February 10, 2020

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2020.02.09

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: A brilliant bunch of revisionists that can't seem to understand how to buy a microphone. If scorpio can do it, you can too!!! lol

"The six million dollar man. Amazing, amazing!!!" LOL

Callers: James Tiberius Kirk and Chicago Brew (And his dog).

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  1. Was a good show until Fetzer cuts loose with the hologram airplanes retardation Imagine being a first time listener and hearing that, it destroys the credibility of everything else said.

  2. A whole lot of this show destroyed its credibility.

    1. I have developed a conspiracy theory. It involves a professional disinfo artist and a million dollar lawsuit judgement.

  3. I want to have a talk and perhaps do a show with Brew's dog, if that can be arranged?

  4. Replies
    1. I heard Brew's dog has the bloodline of the "Junk yard dog" mentioned in the song about Leroy Brown?

  5. LOL @ James Tiberius Kirk - good Star Trek Trivia

  6. Fetzer's hologram theory is "retardation"? How about aluminum planes slicing thru thick steel girders like a knife thru butter ... and even leaving a perfect outline of the wings and fuselage in the building. And even the 10 ton engines simply disappeared. That's "retardation"!!!

    And to top it off, 11 years later, they "found" part of the landing gear from one of the planes wedged between two buildings with the distance between the buildings of 18" ... and the landing gear had a width of 17" ... perfect shot, no? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-newyork-landinggear/part-of-9-11-plane-landing-gear-found-in-lower-manhattan-idUSBRE93P19O20130426 The landing gear even had a rope lodged in it from the pulley that lowered it into place. Now THAT'S RETARDATION! Fetzer's not stupid and he's damn sure not retarded!! Possible holograms is more sensible than the bs from Bush/Cheney.

    1. Your arguement is founded on the assumption I believe actual airliners struck the towers. No for all the reasons you mention. The hologram planes theory is just as farfetched as Judy Wood's directed energy weapons and they are very similar
      1. forwarded by PhDs troopers
      2. lacking in fundamental explanations
      3. so bizzare as to hang the nutcase albatross on the neck of questioning 9/11

      What we see is computer generated graphics overlaid upon a drone, missile, something.

  7. As far as the "microphone" complaints from the peanut gallery goes, didn't Leuchter mention that he was "put thru hell" after his testimony in the Zundel trial? Or did you miss that part? Do ya think the others may have sacrificed a lot too? JFC!!!

  8. The peanut gallery is aware jerry.

  9. LOL ... settle down Zap. You know how I get carried away. There was a time when I didn't like Jim Fetzer at all ... but after listening to him for several years I had to admit to myself that the guy is a hell of a fighter for human liberty. He's NOT retarded ... that's what got me worked up.

  10. @Jerry-yes, I agree on Fetzer. Though he's not perfect(who is?), he's quite a fighter and tireless truth-teller. The only things I take issue with are that he still believes in the global warming hoax, and the whole hologram theory (though I understand what gets him there). My take is that there probably was video fakery on 9/11.

    1. Arguing about holograms or video manipulation is kind of counter-productive. We probably all can agree that controlled demolitions were what brought the buildings down, killing thousands.

      A little off point: What really bothers me is that Bush/Cheney, etal have never been prosecuted nor have the many dual israeli/American participants. And Trump is making israel great, not the U.S. He could have done a lot by just going after the 9-11 perps not rewarding them. Trump is just as phony as Obama before him.


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