February 20, 2020

The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show 1194 - 2020.02.20

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (born ca. 1973) is the author of the widely imitated and hugely influential modern historical work, "The Synagogue of Satan", which has been translated into numerous languages and featured on bestseller lists worldwide. His second book is entitled "In The Name of Yahweh". "The Synagogue Of Satan," was an education in who controls the world and how they do it, "In The Name Of Yahweh," shows us why they are in control, and how their control can be broken.

Dr. Peter Hammond – Remembering The Late Great General Ben Partin

Info Page

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.com
The Synagogue Of Satan.com



  1. Yes, a great man this General, he invented the most efficient mass killing machinery, starting in the '19hundredfiveties'.
    Pray the Lord !!

  2. Yes, thanks to the Generals inventions - who was a true Christian - NO innocent civilians, women and children were killed, murdered, in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen.....

  3. So general waist his life to design useless weapons for the US Army a United Satan Army and United States of Antichrist with his capitol city Tel Aviv.

  4. Very Interesting Show !!!

    I Listened to the Second-Half TWICE!

    Andrew Asked some important-questions!

    On a side-note: "I Confess to having Murdered-Abraham-Lincoln"* !!! ;-)
    -- Case-CLOSED ... NOTHING to SEE Here Folks ... move Along!

    🌝 🌚 🌞

    * Just Like: An Alibi that you were Somewhere-Else: PROVES that you were NOT the one Doing-Something ...
    -- So Too: "Confessing" to a CRIME that it was IMPOSSIBLE for YOU to Have-DONE ... Does-NOT: "Solve"/Close/"Settle" that CRIME!

  5. Yes! I too was a bit "Triggered" by the "Christian"-stuff etc...

    But SOME of our-"Aversion" to "Christianity" is FROM: ((("Frankfurt-School"))) NON-STOP-"Criticising":
    EVERYTHING about Our (Formerly)-White-Nations !!!

    The Terrible Terrible DESTRUCTION of the WHITE-World (((perpetrated))) upon us By: "WWI" and "WWII" -- TOTALLY-UNNECESSARY: White-BROTHER "Wars" ... is a very very Very DISTURBING to us All Topic !!!

    Hindsight is 20 / 20 -- 2020 ...

    -- Let us NOW: "Remove" these Evil-(((parasites))) -- (((who))) are NOW so-OBVIOUSLY NOT: Of OUR-HEART/Race !!!
    -- Truly ALIEN-(((entities))) "cleverly" "a-lien-ing" EVERYTHING: that Our-ANCESTORS Kindly-BEQUEATHED to-US !!!

    🌝 🌚 🌞

    (((they))) DO really really REALLY HATE "Christianity" ... Because there IS SOMETHING of OUR-Race's: Good-Nature WITHIN it's: "Contradictory" and BRUTAL "Teachings"!

    -- I found myself "agreeing" WITH the HoloHoax-Museum-(((head))) ...
    Yes! the Murder of BLACK-"Christians" by Other BLACKS is of NO Importance to US ...
    -- Except, of course, as a VERY SERIOUS "Warning" / "Instructive"-Observation ...
    -- That "we" SHOULD NOT be "LETTING" ANY of these "creatures" INTO our Nations ...
    -- Nor, indeed, "Kindly" (EXTREMELY-FOOLISHLY!) FEEDING them to FACILITATE their EXPONENTIAL Birth-Rates to thus OVERWHELM us ALL by their SHEAR-NUMBERS !!!!!!!!

  6. If you actually listen to the show like an adult and not a triggered snowflake you'll realize he saw precision guided weapons as a way to avoid the Talmudic devastation brought upon German cities through strategic bombing. One may deduct he respected the German scientist he came into contact with.
    The general had the guts and integrity to State the damage sustained by the Murrah Federal Building was not due to a rental truck loaded with diesel and fertilizer.

  7. Persons working in an office in the vicinity of the Murrah Federal Building reported an intense, hair raising static electricity charge and "swarm of bees" sound immediately preceding the blast wave.

  8. ^^^ Yes, I read of this years ago shortly after it happened.

    1. Interesting read here Scorp


  9. GPx1100- thanks for the link...

    Joe Vialls--now that's a name from the past, kind of remember reading something from him on the boxing day, Asian tsunami--had to look him up, I remember him as being an excellent researcher, but he's no longer with us:
    Looks like he was right about Lockerbie and the Port Arthur shooing

    1. Glad you found it useful. I fell into 9/11 truth around 2005 when the movement had momentum and Google wasn't censoring search results. There was soych hope that if enough of the truth became available justice will prevail. Now many of the groundbreakers of the time are gone and the movement is a shadow of what it once was. A shame.


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