February 21, 2020

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2020.02.21

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: Guest, John who knows that nuclear power is fake etc.

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  1. As this was live, one item not mentioned, were the plethora of missile silos, allegedly containing nuclear war heads, throughout America and elsewhere.

    All BS?

  2. Albert wrote:
    "But Obviously "Nuclear-Bombs" do-NOT Exist!"

    What do you want to call the kind of bombs that ruined The Marshall Islands, the Bikini Atoll and other Lost Paradises?

    The Marshall Islands Are 10 Times More 'Radioactive' Than Chernobyl

    Marshall Islands’ Cancer Rate “Extreme”

    "In 1947 the US made an agreement with the UN to create a strategic trusteeship territory across islands of Micronesia, an area covering three million square miles comprised of two thousand islands. Just five days after obtaining the agreement with the UN, the US Atomic Energy Commission established what it called the Pacific Proving Grounds and shortly thereafter began testing nuclear weapons in the atmosphere and underwater across the region.

    106 tests over a dozen years were conducted, many of them extremely high yield. While the Marshall Islands testing were only 14 percent of all US nuclear tests, they comprised nearly 80 percent of the total nuclear yields detonated by the US.

    Many Marshall Islands residents were exposed to radiation and nuclear fallout, and many of the islands remain contaminated to this day. Through the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act of 1990, money was paid to the Marshal Islanders as compensation for their exposure to the testing, but generations later the problem persists.

    The US Tested Bombs on the Marshall Islands. Now, Victims Are Seeking Justice."

    By Dahr Jamail, Truthout

    marshall islands testing

  3. I already have a guest lined up to respond to my "no nukes" guest. Bear in mind, I found it fascinating, but I do not harbor any serious doubts about nukes. Jim

  4. That's good but you should harbour serious doubts. For instance, what does an explosion have to do with electromagnetic radiation? Radiation can heat things that's obvious and not a problem, but how does a lump of metal BOTH explode and produce massive amounts of radiation without any chemical reaction?? Nuclear power isn't an issue, weapons that cause "an earth shattering kaboom" is.

  5. The following question was not answered:

    What do you want to call the kind of bombs that ruined The Marshall Islands, the Bikini Atoll and other Lost Paradises?

    The Marshall Islands Are 10 Times More 'Radioactive' Than Chernobyl

    The US Tested Bombs on the Marshall Islands. Now, Victims Are Seeking Justice."
    By Dahr Jamail, Truthout
    https://truthout.org/articles/the-us-tested-bombs-on-the-marshall-islands-now-victims-are-seeking-justice/marshall islands testing


  6. "Cancer, lung diseases, and neurological disorders have become a reality for many of those in the northern Marshall Islands, thanks to the nuclear testing and the continued storage of toxic nuclear waste on the island. In 2005, the National Cancer Institute reported that the risk of contracting cancer for those exposed to fallout was greater than one in three. The Marshall Islands are also their own kind of food desert — most food has to be flown in, because fish and crops aren’t safe to eat.

    After decades of cancer, birth defects, and a consequential agreement with the US, the Marshallese people are fully aware of their radioactive history. Annually on March 2nd, the Marshallese participate in Remembrance Day, a time devoted to reflect upon the lives lost from the nuclear fallout. Lamenting their ancestors’ suffering, a Marshallese councilwoman declared, “As a result of being displaced we’ve lost our cultural heritage — our traditional customs and skills, which for thousands of years were passed down from generation to generation.”

    This Concrete Dome Holds A Leaking Toxic Timebomb | Foreign Correspondent


    "The tragedy that has occurred in the Marshall Islands is not an isolated incident. The story is much the same in other parts of the globe. Melting Arctic glaciers in the northern hemisphere have absorbed radioactive detritus from the collective fallouts of the Marshall Islands, Chernobyl, and Fukushima. Similar collections have been recorded in the Tibetan plateau."


  7. "the atoll was covered with a fine, white, powder-like substance,”

    And what pray tell was this substance? Plutonium? Lol.

  8. Cancer, lung disease and neurological disorders. So basically the same thing that exists in the general US population? I agree the Marshall Islanders should be freed from the Empire that uses and abuses them but its not radiation i fear for them

  9. Chernobyl is still radioactive??? Take a gander : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DWnjcSo9J0 The guy is walking around with zero protective clothing and the wildlife and vegetation is healthy and abundant! The buildings are no longer occupied because there arent any jobs to be had. The "nuclear" plant was the primary source of income.

    Would you like a chance to make a bunch of money? http://heiwaco.com/bomb.htm Prove this guy wrong and retire to the location of your choice. I dare ya!! :)

  10. It seems that the LIES from government are never ending: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTEuY3-w0ok Ya gotta ask yourself why???

  11. John had it right imo. We're just massively misinformed and constantly expected to hold contradictory opinions simultaneously. First of all what happens on the Sun doesn't move mass so why should it happen because if you managed to get a small lump of plutonium to decay?

  12. I put out a video explaining how JFK was incapacitated then shot by Jackie. YouTube deleted it because of excessive violence although the exact same footage is available on the platform. Why would they do that?

  13. One more time:
    What do you want to call the kind of bombs that ruined The Marshall Islands, the Bikini Atoll and other Lost Paradises?

  14. Ruined how? You mean how all people are gone and its now controlled by UNESCO?

  15. Pretty sure they don't exist. Man now has the power of God. Very convenient to give the power of God to governments in the bipolar world they needed to set up at that time.


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