February 15, 2020

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2020.02.15

Powers & Principalities Episode 138

The Bombing of Dresden

Timothy's Podcasts



  1. Yes...Millions of innocent civilians, woman and children were cruelly murdered in Germany, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen by American and British "Christian" bomber pilots.....
    And these greasy joows, that are in control of the western governments behind the curtains, are ROFL, laughing their asses off....
    For instance,the US secretary of State, Mrs. Albright, a &%$#@ Joowess, was asked : Was it worth that 500 000 Iraqi children were killed during the Iraqi war? ooh yes, she answered, it was worth it !!

  2. Hellstorm-When Satan and His Devils Came Down to Earth and It was Better to be Dead than Alive

    Kyle Hunt talks with author and historian Thomas Goodrich about the Hellstorm documentary. Topics include: the massive response from the public so far, the biggest areas of historical contention, the hardest scenes to watch, why people should buy the book, etc...

    The Solar Storm with Kyle Hunt 2015.05.10

    Thomas Goodrich on Hellstorm and Summer, 1945


    The Condescendence of the Liberal Wombat Thiefdom heads for the shityards of rusted old warships as the US Navy retires the Fiefdom class of Liberal Wombat Ships. The USS Fiefdom and the USS Condescendence will be replaced with the USS King Vyrus NCoV, the first ship commissioned in honor of the BLOTUS of israHel, the one and only King Vyrus the First.


  3. A sincere REQUEST to Tim and co.:

    (Many good Folks Have CONSCIOUSLY-TRAINED Themselves to NOT-Swear in-order to MAKE for BETTER "Radio" and Wider / Better COMMUNICATION !!!)

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE: Earnestly TRAIN-Yourselves to TOTALLY-STOP: The "Nervous"-"Laughter" !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    -- It would be LIKE ME "Chuckling" at Someone-in-YOUR-OWN-Family's: Unfortunate-Woes !!! -- It really IS sooo "inappropriate"!

    "Nervously"-"Chuckling" while Describing the DIRE-Genocide: Of the VERY BEST of Our WHITE-Race ... in Dresden ...

    "Comes Across" as "Simply"-INSANE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LEARN to: "Control-Restrain-Yourselves" and Refrain: from such an "Unbecoming":
    "Nervous" "Tick" / "Affectation", or WHATEVER !!! ---- PLEASE STOP it !!!

    (Also, please "work-on" the "Mumbling"-Reading-Style !!! ;-)

    -- Your Program Covers some IMPORTANT Subjects! ... So, IF you CHOOSE: You can TAKE-This: As "Constructive"-(certainly-sincere!)-"Feed-Back"! ;-)

    🌝 πŸŒš πŸŒž

  4. Into the inferno

    By wmw_admin on February 14, 2020
    Families boiled alive as they hid in water tanks and fleeing survivors trapped in molten tarmac… 75 years on, the most horrifically vivid account you’ll ever read of the Allied bombing of Dresden – by a British PoW who saw it all


  5. Excellent!

    What is truly Scandanavian?


  6. Agree with the nervous laughter comment above. And that goes for all subjects Tim might cover. Also he needs to control his microphone volume as he blasts in at super loud levels at times. Maybe needs a better microphone. I listen to these kind of things as I go to sleep as well and don't need to be woken up by screaming.

    Also, just have to say, Joe Atwill is pretty irritating. He pontificates on any subject, any time, as expert and he clearly is not.

  7. "Hitler was a Freemason plant to depopulate Europe"
    This asshat doubled down from last week. I suppose the 1933-1938 period of economic growth, societal renewal, and his thoughts on Freemasonry were just a ploy:
    The Nazis claimed that high-degree Masons were willing members of the Jewish conspiracy and that Freemasonry was one of the causes of Germany's defeat in World War I.[14] In Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler wrote that Freemasonry has succumbed to the Jews and has become an excellent instrument to fight for their aims and to use their strings to pull the upper strata of society into their designs. He continued, "The general pacifistic paralysis of the national instinct of self-preservation begun by Freemasonry" is then transmitted to the masses of society by the press.[15] In 1933 Hermann GΓΆring, the Reichstag President and one of the key figures in the process of Gleichschaltung ("synchronization"), stated "in National Socialist Germany, there is no place for Freemasonry".[16]

    While I disagree with Dr. Fetzer on several issues I highly respect him and others who allow callers to challenge their positions. Lecture podcast such as this and Barrett's do not allow such and IMO point to an agenda, or at least aloffness and insecurity.

  8. GPz1100 - excellent points.
    Barrett seems to always be pushing Islam and telling his listeners that it's just like Christianity.
    Yes, Fetzer allows anyone to call into his show and speak their mind. Highly commendable.

    1. From time to time Barrett demonstrates a major issue with Islamic converts (and adherents to any Abrahamic faith imo), a trading away of ethnic identity and the application blof reality binders. His denials of the rape and assault epidemic sweeping European communities as a consequence of forced migration is clearly an observation colored by his religion.

  9. Thanks for the amplification Innocent Smith

    You: "Hit it Out of the Park!" :-)

    Alan is the "Butt-Hole" on the English-side pushing: "Hitler was an (MI6?) "Agent"! ..." and
    At-will is the "Dick" Pushing: this Stinking-CRAP from the Yank-side ...

    They "cleverly" Combine:
    • English and American "Reluctance" to TRUTHFULLY-ACKNOWLEDGE: That "Uncle-Joe's" Side: was Emphatically-NOT: the "Good-Guy" Side.
    ("Strategic Bombing" -- Was, in-TRUTH: The MASSIVE MURDER: of Beautiful White Women, Children, Old-Folks, Invalids, and the DESTRUCTION: Of Remaining-from-Our-PAST: Precious-Irreplaceable-Monumental-Architecture and Art-Treasures
    • Lifetimes of non-Stop-(((Propaganda)))
    • Astounding "Ignorance" of even the most BASIC of FACTS and even Statistics of "WWII". (AND, of course "WWI" which "set-it-Up")
    • Total-"Burying" of the THOUSANDS of TRUE-Patriots' Tremendous-EFFORTS: To STOP: Their England, and USA from "CREATING" a ("First" and) "Second" "World-War"!
    • A Totally-DISHONEST-Bluff: of EXTREMELY-"Confident" Absolute-STATING of these "Secret-'Truths'": which "Only"-THEY, in Their "Brainiac"-"Cleverness": Have "SEEN" so "Clearly"-and-"IRREFUTABLY".
    (And which, anyone who DOESN'T "SEE" what THEY "See": is only "revealing-their-own-Pea-Brain-Ignorance". -- and should NOT even have-a-Voice!)

    • And on top of All that: Most-Everyones' Simple INABILITY: to "Hold"-("RAM"-Like) within-Their-MEMORY: The HUGE-amount of Information (rather than the FLOOD of DIS-information) WITH which to "Draw-Their-OWN" Overwhelming-Conclusions: That There ARE Indeed: MANY MANY MANY Good-Folks who Not-Only: So Obviously LOVE: Their OWN-Families (and Fellow compatriots) and TRULY Desire: A GOOD-Future for Their Descendants! -- But who DO indeed NOT "Have-their-Price" and are indeed LITERALLY Prepared to: "Put-EVERYTHING-on-the-LINE": to DEFEND Their-Beloved-People: STARTING with the TRUTH of the WORLD, and EVENTS, and those (((who))) are-NOT of-US - and Have Long-ago: (((SWORN-to-DESTROY)))-US!!!

    Of Whom: Adolf Hitler (Rudolf Hess etc.) and the German-Folk, in Their "Foolish" Gentlemanly-Treatment: of Race-Brother Geneva-Convention-Signers, were indeed PREPARED to DO ANYTHING: Which Could ENABLE PEACE: Between Our WHITE-BROTHER Nations !!!

    🌝 🌚 🌞

  10. "Germany's unforgivable crime before the second World War, was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the Word's Trading System and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny World Finance its opportunity to profit."....Winston Churchill

    What is this all-powerful "World Trading System" Mr. Churchill, Britain's Prime Minister, speaks of and served ?
    It's the system we live under today.The one that controls our currency, our "Government" and our destiny.

    The National-Socialist German Workers Party told the "World Trading System": Get your asses OUT OF GERMANY, FAST !!
    The rest is history with tens of MILLIONS of innocent victims
    The headlines of English and American, joow controlled, News Papers :
    Daily Express
    Friday, March 24, 1933 (!!)
    Jews Of All The World Unite In Action

  11. A greasy &%$#@ US Joow by the name of Theodore Kaufman, in 1940- before the US entered the war- wrote a book which was highly praised in the American media, especially the New York Times, Title : 'Germany MUST perish'....

  12. John you Also REALLY "Nailed it" !!! :-)

    There is a YT channel "Brutus the Insane" -- would went Totally-Batshit ...

    I will POST What you Wrote on His Latest-Video!

    🌝 🌚 🌞


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