gov! Delcroix told me you were dead after turning up to drive at a NASCAR meeting with 2 bottles of WIld turkey in you and crashing on bend one.....the lying Irish feck lol.

  19. Chainsaw wrote:
    "There are no sovereign countries left. They are all controlled by the United Nations as U.N. member states, two countries are not members of the U.N.: Palestine and the Holy See (Vatican City) All talk of sorting our houses has come and gone. As sad as it is. "

    There are distinct groups of people, such as the Americans who have been thinking, believing and acting as if they DO belong to sovereign countries.

    About the power of the UN:

    The UN said that the Iraq war in 2003 waged by the US was a crime of aggression, the worst of war crimes. Did NATO, as the future enforcer of the UN, step up to the plate and bomb Washington or Tel Aviv or the Citi of London, or at least arrest all those who planned and carried out this crime against humanity?

    The UN passed over 65 resolutions condemning israhel for all sorts of inhumanities and trangressions over the last 6 or 7 decades. Was there an enforcer around to put these assholes back in their shithole?

    Nope! Where was the power of the UN?

    The Americans and, to a lesser extent, "Western" "nations", got their superpower heads swollen by all the *self-congratulatory* memes like "manifest destiny", superior technology, American know-how, American ingenuity, American leadership in the world, American this, American that, a beacon of light, the last bastion of freedom, God bless America, America the beautiful, Hollywood celebrities, movies, propaganda, endless dumbass commercials and on and on and on and on..ad nauseum.

    The North Moronicans were told that they weren't as bad as the loud-mouth American barbarians: Canadians were "peacekeepers"... Sure...

    The Canadian doofusses didn't protest much when all 3 parties in the House of Morons voted to bomb Libya to Hell. Maybe because the UN said it was OK to bomb Libya; all the liars on TV had to do, to appease potential criticism, was call it: "imposing a "no-fly" zone", and the teletubbies never even bothered to ask how Libya was doing after they were liberated from their "brutal dictator who kills his own people"...

    At least on the surface, the UN was powerless...

    My point is this: US Inc. AND the vast majority of Americans, saw themselves as a superpower with the right to attack anybody it wants whenever it wants. It always had enough "money" (cashisch) to continuously increase "defense" spending, in large part, thanks to their dearest "friends" the zewz...

    The Americans benefited immensely from their military power and ability to plunder a large part of the world. They benefited from having the U$ dollar as the international reserve currency. Etc...

    They were easily lulled by the manipulating zewz into a Disneyland cartoon fake reality by appealing to their pride. When you combine that with the religious belief that Christianity is the greatest of all religions, you get a bunch of morally debased, arrogant, selfish and unfair supremacists. They may not be quite as bad as the zewz, yet, but the "judeo-christians" are working on it.

    I have come across definitions of evil that include the word "ignorance".

    I could go on and on but I would then risk seeing my comment dumped into trash bin of verbose boredom. It would also take away precious bandwidth that could otherwise be taken up by much more edifying comments...{{{smiles}}}
    I mean LOL.



  20. Verboten Verbose Prose

    The fact that the Chinese were present in North, Central and South America before the arrival of Christophe Colomb...should come as no surprise. (Christ De Colon)

    The Chinese had figured out that it was more profitable, not to mention saner and more civilized, to make commerce with the locals, rather than shoot 90% of the natives while they raped and plundered their way to "Manifest Destiny".

    I don`t think the UN was around back then...Do I need to insert an LOL?

    The remaining 10 % were put on reservations, concentration camps, death camps, work camps, "residential schools", swimming pools, movie stars... Eventually, the remaining ones got TV's with The Beverly Hill Billies.

    Some slaves were "re-educated" by nice jewsuit "priests", judas priests, and assorted bringers of the "Word of God", so everyone would come to know that God is a semite...Do I need to insert an LOL here?

    Some natives, I heard it said, were shipped to the King of Fuckingham Falace so he and the Queen of Farts, along with the Royal Pompedos and their zewish financiers in the House of Rot Child in The Citi. (within the city of London), could fiddle and diddle about the moments that make up a dull day. You know they fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way.

    Meanwhile, back in Montana, the settlers were hustling and bustling and blowing them there savages to Kingdom Come while most of these pious pioneers went to Church on Sunday and got some cheap forgiveness and salvation to boot. It was also very good for business to show up in church and virtue signal the good ole fashion way.

    The murder of these Palest-Indians could only have been done by faithful believers in the Word of God since their God is the dreaded and feared genocidal maniac in sheep's clothing called YahWho...

    Like his modern day counterfart, Bibitte Sathan YahWho, The faithful believers in religious and political fairy tales declared themselves holier than them savages, and hence gave themselves permission eradicate them in the name of freedom, the Son and The Holy Ghost, and to sing the praises of America the Home of The Brave and The Land of The Free.

    And The Faithful Believers in Americanism, went to war, after war, after war...ever since and now that they're a debtor *NATION* of astronomical proportions, they believe it is quite acceptable to threaten Iran, Russia, China, etc... and the whole world with Full Spectrum Dominance, Ignorance and Stupidity... fill in the paragraph yourself.

    Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town,
    Waiting for someone or something to show you the way.

    And then one day you find ten years have got behind you,
    No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.

    So you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking.
    Racing around to come up behind you again.
    The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older.
    Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.

    Every year is getting shorter never seem to find the time.
    Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines.
    Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way.
    The time is gone, the song is over,
    Thought I'd something more to say...

    - Mason, Waters, Wright, Gilmour and Voltman


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