February 15, 2020

What Does The Photographic Evidence Indicate "Really Happened" in Las Ve...


  1. I always liked John Lear but the dude is disinfo unfortunately IMHO.It doesn't help support the claim. That being said my own investigation and discernment led me to believe this "event" is as true as the Christchurch mosque shootings. :) It's Bullshit and "Joe six pack" keeps falling for it. The powers that be only care about keeping "Joe" and his kin folk scared and confused as usual. :)

  2. The video I have up at 153News regarding Vegas shows the fair grounds the day after - while the clean up crew was on site. No bullet strikes or blood were seen. What happened? Nothing. But the guests liked it so much that some of them showed up in Thousand Oaks at a Country / Western Bar for another fake shooting. "Live action video" of that non incident showed absolutely nothing. Public Relations officer was unable to give a press briefing with a straight face. All this nonsense would stop if people stopped assuming that something is real because they saw it on TV. Take evidence like that to court and see how far it gets you. I saw it on TV your Honour! It must be true!

  3. Yes,another completely fake event. IMO the best video on this one was by Debbie Lusignan (aka "sane progressive")--she comes from a medical background, so she's great at calling out the fake injuries and fake medical treatment. Pretty sure TPTB must have threatened her b/c apparently, she was frantically getting people to take down mirrors of her work. All of her videos are now gone (she also did a great one on the fake Parkland event), and the internet has been scrubbed of all of her work. She also did amazing work on exposing the whole "crisis industry" that rose up after the 2012 NDAA (when they repealed or "modernized" Smith Mundt Act, rendering domestic propaganda legal, as if they weren't already doing it-but now on steroids with fakery)

    Fetzer also did great work on this one--he said that the shots were actually from a audio played over the speaker system (I even saw a video from the event with some guy in a cowboy hat telling the person next to him not to worry b/c the shots were coming from the speakers--that video was quickly scrubbed and disappeared). Also, Fetzer worked with Mona Pressley who studied the obits from this event and found that these names were of people who died at earlier dates in other locations.

    This country is such a freaking joke!!

  4. This is a great find - thanks for posting, Og

  5. I liked Debbie Lusignan, Sane Progressive, until I realized that she is a Satanic tranny controlled opposition. Obviously I should have realized it sooner. I mean just take a look.



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