February 28, 2020

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2020.02.28

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: Guest, Rebecca Carnes

The Real Deal Archives

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  1. Agreed Albert, she's very articulate and well versed in civic responsibility and requirements etc.

  2. unsure what to think, say, or do, anymore. Essentially, they're tightening the reigns on us chattel - closing the nets, boxing us in.

    Give a thought and ponder -- what, out of anything, have we successfully defended, protected, or accomplished in pushing back the tyrants [cabal - globalists oligarchs- corporations - governments]?

    It appears nothing - even with the appearance of victory, they try again and again, until they wear us down, or find a sneaky way of finding an existing loophole, or creating a new one, through "law making", terms of service, or whichever.

  3. You are correct BREW. Which was Pauls sentiment too. Its like the Epstein thing, everybody knows bare minimum MCC is corrupt. Did anyone even lose their job for the multiple failures of suicide watch procedures?

    And of course Trump says nothing about it. Nothing! Fat man is too busy sucking Israeli cock...

  4. What blows my mind is somehow the feckless raging devo faggots managed to get the whole of society to change and not just accept their bullshit but actually celebrate it!

  5. BTW BREW I note that Assange isn't in the US yet. Its been two weeks ;)

  6. re: Assange - there are extradition hearings, which are controlled by the so-called, deep state, as The Brits are... Those that control England, are no friends to Heritage Americans, or anything good.

  7. Did Fetzer have a show yesterday (Sunday)?

  8. I posted it a few minutes ago.


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