February 04, 2020

The Anti-Semitism Virus


  1. Hey jews: Keep bringing in islamics!

  2. Open Letter to The President of The Handi Defamation League

    Dear Mr. Jonathin Geenblott,

    May I have your attention please?

    I think a final solution has been found to the most important problem of our times: the rising epidemic of vicious, racist, despicable, bigoted, hateful, criminal antisemitism.

    This is earth shattering news!

    Please note that this is not just my opinion: it is the opinion of The Lancet
    Medical Journal, a well respected scientific publication.

    The Lancet Medical Journal says society needs to eliminate jewishness in order to solve antisemitism.

    "Jews continue to mobilize to maintain or extend the exclusive advantages jewishness offers those who can become jewish” – this highly respected group of professionals has published.

    Written by Rhea W Voyd, a “Minority Wealth Fellow” at the prestigious and highly praised Harvard School of Public Wealth, this review is in reference to a 2019 book entitled, Dying of Jewishness, written by Jonathan Pretzl, the thesis of which contends that “jewish policies have mortal consequences – even for the jewish voters they promise to help.”

    A professor of Sociology and Medicine, Health, and Society at Wanderbilt University, Pretzl, a jewish-looking male, makes the argument that jewish people are self-sabotaging themselves by supporting President Donald Trump as well as Hillary Clitory and her policies, which Pretzl believes are centered around “racial, gender and class resentment” and the desire among jews to “maintain their place atop a racial, religious, financial, political, cultural, military, educational, medical and banking hierarchy.”

    “From expensive gun legislation to broad divestment in government programs, Pretzl characterizes jewish liberties that endanger jewish lives (as well as non-jewish lives) or imperil jewish futures as ‘dying of jewishness,’”

    Voyd’s assessment of Pretzl’s viewpoints are published in The Lancet.

    Voyd further suggests that non-jewish people support “policies that benefit everyone while jews only support policies that benefit themselves.”

    So, the solution, Voyd says, is “to eliminate jewishness altogether,” which we assume means that she would like to see the jews take off and not come back.

    “The fact that some people think this way is reassuring enough,” writes Thomas D. Billians, Ph.D., for Breitfart Zews.

    “That The Lancet, which represents serious medical journalism, would decide to publish this recommendation points to a mounting realization in all walks of life of the devastating deterioration caused by jewish institutional domination as reasoned discourse gives way to incoherent ranting.”

    By wmw_madman on February 4, 2020
    Ethan Tuff – SuperNatural News Feb 3, 2020


  3. Jew is made up word and doesn't belong in the Bible. Ancient Hebrew even doesn't have a "J" , it's always I or Y. In all books of Moses you can't find a word Jew , from Genesis to 2Kings 16:6 there is no word jew. Tham magically arrive first time, but before the word Yudean was always Yudean and suddenly they changed to Jews. This thing is forgery jews(satan), took over publishing houses-printing presses in 16-17 centuries and start changing the manipulation of words in Bible. Specially the King James from start was a big mistranslation by the translators, whoever they were.The deception go deeper to Judean King Jan Hyrcanus who forcibly converted (in 125BC) some Edomite tribe and even his son. Some Edomites became Judean by circumcision and that's is all wrong, because Hyrcanus didn't have the authority by Yudean law to convert NON RACIAL aliens to the Yudean religion. So the tiny Edomites in 125 years took over the priesthood and Jerusalem and install their first non Judean king Herod who was a Edomite. They burn the books of Genealogy, because the Edomite name of Herod was not there and they bribe Julius Caesar with huge amount of silver to install their first satanic king Herod.
    The European CAUCASIAN are real 12 tribe of ISRAEL not the jews. In 725 BC ALL the eleven north tribes and part tribe of Yudah was taken to captivity by Assyrians and the captivity was between Caspian and Black seas, from there the tribes escape thru Caucasian mountains to today Russia and Europe. That's why we are call CAUCASIAN.
    And GOD tell to Isaac; Your descendants will be called by your name SAXON- SAC SONS-Isaac sons. Even the Slavs call them self SACAE-SAKAE.
    When so call Pharisees - jews took over Jerusalem, burn all Genealogy books and remove the YHWH Israelite name of God from a Bible. That's why is there so much confusion today in so many different version of the Bible mostly edited be SATANIC jews to deceive Christian today. Edomite were MIX race swines with Hittite - Canaanites who enter the Yudean Kingdom in Jerusalem and destroyed, just like today all of White European cities were take over and controlled by jew satan and our people still don't understand who they are. Jew today are MIX race swine and today even with the Turko-Mongol-Khazars who were converted in 740 AD and became a jews-sic.
    JEWS are not fro SHEM-SEM and they are not Semites. We the WHITE European are the PUR non mix Adamites what's left today and that's why jews want to destroy us with non white satanic races who they call refugees and that's BS.
    The wrath of Jacob coming and (((satan)) will be wiped out from face of the Earth. The real Holocaust coming and there will be heaven on Earth as Christ Yahshua promise us !!!! Christ was call in ancient Hebrew YAHSHUA and means YAHWEH SAVE, Greek is Jesus Christ, same meaning.
    And the truth will set you FREE !!

  4. If you read the Bible carefully you will find it clearly states two different meanings of 'jew' one is outwardly, physical or exoteric and the other inner or spiritual or esoteric as in St Paul's saying 'one is a jew inwardly'. The inward 'jew' is connected to the tribe of Judah in that they 'camped' facing the rising Sun to the East, they were known as children of Light ( God is Light ), work out the esoteric, spiritual meaning. Jesus likewise tells the Samartian woman that 'we jews know whom we worship' - He was speaking of course of the 'inner jew', those that are in the Light ( can be of any race etc ). Not according to the flesh.

    'Christ' is also an inner spiritual meaning as in St Paul's saying ' Christ be formed in you' and 'Christ in you your hope and glory'.

    I also find the word 'Maritime' interesting. The meaning of the names of the Bible tell you what they symbolise and Mari or Mary symbolises the Moon and means 'bitter water' - she represents Matter and in our case the Body which is made up mainly of 'Salt Water'. Time is Cronus who is Saturn and Saturn is the outer most planet as seen by the naked eye. Saturn of course is Saturday and a day of worship for Jews along with the Moon or Lunar Calender. The two together, in my opinion, represent outer form without essence or substance and most things today of this world reflect that. Saturn is also associated with agriculture because of its representation of Time or seasons, any wonder why the push for veganism/vegetarianism ? I can't prove this but I find Maritime an interesting word as we live under Maritime Law.

  5. "Specially the King James from start was a big mistranslation by the translators, whoever they were."

    In plain terms, They were from the College of Rabbis....doing what they do best....fooling the "goy."

    Does that surprise you?

    Then, along came Martin Luther to translate the Talmud.

  6. These "jews" are as stupid and INSULTING as they can be. The "jewish" girl being interviewed by Bill Maher said that "anti-semitism always shows up whenever a society is dead or dieing". Duh, I wonder why? Could it be that pro-semitism wrecked that society? Research the Weimar Republic. The jews destroyed the Weimar Republic and ruined the lives of millions of Germans in the process ... qnd they're doing the same thing to the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America today!

    Later in the video there was some stupid jew who was in charge of some stupid jewish organization saying that to destroy anti-semitism MORE LAWS need to be enacted. More laws means loss of freedom for the rest of us! More laws means mere criticism of a jew is grounds for your arrest and imprisonment. See what I mean by STUPID jew? He wants a dictatorship only he calls it MORE LAWS!!!! How stupid can the son-of-a-jew get???

    Check out this book: https://www.amazon.com/Jewish-Run-Concentration-Camps-Soviet-Union/dp/1291002758 Over 1,000,000 people (white Russians and Christians mainly) died horrible deaths under the extremely cruel jewish commandants (12 of the 13 gulags were run by jews).

    Am I an anti-semite? No ... I don't believe there's a trace of semitic DNA in these so-called jews. I AM ANTI-JEW!!! They have no place on our planet!!!

    Jerry Bolduc

  7. WATCH: the "twitchy"-jew ("Kon-torovich") on the Right, when the 4-jews with the Shaved-Bald-jew Talking in the Senate/Congress ... ("just" LIKE zuckerberg!) (((they))) are NOT even "Human" !!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

    🌝 🌚 🌞


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