February 29, 2020

TeaTime #4 - Son of the Allfather, Dennis Fetcho, Michael & Samantha Thu...


  1. We learned today from this Michael genius that Fetch is a kike! Oh nose! Let's just say that this part might be worth a listen! "Fetch" did not allow the asshole to get away with it...and what an idiot/

    Sieg Heil!

    I left after two hours.

    1. He said you were using pilpul then claims it was you who was going spastic. He could have offered w rebuttal without being a loud mouth idiot. It is people like this who wave the NSDAP banner then come across as total moronic jackasses that the ADL and SPLC love because they discredit themselves and their politics.

  2. This goes for ALL nations : IDENTIFY the enemy within !!
    Henry Ford wrote a book in 1920, 2 years after WW I ended, a book which should be mandatory reading at ALL schools and universities, WORDWIDE !!
    Mr.Ford exposed the machinations of a Clique of people, a tiny minority, just 0,2% of the world's population !!
    " The International Jew "

  3. 'Michael' is absolute correct at about 2 hours:02 minutes..."nationalize.."!
    Take the wealth of the nation out of the hands of a foreign &%$#@ clique of parasites !!
    THAT would be first steps in the right direction!
    Great comments.

  4. Michael Is funny to listen to as he promotes nationalization. A few things could be nationalized successfully. I'm only 2 hours in and he advocates a strong centralized national government that oversees currency and natural resources. We need a few caveats here. Like limiting the size of the Gov through law. If the currency is nationalized its must be non interest bearing and anyone who is caught messing with is executed, end of story no exceptions.There must be a long list of checks and balances to insure no man or men can or will be tempted to mess with the currency. Secondly, how about a a citizen dividend based on the amount of exported natural resources? How about eradication of corporations on the private side of business and bust down enterprise into proprietorship's and partnerships? Limited liability is a psychopathic form business structure. Personal responsibility and integrity of the owner should be expected. Having mega corporations does nothing for a nation.The nations should not be able to operate as corporations either.

    All that said its futile at this point. I sounds like Michael is full of shit to me. Moreover this subject he raises is outside the scope of a nation being aware that its being subverted culturally and racially buy the banking elite. To think for one minute that a Nation is going to be able to reverse this now is completely irreconcilable and extremely improbable, unfortunately. Sorry to be so cynical. There is also the whole occult side of commerce too, that strips us of our so called constitutional rights and ownership rights that we have talked about at Mami's on many occasions. Most of us on this planet have no property rights at all. So we have our work cut out for us ladies and gentlemen.

  5. What 'SonoftheAllfather' and 'Michael' expressing here is too 'complicated' for some of these IDIOTS among the jabbering talking heads, that are asking for donations..."give me some of your shekels..."

  6. Nothing short of walking away from our nations and starting a new ones with the multitudes/fellowmen in complete consensus that they do not recognize the United Nations or our national currencies and associated debt that guys like the Rothschild and his ilk control. What are the chances? I can't get consensus on these concepts at family gatherings. In fact this discussions is no longer entertained within my family because "we don't want to go down that road anymore"and "Lets just keep it light"

  7. What the f..ck is the giggling female doing in this conversation ?
    " I don't really know, ha ha …"

  8. Paraphrasing "An entire generation would have to be raised in absolute austerity as the economy is destroyed and revamped"
    The NSDAP's triumph and what brought such loyalty and envy to it was a near immediate reversal of economic malaise.

    Just thinking out loud.

  9. Far as military service as a path towards growth and experiencing camaraderie etc that is the path I took . I suggest shooting for the more elite combat arms units as the line and infantry on down to support are a multicultural morass full of slackers and asshole NCOs. On the bad side you're a mercenary for ZOG in the current era and you may be permanently disfigured physically and mentally for Israel, if not dead.

  10. The reality was that Michael,over all, is full of shit and was about to mount an ambush without even having listened first to the macro-economics of labor. All this "whitey whitey whitey" line of reasoning without truly grasping how international labor markets work is just plain idiotic.

    Over 20,000 Chinese laborers were used to build the trans-continental railway. This came about because ads for labor resulted in less than a couple 100 takers for the task.

    The issue had nothing to do with "sensitivity" and much more to do with not allowing an idiot to be an idiot at my personal expense. If some out there had a problem with the way it was handled - fine -

    The truth of the matter is that the realities of idealism, more often than not, die on the pavement of reality, so it is much better to be pragmatic and hear things out before you try to peddle an idealism that is currently dead on arrival.

    As someone said above, the SPLC and ADL love morons like this because they are such easy targets. More to the point: people should really vet this guy out. For an asshole to call me a Rabbi and says I act just like one ignores the fact that he is head of some know-nothing "organization" - and it is Jews who always present themselves as the heads of an organization.

    That pretty much makes this guy presenting himself as a Jews would present themselves.

    Jews NEVER present themselves as "themselves" - they are always represented under some nondescript flag.

    What is this guys "organization"? The NBSLC (National Bullshit League of Canada"?

    How many members? Where is the "party filed"? How are funds raised to pay for "party expenses"? What are the finances? What affiliations does this "party" have?

    I trust NOBODY who presents themselves as this guy did and frankly, such people where I come from are a complete waste of time. Whatever little info he gave we knew about 20 years ago.

  11. Chainsawmillerman said..."discussions like these are no longer entertained within my family because 'we don't want to go down that road anymore' and 'let's just keep it light.'

    This is the problem within countless families including mine! Nobody wants 'to go there!' And yet at some point somebody will start complaining about some economic, social, or cultural issue that is directly related to 'going there' but they do not want to see the connection(s) and choose to respond ad hominem or simply walk away. Nothing frustrates me more!

    The social network I've built up at work is no different as well! I've worked within the tennis community in Utah for years and have tried sparking conversations with countless doctors, police, attorney's, judges, etc. and the same applies across the whole social spectrum. The majority of people don't realize that THEY ARE A BIG PART OF THE PROBLEM! Most are simply timorous cowards and just want to remain insulated behind some firewall that keeps them safe.

    I find myself being so blackpilled now that even I don't want to waste the time and energy that is required in 'going there' and so I just find comfort now with me and my books late into the night as the nihilistic clock keeps on tickin'! Sisyphus didn't even have it this bad!

  12. @Captain Ahab. That is why I get a kick out of the "red pilled people" who refuse to talk about even more fringe topics within "the truth movement"."It's embarrassing to the movement and makes us look like fools"they say. WE DON'T HAVE A MOVEMENT! We have certain personality types that are more apt to investigate with an open mind. They can also admit that their whole paradigm was falsely/artificially created by "the matrix controllers" if you will. They can admit it even though their corporate position is in conflict with their new or not so new reality about the world. Living this way is yet another dilemma that cheapens you and sooner or later you either rationalize your position or find work that is not so lock step with the control grid.However this is a personal struggle, finding consensus about these topics is impossible and the PTB know it. Pointing to and naming the Jew at every turn is every bit as alienating to the normie segment as the swastika and a skin head. The jews want people to name the Jew, don't kid yourself. In fact they need that segment to keep their victim narrative alive.

  13. Just be clear I'm not saying we shouldn't but at the same time we are being used and the awareness growth seems slow to me. For me it was Dean Irebodd with his series of videos from around 2004 that really woke me up.

  14. there is an error in that link try https://archive.org/search.php?query=Dean%20Irebodd
    to reach Dean Irebodd's videos

  15. Michael is not very smart imo. BTW he is the one that sounds like a Jew. Over and out.

  16. And not only a regular jew. A New Jersey jew. lol

  17. Talk about a man who gets triggered by mosquitoes.

  18. No doubt, eh Zap? Truth is, if I was allowed to be left alone with that guy by myself, we would have had another Bob Tuskin show. He is so full of shit and can't think beyond what are essentially sloganeering talking points.

    Anyways. Truth be told, he is a nobody. I was just unlucky to be wrapped into doing a show with the guy.

  19. Here are my final views on this show - for the record -

    This guy has no website, no YT presence, no traceable info to his "party" - nothing. He has ONE article - referenced by ONE site and then some hard to find support from ONE site, the Daily Stormer (Jewish run troll hell hole). He is the Internet equivalent of a homeless guy ranting on the street corner. Then he invited into our homes and platforms for what, so he can abuse and bully and insult us in front of OUR guests whom we invited? Who the fuck is this guy? He has no class, no manners, and obviously doesn't get that you don't go into another man's house and then abuse the hosts in their own homes before the hosts guests. This fuckwad literally has NOTHING and clearly knows nothing about the norms of Western culture, tact, and manners. He is a primitive animal literally dragged in off the street. WTF?


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